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The ugly face of Occupation

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Word from my relatives back home is that the Ethiopian soldiers have started raping our Somali sisters. In Dhuusamareeb, two sisters were gang-raped and then shot dead! Laa Hawla Walaa Quwata Ilaa Bilaah. This is what credible Somalis and those whom Allah has endowed with wisdom, have been warning against.


As Sheekh Shariif, with his trademark insight, has rightly pointed out, " There are two options in the country and we have to choose one . Do we need to live as a colony or [do] we prefer freedom?. "I think freedom is the better [choice]. So we must fight for the religion until none of us is left," he added.


"We left Mogadishu in order to prevent bloodshed in the capital, but that does not mean we lost the holy war against our enemy," he added, re-iterating the reasons behind his movements withdrawal from Mogadishu.


"I want to tell you that the Islamic courts are still alive and ready to fight against the enemy of Allah," Ahmed told residents of Kismayo.


Our sisters have no better protectors (after Allah) than Sheekh Shariif and his band of true believers.


No doubt the rape incident mentioned above will become more common the longer these occupiers stay in the country. Zenawi's two domesticated animals, Abdullahi Yusuf and Geedi have no plans to ask these occupiers to leave the country anytime soon.

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Waa ayaandarro in masjidkii camirnaa ee ay kumannaan muslimiin ahi ku tukadeen ciiddii soonfureed uu maanta muuqaalkiisu sidaan u egyahay. Waa ayaandarro in dadkii Soomaaliyeed argagax lagu rido. Tolow arrintaan ma isbaaradii Xuseen Caydiid baa keentay in dadkii imaan waayaan?


Bal maqaalkaan iyo muuqaalladaan fiiriya.


Bal muuqalladaanna fiiriya. Runtii ummadda Soomaaliyeed badankeed way ka soo horjeedaan amxaarada, marka laga reebo caadoqaateyaal qabyaalad iyo xumaani ka buuxdo.

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BiLaaL_07 don't worry, the nightmare will soon be over.

I have never seen Somalis this angry with events, even myself, who believes in a democract Somalia. The presence of the filthy people in our country will soon end.

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Abwaan, Waa ayaandarro aad u foolxun waxa maanta kasocdo wadanka.


Xoogsade, Diinta ilaahay waligeed uma dhamaato, oo ilaahay anaga ayuu nagu imtixaamayaa. Guusha uga dambeeyso waxaa lahaan doono diinta ilaahay.


Peacenow, this nightmare will surely end. The saddest thing of all, however, is the transgression against the dignity of our Somali sisters. Abdullahi Yusuf and his band of thugs, will be made to pay a high price by the Somali people, Inshallah.

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Too much unnecessary energy has been wasted, because of our failure. It is our failure and no ones fault, STOP blaming other people, but ourselves. If we keep focusing on unnecessary ‘he say and she say’, nothing could be accomplished. As Somali, how can we bring peace and stability in Somalia should be the focus. But , there seem to be grid and lack of leadership within our community.

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Amina Gedi


We would be more than glad to hold responsible those of us who have brought chaos and committed injustice against the innocent, if and only if Ethiopia hadn’t interfered in our affairs.


We won’t have being blaming others if they never interfered, but they have given us a reason to hold them accountable. And we WILL!

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