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Islam - Muslim Documentaries

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» Asalamu Alaykum,


this blessed month we should all strive to learn more about our diin, the history and legacy of Islam and the Muslims.


here are some Documentaries that I've seen and would like to recomend to all, Insha'Allah. you can find them in most online Islamic stores.

- Islam Empire of Faith



- Muhammad Legacy of a Prophet



- Muslims


Fadlan - post any documentaries that you have seen and would like to recommend.

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Jazakallah Khair brother.


I've been meaning to get the documentary about the Prophet(Pbuh) every since I heard about it's release, and unfortunately I still haven't bought it yet but I shall do so soon Insha'Allah.


I can't think of other documentaries at the moment other than those of Harun Yahya--amazingly insightful videos that I'd recommend for people with every level of Islamic knowledge and even those with none, and make sure to check them all. I find all of his work extremely captivating and brilliant! May Allah swt reward him and his crew greatly for their excellent efforts of Da'wa.

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Abrar walaal



May Allah(swt) forgive you sister Abrar - your sins, from the beginning to the end of your life, whether committed deliberately or intentionally, few or many, abstruse or manifest, old or new, secretly or openly.


May Allah(swt) administer your affairs and give you sustenance, good health, iman and wisdom.



May Allah(swt) give you the knowledge of Diin, the Quraan and the Shariah.



May Allah(swt) give you the best of everything in this Dunya and the best of everything in the Aakhirah.


Amiin rizq66e.gif

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Ya Allah Ameen! That was very kind of you walal, Ilaahay ha ii aqbalo. I wish for you the same and much more, will definitely keep you in my prayers Insha'allah brother Muhammad smile.gif

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