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General Duke

UK: Demo in support of governance; PICS + Audio

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Originally posted by The Duke:

All those people for the governemnt, nice

lol...good try. Yes for a government but for a real one, not TFG !

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The TFG is the one that will lead to the 2009 governemnt insha Allah.


As for the TFG demo, well organised and sober. No need to loose your hair when your side is doing well.

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Originally posted by The Duke:

All those people for the governemnt, nice

That is why it's easier to avoid having any discussions with you, man are you serious?

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More on the news Foreign Minister in UK as well more pics on the demo.


Shir ay isugu Yimaadeen Contact Group iyo Wasirka arimaha dibada Somalia Xuseen


Faahiye iyo Wasiir kuxigeenka Arimaha Dibada England Lord Trisman.


(Radio WidhWidh London}07.6-7Shirkaas ayaa waxa lagaka hadlay arimo Farabadan oo ay ugu Horayso Xaalada Dalka Somalia. Markii uu shirkaasi Dhamaaday Waxaa Dhacay Banaanbax. Daawo Sawiro


Banaanbaxaas oo aad u baladhan oo lagu Soodhawaynayo Laguna taageerayo Shirka Contact groupka iyo wasiirka Ayaa kadhacay Albaabka Hore Ee Wasaarada Arimaha Dibada iyo Xafiiska Raisul wasaraare Tony Plair.


Banaan baxaas ayaa waxa kasoo qayb kalay Dad weyne aad ufara Badan ururada Bulshada iyo Jaaliyada Uk Gaar ahan Magaalada London.


Dadka Kasoo Qaybkalay ayaa aad u qiiraysnaa iyago oo aad ugu faraxsanaa in ay argaan wasiirka soona dhaweyay Kulana Contact Group iyo wasiirka.


Wasiirka Arimaha Dibada Somalia Xuseen Ceelaabi Faahiye ayaa halkaas kasoo jeediyay Khudbad aad uga farxisay dadweynihii kasoo qaybkalay.

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