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Puntland to be HQ for Somali National Navy: part of agreement

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PL oo laga dhigayo xarunta ciidamada Badda Somalia

19 Aug 19, 2009 - 11:45:06 AM




Warar hordhac ee soo gaarey Garowe Online ayaa sheegaya in guddiga amniga ee matalaya Puntland iyo Federaalka gaareen goáamo ku wajahan burcad badeedka iyo Dastuurka.


Guddigaan ayaa isla gaarey madaama Puntland noqotey goob ay ka howlgalaan burcad badeedka Somaliyed inteeda badan in xarunta Ciidamada Badda Somaliyed laga dhigo Puntland islamarkaana saldhig u noqon doonto dhamaan ciidamada la dagaalami doona kooxaha baddaha ka qowleysta.


Gudigan aya dhinaca isla gaarey in si deg deg ah loo magacaabo dadkii diyarin lahaa Dasturka Federalka ah ee Somalia iyada oo la tixracayo Axdi qaramedkii lagu gaarey wadanka Kenya 2004.


Qodobada guddigaan isku afgarteen ayaa waxaa kamid ah in MGPL u taagan tahay maamul goboleeyada Somalia iyada oo xarunta guddigaan ku shaqeyn doono laga dhigi doona magalada Garowe iyada oo dowladda Puntland bixin doonto kharashkiisa.


Goanka guddigan isla-gareen ayaa wararka hordhaca ah ee kasoo baxaya xusayan in leysla gaarey in Puntland inta ka horeysa ee la dhisayo maamul goboleedyada kale ee Somalia oo lamid ah ay heshiis la gali karto dhamaan hay'adaha caalimiga ah kuwooda ganacsi iyo deeq bixin-ba iyada dowladda Fedraalka ka warqabi doonto.


In Passoporka Somalia ee cusub la dhiiri galiyo lana hirgaliyo iyada oo magaca laga badalayo lagana dhigayo dowlada Federalka ee Somalia kaas oo xaruntiisa loo soo rari doono wadanka gudihiisa.


Heshiisyada guddiyada kala duwan ee Puntland iyo Feraalka gaari doonaan ayaa la filayaa in la shaaciyo sacadaha soo socda iyada oo guddiga Siyaasada, dhaqaalaha iyo waxbarashada go'aamadoodana gaari doonaan.

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Wararkii ugu dambeeyey kulamada PL & Fedraalka

19 Aug 19, 2009 - 5:35:41 AM


Waxaa magaalada Galkacayo ee gobolka Muqdug [Puntland] ka socda kulamo xasaasi ah ee u dhexeeya waftiga uu hogaaminayo Raísal Wasaaraha Somalia Cumar Cabdirashiid Cali Sharmaake iyo dowlada Puntland.


Kulamo hordhac ah oo maalintii shaley dhacey ayaa waxaa lagu xuley sadex gudi kuwaasoo howlahooda ku jirey xaley ilaa maanta 19 August,2009 iyada oo la filayo in maalinta berri ah uu kasoo baxaan qoraal labada dhinac u dhan yihiin.


Guddiyada labada dhinaca iska xuleen ayaa waxaa ay ka kooban yihiin sadex:


1-Guddiga Siyaasada ayaa waxaa kuwada jira Madaxweynaha Puntland Cabdiraxman Maxamad Farole, Madaxweyne ku-xigenkiisa C/samad Cali Shire, Gudomiyaha Barlamanka Puntland halka dhinaca dowladda Somalia ay matalayaan Raísal Wasare Cabdirashid Cali Sharmaake, Wasiirka Arrimaha dibadda, Wasiirka Tacliinta iyo xubno kale.


2-Guddiga iskaashiga dhaqaalaha iyo arrimaha bulshada [ Cafimadka, Waxbarshada] kuwaasoo ka hadli doona qaabkii ay labada dhinac isaga kashan lahayeen arrimahan.


3-Guddiga sharciga iyo nabadgalyada kuwaasoo ka hadli doona arrimaha Dastuurka Fedraalka. iskaashiga xagga amniga sida tabarada Ciidamada iyo arrimo badan oo la xiriira ciidamada AMISOM qaabka ay uga howl galaan Somalia.


Howlaha iyo kulamada gudiyadan ayaa ila xaley iyo maanta ka socdey Hotel ku yaala duleedka magaalada Galkacayo halkaasoo labada dhinaca wada dagan yihiin.


Dhinaca kale amaanka Galkacayo ayaa aad loo adkeyey iyada oo ciidamada gaafa wareegayaan daafahaha xarunta ay dagan yihiin madaxda maamulka Puntland iyo Fedraalka.


Shacabka Galkacayo ayaa sidoo kale gacan weyn ka gaystey amniga iyaga oo aad u soo dhoweeyey in magaladooda ay ka dhacayaan kulamadan muhiimka ah kuwaasoo looga tashanayo aayaha Puntland iyo Somalia.

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^In fairness, Dukey the pirates are well versed with geography of the Indian ocean and Redsea, it's only natural to give the base to Puntland.Afterall, succesful pirates become navies :D

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^^^lool. That just shows how desperate and sad you are. The news thus far is good, more needs to be done on their side, Puntland after all is way to important to be dictated to by anyone.


The Naval HQ should be in Puntland.

1/3 of all international funds for development should go to Puntland regions.


Puntland should have every right to exploit its natural resources.


Thats from top of my head thus far.

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It's only logical that the Navy HQ is Puntland since it has the biggest problems with piracy.


1/3 of all international funds for development should go to Puntland regions.

Seriously? Puntland maybe 1/3 of Somalia, but it is only a MG. The National Government decides the budget of the country. International funds go through the National Government


Puntland after all is way to important to be dictated to by anyone.

It follows the command of the National Government and is equal to any other region in Somalia.


Puntland should have every right to exploit its natural resources.

Wrong. It is the job of the National Government as stated in Axdiga Ku meel Gaarka.

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^^^Adeer thats your opinion, correction. Puntland is 1/3 of Somalia and a state. The second point, Puntland has 1/3 of the population and its a State and not a regional admin. It has earned its place and respect, thus go lecture those who have fallen behind.


If they pass my few reasonable suggestion we will support this entity. Though our main support will be to keep Puntland safe and moving forward with its development.

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^ So you mean to say that you have the right to follow your own laws, exploit the mineral resources? All I'm saying that this thing you call an "entity" is the National Government and holds the right to make the laws of the country and exploit the mineral riches to benefit the whole nation saaxiib. As the Prime Minister told Faroole, Puntland will get its fair share of the wealth of the nation. Plus Sharma'arke's Administration is recognised as the legitamate government of Somalia in Puntland. The rest of the issues are being sorted out. Neither mine or your opinion has the power to change the facts on the ground. Lets just be thankful to Allah that Puntlands leader is Faroole who seems like a man that loves Soomaalinimo.

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Why are you so critcal of Puntland. You disliked Col Abdullahi Yusuf, you disliked Gen Cade Muse. You laugh when Puntland announces that they will be the HQ's of the navy. I understand why Secessionist would or others who had a interest in not seeing Puntland progress. But you hide your hatred towards the state and come off as if you are neutral. How can you possibly say anything about piracy, the biggest ships taken the one with oil and the one with the tanks were both done by the southern pirates.


Everyone was living in Mogadishu, had land and business, any had to flee. Now they have built something in Puntland out of nothing and you seem bitter! Maybe because they have done more through peace then the people you support (which I am still unsure who they are). I'm sure i'll get a response like "the children of Mogadishu".

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