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Reconciliation Conference for Somalia in Somaliland ??

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Ma dhabaa in Saylac lagu qabanayo shir Soomaaliyeed bilowga sanadka danbe?



Waxaa isa soo taraya wararka sheegaya in Somaliland ay gogol u dhigi doonto Soomaalida inteeda kale,arintaas oo wakhtiyadii ugu danbeeyey ay isla dhex marayeen Soomaalidu,ayaa waxa siyaasiyiin iyo waxgarad kaleba ay no sheegeen in ay jirto dhaqdhaqaaq ka socda dhinaca Somaliland,oo wakhtiga uu dhamaanayo wakhtigii loo doortay dawlada Sheekh Shariif la isugu imaan doono meel ka mid ah Somaliland.


Shirkaas ayaa la sheegayaa in durba qabanqaabadiisii ay si hoose uga socoto Somaliland,oo madaxda sare ee ka socota Yurub,UN-ta iyo wadamada kale ee daneeya arimaha Soomaaliya,ay kulamo la yeelanayaan madaxda cusub ee Somaliland,iyadoo uu jirey wadahadalo iyo shirar uu Axmed Siilaanyo la yeeshay qaar ka mid ah madaxda sare ee Caalamka,oo uu ka mid yahay Maraykanku,wakhti uu booqasho halkaas ku tegey.


Shirkaas ayaa sida la sheegay waxa Hargeysa u tegey madaxa UNDP ee Soomaaliya,iyo wakiil ka socda Yurub,kuwaas oo aan la faahfaahin ujeedada ay ula kulmeen madaxda sare ee Somaliland.


Shirkaas ayaa waxa la tilmaamayaa inuu ka dhici karo magaalada qadiimka ah ee Saylac oo u dhow xadka Jabuuti,iyada oo arimaha shirkaasna ay iska kaashan doonaan Jabuuti iyo Somaliland,nabadgelyadana ay wada sugi doonaan,wufuuduna ay Jabuuti iyo Somalilandba ka soo degi doonaan.


Shirkaas oo sida la qiyaasayo ay maalgelin doonto hay'ada UNDP ayaa ilaa 2000 oo teendho oo loogu tala galay shirka qaramada Midoobay la geeyey dhinaca Somaliland,iyada oo madaxweynaha cusub ee Somaliland lagu wado inuu noqdo ninka shirkaas hagi doona.


Siyaasiga weyn ee Cali Khaiif Galaydh oo dhowaan saxaafada siiyey waraysi ayaa sheegay in ay haboon tahay in Somaliland gogol u dhigto Soomaalida inteeda kale,oo caasimada laga dhigo hargeysa.Waxaa isna hadalkaas dhowaan saxaafada u sheegay Cabdi Siciid Samatar oo sheegay inuu jiro qorshe shir lagu qabanyo Somaliland,iyadoo laga bilaabayo in la isu soo dhoweeyo Somaliland iyo Puntland,oo faroole iyo Siilaanyo la filayo inay xukuumada cusub ee Soomaaliya ay hogaamin doonaan,si ay si wadajir ah uga hortagaan xoogaga islaamiyiinta ah ee ka soo socda dhinaca koonfurta,iyada oo loo arkay in xoogaga keliya ee haday iska kaashadaan caabin kara xoogaga Alshabaab iyo islaamiyiinta kale ee Soomaaliya.


Si kastaba ha ahaatee,waxaa jira guux weyn oo ka jira magaalooyinka Somaliland oo arimhaas khuseeya,iyadoo ay hadal hayntu isa soo tarayso.


Madaxweynaha Muqdisho ee Soomaaliya Sheekh Shariif ayaa waxaa wakhtigii la doortay uga hadhay 4 bilood oo keliya,iyada oo la filayo in aan dib loo dooran,oo la iclaamiyo shir weyne Soomaaliyeed oo ay ka soo qayb geli doonaan dhamaan dadka Soomaaliyeed.


Waxaan kala cadayn in shirkaas ay Somaliland u qaban doonto oo keliya Soomaalida koonfurta oo ay Puntland ka mid tahay,iyo in Somaliland laftigeedu qayb ka noqon doonto,arintaasoo Somaliland ku keeni karta khilaaf siyaasadeed.


