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Egypt Laughs At Somaliland Secessionism

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Originally posted by *Ibtisam:

Egypt and IGAD FULL support and recognition of SOMALIA has not helped Somalis, nor has it stabilized the country or contributed anything significant to the chaos for the last 22yrs.



please post a thread once Egypt or any other countries says that they are so against the idea of independent SL “that they are going to Bomb and attack the place to destroy the ideology and the power base” till then NOTHING NEW.

Of course it won't help Somalia or stabilized the country, because that can ONLY BE DONE BY US. No one is going to come in and sort out our mess. That's the problem with many here they think that other countries owe us something or they are going to swoop in and save us, it is us and only us that can do it.


What the rest of the world has done, like Egypt did most recently is once again make it clear that they will make it offical that they will not support the silly notion of NW Somalia's dreams.


Egypt, IGAD the AU and others are all doing one thing for Somalia, that is giving it international legitimacy, Where Somalia's leader can speak infront of a world audience at the UN and is internationally recognized. Can we ask for anything more? They have opened up the door for us and now it's our job to go the rest of the way.


What Egypt and other countries have done to NW Somalia's admin in Hargeysa is basically say we will not recognize you, take it or leave it! The fact Riyaale met with a man who publicly says he will not recognize his region and reaffirms what everyone else says that Somalia still borders Djibouti, shows how desperate Riyaale is.


One thing is for certain the NW Somalia admin during the beginning of this decade would never have accepted a visit like this after Egypts statement. Hope seems to be quickly fading.

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Originally posted by 'Dalmar':

Thank You Mr. Ambassador, We appreicate Egypt's commitment and unwavering support for the unity, territorial integrity and independence of Somalia. In addition we welcome your country's total rejection of the secessionist faction and the balkinization of Somalia. we know Egypt was always a true friend of Somalia and Somali people, our friendship is a result of our deep and strong bilateral relations between our two brotherly countries (Somalia & Egypt) that have existed since time immemorial.


The Muslim & Arab ummah will never allow the partition of one single muslim & Arab country.



I have already made my stance very clear; also I don’t have to respond to every cheap comment in this forum, however, Thank for your interest in my opinion


As I said before all countries of the world particularly Muslim & Arab countries led by Egypt and Saudi Arabia fully support United Somalia, therefore they prevented successfully the balkanization of Somalia, since they know the opening of the Pandora box problem in Somalia, will encourage numerous other tribes/ethnic entities within Africa and other parts of the world to demand secession, when there is no room for tiny tribal enclaves in our global village of the 21st century.


The vast majority of Somali people appreciate the fact that all countries of the world respect and committed to the unity, sovereignty and the territorial integrity of Somalia, and strongly oppose to divide Somalia into mini clan-lands. On the other hand, the clan faction of somalidiid-land is very isolated today more than ever. After 20 long years most secessionists realized that their tribal enclave is unwanted in this world. Because they are more and more desperate and hopeless each day, they started to use cheap and contradictory excuses, by claiming that they will keep seeking the imaginary recognition and support from international community even if it takes 100 years, while at the same time they argue as obvious in this forum, the international recognition and support for Somalia is worthless and doesn’t mean anything after they failed to secure outside backing themselves.

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what they support? United Somalia


what is happening,? for the last 20 years, all countries of the world jointly prevented successfully the balkanization of Somalia, and they said NO clan based factions like Somalidiid-land


Also As Thankfulsp said, what is happenning is that Riyaale the dictator of NW Somalia welcomed the Egyptian Ambassador to Somalia, who declared his strong support for United Somalia and opposition to the partition of Somalia


Both Same not different

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we will see who is laughing when Ethiopia builds the largest dam in Africa due to start soon with the help of china. The nile will shrink to fraction of what it is now.



Egypt + somalia = no ethiopia


Ethiopia+the dam+ Somaliland = Bye Bye Egypt !!

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