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Naxar Nugaaleed

happy 48th independence day to all

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actually your right, its not the 47th but the 48th


Jaamac Kediye Maxuu Ka Yidhi 26 June Maalintii Xoriyada Ummada Soomaaliyee


Laascaanood ( Abwaan Jaamac Kediye Cilmi oo murti qiimo badan kaga hadlaya Xoriyada 26the June maalintii calan soomaaliyeed dhulkeena laga taagay midhahii daraawiish iyo halgankoodii dheera ay midho dhaleen


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Laascaanood Iyo Buuhoodle Oo Laga Xusay 26-ka Juun Halka Gobolada Kale Ay Aamuse


{Laascaanood}26-6-08Maanta oo ay ku beegan tahay maalinta xorriyadda gobollada waqooyi ee dalka Soomaaliya ayaanay jirin wax xus ah oo lagu weynaynayo maalintaas oo laga dhigay gudaha gobolada waqooyi kolka laga reebo Buuhoodle iyo Laascaanood .....................


Maanta oo kale dhammaan dalka Soomaaliya waxaa laga xusayay maalintaas oo ah maalintii xoriyadda ay qaateen gobollada Waqooyi ee dalka Soomaaliya, inkastoo gobollada waqooyio qaarkood ay diideen midnimada Soomaaliya oo ay sheegeen inay goosteen lana magac bexeen Somaliland, aqoonsina weli aanney hayn.


Gobolada qaar sida Laascaanood iyo Buuhoodle waxaa jiray goobo iyo xaafado gaar ah oo siteel teel ah looga xusay wali ay ciidamada ku sugan gobolka sool ay siweyn u diidanaayeen in ladhigo xus ku aadan maalinta 26 juun.


Gudaha Magaalada laascaanood waxaa la'arkayay askar aad ufarabadan oo si kooxo kooxo ah umaraya wadooyinka magaalada kuwaas oo baadi goobaya dadka xusaya maalinta 26-ka juun


majirin wax isku dhacyo ah oo dhexmaray shacabka iyo ciidanka somalidiidka ah walow askartu ay heegan sare kujirtay maanta.


Maanta oo ah 26-ka June waa maalinta xorriyadda Gobollada dalka Soomaaliya, iyadoo 1-da Luuliyo-na ay tahay maalinta xorriyadda Gobollada Koonfureed ee dalka Soomaaliya, waxaana la filayaa in 1-da Luuliyo xus weyn loo dhigo.


WIdhwidh Online News Desk..Media Center

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June 26 and July 1 are two important dates for Somalia that call for celeberation. Despite the difficulties, we can overcome and bring peace to our land.

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Originally posted by Che -Guevara:

^People got off with worser things. Don't understand that's bleeped out. We should change it to something more friendly. Maybe those who fit the description could be called Habashi Appreciation Community.



Abtiga, xaa iga rabtaa, ninyahoow?


Dhubad, that word was censored more than a year ago when it was abused as an insult against the forum's members, and thrown from the left and right and the centre. Maay widaayoow, ma ogayna miyaa?


You can call beerlaawe iyo wixii lamid ah Xabashada keenay dalkeena dabàdhilíf maa sheegtaa kuunto cambuulo waa dhihi kartaa since he is a public figure.

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Jamac Kadiye is a brilliant poet and a born-Somali. I like his "Somalibaan ahay" poem. He is great. Cimrigiisa Allah ha dheereeyo!

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Lol@Kuunto Cambuulo... Ariiroow, I never heard that before! :D


Rabi nu baas wa kafital baas ayaan maqli jirey lol.


Happy what? Happy at this state of occupation? No we're not happy...until independence is restored. What's the point of celeberating independence when it was replaced by another?


These people are delluding themselves. We're under occupation, duh!

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