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Fatwah Corner....Shaykh Albanii

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In the Name of Allaah, and may Allaah's peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allaah. This tape, a continuous series of fataawaa (rulings) of Shaykh Naasiruddeen al-Albaanee, was recorded by Abu Laylaa al-Athharee on the 7th of Sha'baan in the year 1413, corresponding to the 31st of January 1993. Shaykh Naasir has addressed a series of questions sent by the youth from the United Arab Emirates; important questions which it is hoped will benefit the ummah.


the Question and Anwers are as followed!

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Question: Oh Noble Shaykh How is Victory attained?




the key to a return of the glory of Islaam is: implementation of beneficial knowledge and establishing righteous and correct actions, and this is a very great affair which the Muslims cannot reach, except through the manhaj (methodology) of tasfiyah (purification and correction) and tarbiyah (education and cultivation). These being two very great obligations. By the first of these, the following is intended:




Purifying the Islaamic ’aqeedah from that which is alien to it, such as shirk (associating partners to in those things that are particular to Him), ta’teel (rejection Attributes), ta’weel (twisting the meanings of Allaah’s Attributes), refusing authentic ahaadeeth, because they are connected to matters of ’aqeedah, and their like.




Purifying the Islaamic fiqh from the erroneous judgements made, which are contrary to the Book and the Sunnah, freeing the minds from the fetters of blind-following and the darkness of sectarianism and party-spirit.





Purifying the books of tafseer, fiqh raqaa’iq (matters concerning the heart) and other than that, from ahaadeeth which are weak and fabricated, or the the unsupported narrations from the people of the Book, and the reprehensible narrations.


As regards the second obligation, then by it I mean: cultivating the young generation upon this Islaam, purified all that we have mentioned, giving to them a correct Islaamic education from the start - without any influence from the disbelieving western education.


There is no doubt, that bringing these two obligations about requires huge efforts and sincere co-operation between all Muslims - individuals and groups - from all those who are truly concerned with establishing the desired Islaamic society, each one working in his own field and specialty.”



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Some who are seeking knowledge are very hasty in giving rulings in matters of Halaal and Haraam, and this is a common noticeable defect What is your advice to such people?




We have spoken on this issue long before, and we said

that Allah the Wise has divided the Muslim community into

two types of people, the Ahl al-Dhikr (Possessor of the

message),.and those who depend on the Ahl al-Dhikir. As

Allah says to the ordinary people: Then ask those who

possess the Message if you do not know. (Anbiyaa 21:7)

The Ahl al-Dhikr, as we all know, are the Ahl-Qur'an and the Ahl al-Hadeeth; those who know the authentic from the inauthentic, the general from the specific, the abrogating from the abrogated, and other such principles of Fiqh and Hadeeth.


Hence, it is not allowed for a Muslim of the 14th century to begin giving fatwaas on the basis of some hadeeth, simply because he came across it in some book, although he does not know if it is saheeh according to the criteria of the people of knowledge of Hadeeth! On the other hand, he knows that he is not sufficiently well- versed in knowledge and competence in the Arabic language

to explain the meanings and ideas behind the Kitab

and; Sunnah. Therefore, anyone who has not decided to undertake acquiring the ilm (knowledge) and persevere in it for many years until the people of 'ilm testify that he can guide the people and direct them towards good, it is not permissible for him to think that he is an 'aalim

simply because he has read some ahadeeth and memorized some aayaat. We often hear of some of them who cannot even read the Qur'an properly, but rather make a mess of it, and similarly with the ahaadeeth of the Prophet (S).

This is why I advise the seekers of knowledge to study two fundamentals:

a)principles of Hadeeth, and

b) principles of Fiqh.


I have mentioned before that it is not easy for one to deduce the intended aim of the Lawgiver from any text unless he consults as far as possible all the texts in the Kitab and the Sunnah; I will give a clear example:


Allaah says, "Forbidden to you are dead meat, blood."

(Maa'idah 5:4) If a beginner who is studying the Qur'an and has no knowledge of Hadeeth is asked regarding fish, he will immediately bring this aayah as proof to clearly forbid it since it prohibits dead meat, but were he to look into the ahaadeeth he would know that the Prophet (S) excepted two types of animals, fish and locusts, from this prohibition, so he could rule accordingly.


Briefly, the student must learn these two fundamental branches of learning to help understand the Kitaab and Sunnah as correctly as possible.

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Prayer in Jamaa'ah is acceptable only if he prays it with the Muslim Jamaa'ah in the mosque - since Allaah ta'aalaa did not only order Prayer but also added to it - And bow down your heads with those who bow down (in worship). [2:43] - and he is not allowed to suffice with praying in his home and leave the Jamaa'ah of the Muslims.


And the Messenger (S) ordered every fit and well Muslim to pray in the Mosque and desired to burn those who remained in their houses - as occurs in 'Saheeh al- Bukhaaree' and 'Saheeh Muslim' from Aboo Hurairah ®. He (S) did not burn the houses because of the presence of women and children on whom Prayer in the mosque is not obligatory.

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