Pacifist Posted April 13, 2005 If I am mistaken then am wrong but you know what I went to the Cair website and I search for Tashnuba news guess what nothing. So if they are involved some how, then how come they don't have anything mentioning about Tashnuba's case. If they were involved it just makes sense that it would be on their website? Guess what no found. I am not saying this can not be possible to what is happening to our sister but the story doesn't add up and if this is really news then why isn't on major islamic site..... I know it is on forums but they are no really trusted news. Marka walaal maybe after all Quote form Xalka Wa Islam "waxaad u hadlaysaa qof wax og camal, laakiin waxba ma ogid and Xalki wa islam May be am I don't know but for me Facts and crediable news speak louder then well you finish it. Again if this is really true I pray Allah Almighty help her and give justice to her. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites