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Mogadishu: Banadir district admins sworn in..

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Originally posted by HornAfrique:

I believe this an excellent leap for the TFG. As soon as they can fill the power vacuum and establish some sort of system, the faster every aspect of the capital can come under their control including the confidence of the people.

Masidan baa kuu danbaysay,waar ileen qabiil meel xun buu dadka katuuraa.Waxaa layidhi somali naarta waxay ku galayaan waa qabiil,tusaale ahaan.

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Duke, you couldn’t prove or provide any evidence for your lame accusations so you resort to more of your lies.


People were lying when they said with age, comes wisdom icon_razz.gif


The ICU is gone okay. Indacade is long gone as well. Try putting that inside your hard skull for once. You are the one who seems to be obsessed with the ICU more than i ever was or will be. :D


Try addressing the issue in hand. You can try to deprive attention from any subject which seems to be criticizing your beloved TFG but you are just so lousy at it. redface.gif

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Okay, who is going to admit that they don't know the outcome of this? Neither the ICU nor the TFG got it together. There are many predictions.


1.The TFG backed by U.S and U.N support will have tons of funds to rebuilt the region, which will force different clan leaders to harmonize for the sake of $$. Coupled with the west's georgraphic interest in the region. They have summoned others to help knowing that they can bring peace and order on their own. So U.N peace keeping troops will return to Somalia. This will be an excellent "lap room" for the U.N and U.S to try-out any plans to "set up" a favorable "non-terrorist" government in any country . Somalia, a fairly Homoginuous people and not many in numbers, and hungry should be managable right?. If they can pull it off there, they'll be motivated to pull it off in other palces i.e Iraq, Iran and the likes.


2.Now the reaction of the somali people is another unpredictable variable. History tells us that the Somali people are not too keen on having foriegners in their country. (they have failed to get a long withe their brethen "clans" l lol). So if they are brainwashed to live a long with foriegn invaders, they have to be rewarded with something substaintial satisfying and distracting, perhaps food, work, Kha, Heinekan, MTV and BET. Yay to TFG..


Now the somali people because of the sudden change they are still in a daze, reality will sinkin in three to four to months. When the anesthesia wears off, they'll ask the serious questions, what the heck is the TFG gonna do?


2.The TFG will develop internal problems, given that many of these guys are motivated by their thirst for power and money, rather than the well being of their Nation. If they truely cared for the country they would not have parked their brains for 2yrs debating what to do, instead of doing what needed to be done. They will be a lot of press from the TFG leaders on T.V and radio, trying to sway the masses. Perhaps another two years of trying to lull people into lies. Eventually, the opposition grows stronger which will force them to imprison and execute a few folks. This will be the unfoulding of a new brutal military regime right before our eyes, Machiavelli style, "it is better to feared than loved".


3. Public discontent grows, as "selective salvation" is they style of the TFG for distributing money and power. In fact, ICU will regroup and the leaders will try to flip the table, form a political party, demand true Democracy ands the rights for "political participation". Now this trips the TFG, who would have prefered to annihilate these guys in the first Ethiopan air attacks, Darn it they surrendered, and now they have to sit on the same negotiation table with them.




I am not on any side, just an observer...wondering, when will the bleeding stop.

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Okay wlc first of all.


Correction,the ICU did indeed get it all together,it's just unfortunate that the Xabashis didn't want the right people to be ruling the people.Hey I am not the one who said Xamar was at its best and had the look of stable city when the ICU was in control(it's fact as it was just that),today,you can say it's back to the dark days of warlords as every warlord has return,but this time with Ethiopia in the mix as well.


This TFG is peice of chunk for the warlords by the warlords,no other way to sugar coat it.Try as you wish,but fact of matter remains that it's a door knob as nomad Castro puts it for all sorts of problems.

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