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General Duke

Puntland to be HQ for Somali National Navy: part of agreement

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Che tiisu waa:

rag baan sharad ka furayyee adiga kuma shiddeeyyeene,

Shay yadii adaan kuu ceshee sharac allee qaado


Meaning Che may oppose Faroole or Sharif as he often does but he cant oppose PL's reasonable aspiration to emerge as the leading state in future Federal Somalia. That role is reserved for Qanyare and those who see others rise as their demise.


I somehow observe some commonality here between duke and che for they both oppose Sharif and Rashiid yet comment on the Galkacyo success, which is ultimately a success for current TFG, PL and other Somalis---the stuff blind partisan exacts on its hostages.

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^I actually don't oppose Faroole-so far he does done well, Sharif on the other hand is taking the same path as predecesors did.


As for Puntland, I wish it all the best, but we can't have a state within state!!


Your Qanyare argument holds no water duqa, if anything it's your TFG that recycles warlords and rewards st*upidity but then with you and your little army here see no faults in Sharif.


Better Qanyare than blind loyalty.

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^^^Adeer the Duke only opposes the fakery and hypocrisy that is Sharif Ahmed. Even today’s news of Ethiopian forces entering Beledweyne highlights what the man is and what his supporters are. Classic hypocrite and the silly opportunists that support him. However what’s happening in Glakcyu if it turns out as one expects, is simply the rational side of the TFG negotiating with the leadership of a state that has emerged to be a beacon of hope for all Somali’s.


Qaynyare can shout, Ibbi can complain, Sharif Ahmed can sulk in private, but Puntland has made it clear, only reason and honesty wins the day.


Whats more important to me is the new governing council & admin for the city of Galkacyu & the Mudug region I already have my candidate for Mayor of the city and insha Allah we will meet with success in the campaign for his selection. :D

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