Si kastaba ha ahaatee Axmed Siilaanyo oo ah ruug cadaa siyaasi ah,oo 5 sano kadib marka uu wakhtigu ka dhamaado aan isu soo taagayn wakhti kale madaxtinimo ayaa dhici karta inuu hunguri ka galo Soomaaliya oo uu madaxweyne u noqdo,oo uu sidaas taariikhda ku galo isaga oo madaxweyne Soomaaliyeed ah.


isku soo wada duuboo,waxaa hadii ay arintani sida la filayo ay u dhacdo ay isbedel weyn ku keeni karto arimaha murugsan ee Soomaaliya,oo ay hada xoogaga islaamiyiintu qarka u saaran yihiin inay la wareegaan dhamaan dalka oo dhan.


Magaalada Saylac ayaa ah magaalo qadiim ah,oo ahayd caasimadii ugu horeysyey ee dadka Soomaaliyeed gumaystihii ka hor.

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^Interesting, So what you think?


I don't believe Somalis with this thinking are in Somaliland nor in Puntland,This needs pple thinking outside the box, Beyond the horizon,with vision.


Hargaise could make a nice Somali capital though. :D

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Not at any cost niyow but we can host such conference in the Somaliland soil .... it has my 100% support as long as it does not interfere with the Somaliland Affairs.

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The Zack   

Originally posted by Dabshid:


I don't believe Somalis with this thinking are in Somaliland nor in Puntland,This needs pple thinking outside the box, Beyond the horizon,with vision.

:D:D so true.

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Well it would be a departure from the ossified SNM position of negotiating with ourselves, to succeed from our selves, and voting by ourselves to agree with ourselves, logic and reality be damned.

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Oodweyne my friend, I use the word ossified in a post and felt I might be too literal in meaning and then you pop up referring to the USC [early 90's] to three piece suits [early 80's] and somaliland [early 60's] smile.gif come now surely something has changed since 2003 seven years boyo, have you even been to somalia in the interim?


If you were a statue to some ideal yes I would understand, because limestone and rock is bleeding limestone and rock, but you are meat bones and a little trembling heart surely something of the rightness of reality has poked your eye with its finger over 7 years.

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Loool oodweyne actually this is the first time you have reffered to the country which was going to set the ball rolling, west african did you say? Well ileen taylor has more to answer to in the hague than blood diamonds and doe eyed models smile.gif .


As for the rest of the post, as usuall you miss the point and insist on giving wordy evidence of it, my point was not reffering to politics of somaliland in the sense of which siyadist is in power at the moment but had everything to do with the ossified methods tactics and strategy that has been employed since time immemorial to gain recognition, mogadishu has so many excuses what are yours walaal beyond an incapacity to compute reality and change course accordingly?


As for the USC neck of the woods, several chapters have been written since 2003, false dawns galore but dawns nonetheless, keep on waiting for godot apti, or should I say xamar smile.gif

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Total Nonesense!!!!!


somaliland will not commit politicl suicide by hosting conference for somalia, whiles the likes of sharif claim rule to somaliland.


jacayl this would be an astounding own goal to choose yet another token preident who claims to rule somaliland within somaliland.


they only way somaliland will host such conference if ever was if somalia relinquishes any claim to somaliland terrory withough any condition.


imagine kosovo holding grand conference to choose the new leader of serbia in kosovo! dont be silly, a two year old can understand the political consiquence for kosovo. ;)

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as for reffering to my bare cheeked chutzpah, dinner and dancing first for there is no love lost between us.

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qudhac kosovo is a recognized entity with a seat in the U.N. and diplomatic relations with 150 countries.

Somaliland wa transdiestra not even an abkhazia, please not everyone on sol has shared the peyote and we don't see the parallels.

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and somalia is recognised by the whole world yet it is 5hit hole, how ironic you place so much importance on recognition yet it has delivered nothing for you, other than few coppers in the usuall begging bowl.


somaliland has not lost anything by seperating from the failed somalia it is million times better than what it was the day it withdrew from the failled union.


so whether recognition comes today or in 100 years somaliland will be better off withough the failed somalia thats the bottom line. ;)

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Originally posted by Qudhac:


and somalia is recognised by the whole world yet it is 5hit hole, how ironic you place so much importance on recognition yet it has delivered nothing for you, other than few coppers in the usuall begging bowl.


^^That's a big key.

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