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Its OFFICIAL: Ethiopia did the abduction in Galkacyo.

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Originally posted by Mr. Somalia:


Originally posted by NASSIR:

quote:Originally posted by Che -Guevara:

Cowke You are next!



You have get to give to the Tigray boys. They have managed to erect walls in the shape of these pseudo administrations and Somalis played to their hands. We are talking about Puntland's territorial integrity (as if Puntland is country independent of Somalia) and not bothered by their constant incursions into Hiiraan.

I was actually surprised that Cawke would employ "territorial integrity" of Puntland. Lol.


What we are all forgetting is that PL controls only half of the city, the other half being under the seperate admin of Galmudug.


All in all, the Ethiopian secret service carry out their operations in Hargeisa and ocassionally in Nairobi. It has to do with the savage policies of this Christian Ethiopia, which is indeed creating a widespread atrocities in the whole of HOA region, including Eritrea.


There's no way in hell a minority Christian regime would be able to divide, manipulate and outmaneouver the people it oppresses in its interior and the countries it greatly fears on its border, if it weren't the West's support and direct meddling. .


Time to open our eyes that our survival and the many dimensions of human progress in our land hinges on our unity and solidarity.

True say. As long as Somalis keep pointing fingers at one another-- our arch nemesis, will take advantage of the chaotic situation in our country.


This will be a prime test for the regional president of Puntland. Faroole must condemn these terrorist activities in Galkacyo and work hard to strengthen the state's security apparatus to prevent a repeat of this Galkacyo incident. [/QB]
You right. How the mention of Somali name would send shudder of fear to the Ethiopian militia prior to colonialism and how it behaves now is puzzling to say the least.

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A British officer/spy in Harar during Somalia's colinialization:

''Ethiopians fear Somalis so much that they would give their guns to the children to show the West that they had troops there.
("The history of the Mad Mullah." Jstor)


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It has never been a secret that Puntland has always been the biggest lackey Ethiopia has within Somalia. Intii hadal ka qabtay markii hore hada ku quus qaata.

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