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Its OFFICIAL: Ethiopia did the abduction in Galkacyo.

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Puntland should cut all the relations with Ethiopia . this is unacceptable how can they dare to do this In Galkacyo without the knowledge of punland authority.

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Originally posted by Jamaal11:

Same shxt is happening in Northern kenya. CIA using local politicians/personnel to carry out secretive projects.

Same in Pakistan and other countries too .......

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Originally posted by ThankfulSP:

quote: Puntland is a firm supporter of the onlf, the onlf people use Bossaso port till this day in puntland in relative peace except the occasional hiccup which is always quickly resolved.

Puntland would never admit they support the ONLF. They deny it everytime they are ask. But if what you say is true, then Puntland will need to show who's side their are on. Either cut ties with Ethiopia or the ONLF. The operation could never have been completed without the help of the Puntland government on the ground. In a tough city like Gaalkayo, the Ethiopians weren't alone.
Well not necessary sxb, special agents do not need any local help, considering the technology they have nowadays. And if that was the case, i am certain the PIS would've of tipped them off anyways.


But The point of the matter is puntland government is stuck in between a rock and a bad place.


1 thing they need ethiopia military assistance and business relationship. They need Ethiopia as an ally to send a warning to all oppositions of puntland in somalia.


But then their is another side which doesn't get publicized much, and it is clan-elder pressure who support the onlf 100% and want them to use puntland for whatever purposes they want.


So that is the situation...on 1 side it's a matter of keeping ties intact with ethiopia, then their is another side which is to keep the isimo happy. Without the isimo Puntland can not exist!!! that is why their opinion is crucial to puntland administration.


It will be interesting to see how it plays out!!!

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

quote:Originally posted by Jamaal11:

Same shxt is happening in Northern kenya. CIA using local politicians/personnel to carry out secretive projects.

Same in Pakistan and other countries too .......
But what has happened in putland is not comparable to what is happening in other countries. It's more like Ethiopia has attacked puntland, if Puntland is not considered another woreda of Ethiopia.


Tan hadda dhacday waa tu ka weyn shaqsiyaad la dhibaateeyay waana wax keeni karta awaaqib xumo aan cidna dani ugu jirin

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Jafe yes they have invaded puntland territorial integrity and their will definitely be serious repercussions.


A letter has been sent to addis condemning the issue and I do believe it will be taken further if necessarily to the african union.


Secondly, I find it amusing that people like to pick on puntland for giving onlf rebels to ethiopia. Because if you look at ethiopia's parliament, army, public services, and even spy informants you will see onlf people are doing these dirty moves to their own people.


Infact recently in the nfd it was the onlf people there that tipped off kenya intelligence services of onlf business-men funding the onlf campaign in ethiopia.


So the question really is, if onlf people don't care for themselves, why is puntland being blasted always? It has something that has confused us to be quite honest!!!

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Adeer all those things you have said is the result of colonization, and the failure of the republic. Spying bussiness is every where (in and outside the administrative borders) but the people that have been arrested or killed in Puntland had nothing to do with the war bussiness that is going on in the region. They are hardly ONLF, and even if they are ONLF they are not causing problem to you. But they are fighting with Ethiopia.


Why Puntland should transfer civillians or a simple bussiness men to Ethiopia ? Is it cause Puntland is the weak link or is that Puntland is enemy of Ogad'enia. Is every O man an ONLF freedom fighter to Puntland? Is there a rule saying O people shouldn't cross the border? What is your real policy toward the bilateral movement of the people in the two lands?


Forexample, what happens in Somaliland is understandable cause they are just like that, another antifreedom enemy. But what I don't understand is what the hell is wrong with my planders?


Sometime you need to have the diginity and manly feelings to say no to humilation which is happening infront of your yard. But what is there for you to speak off when the Ethios are passing the adminstartive border till Galkacyo just to abduct and kill an innocent merchant men in your very house. You never know what can happen next time in your yard cause they could attack your same leaders as well.

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Cowke You are next!



You have get to give to the Tigray boys. They have managed to erect walls in the shape of these pseudo administrations and Somalis played to their hands. We are talking about Puntland's territorial integrity (as if Puntland is country independent of Somalia) and not bothered by their constant incursions into Hiiraan.

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LOL after all the *****ing from certain native puntlanders on this forum about Ethiopians sneaking in to South Somalia, this is welcome news.


Maybe this will shut them up already.

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Somalia's semi-autonomous region of Puntland has protested to Ethiopia, accusing its forces of carrying out a cross-border undercover operation.


Puntland's security minister told the BBC two people were in hospital after Ethiopian forces entered Galkayo town at night and raided a house.


He said Ethiopian officers had shot one man and abducted another, later dumping him by road with a bullet wound.


Ethiopian forces were in southern Somalia until they withdrew in January.


Puntland Security Minister Abdullahi Said Samatar said the forces must have crossed over from Ethiopia's Somali region, also known as the ******, where rebels are fighting the government.


But he said until a police investigation was finished it was not possible to say if it was connected to the unrest in the ******.


"Our relationship with Ethiopia has always been good, but we cannot accept security forces intervening in this way," he told the BBC's Somali Service.


Rebels seeking independence for the Somali-speaking population in Ethiopia have operated in the ****** since 1984.


Correspondents say they seemed to get a new lease of life when Ethiopia troops went into Somalia to oust the Islamist administration from Mogadishu in late 2006.


Earlier this year, Ethiopia withdrew but Islamist groups now dominate much of southern and central Somalia, with a UN-backed government restricted to parts of the capital.


Puntland has been an ally of Ethiopia since it broke away to run its own affairs in 1998, seven years after Somalia descended into clan warfare.



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Originally posted by Che -Guevara:

You are next!



You have get to give to the Tigray boys. They have managed to erect walls in the shape of these pseudo administrations and Somalis played to their hands. We are talking about Puntland's territorial integrity (as if Puntland is country independent of Somalia) and not bothered by their constant incursions into Hiiraan.

I was actually surprised that Cawke would employ "territorial integrity" of Puntland. Lol.


What we are all forgetting is that PL controls only half of the city, the other half being under the seperate admin of Galmudug.


All in all, the Ethiopian secret service carry out their operations in Hargeisa and ocassionally in Nairobi. It has to do with the savage policies of this Christian Ethiopia, which is indeed creating a widespread atrocities in the whole of HOA region, including Eritrea.


There's no way in hell a minority Christian regime would be able to divide, manipulate and outmaneouver the people it oppresses in its interior and the countries it greatly fears on its border, if it weren't the West's support and direct meddling. .


Time to open our eyes that our survival and the many dimensions of human progress in our land hinges on our unity and solidarity.

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Originally posted by Ismahaan:

This is really ridiculous ! Who give ethiopian permission to pass through our territory in the first place?

Abdullahi Yusuf

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Originally posted by NASSIR:

quote:Originally posted by Che -Guevara:

Cowke You are next!



You have get to give to the Tigray boys. They have managed to erect walls in the shape of these pseudo administrations and Somalis played to their hands. We are talking about Puntland's territorial integrity (as if Puntland is country independent of Somalia) and not bothered by their constant incursions into Hiiraan.

I was actually surprised that Cawke would employ "territorial integrity" of Puntland. Lol.


What we are all forgetting is that PL controls only half of the city, the other half being under the seperate admin of Galmudug.


All in all, the Ethiopian secret service carry out their operations in Hargeisa and ocassionally in Nairobi. It has to do with the savage policies of this Christian Ethiopia, which is indeed creating a widespread atrocities in the whole of HOA region, including Eritrea.


There's no way in hell a minority Christian regime would be able to divide, manipulate and outmaneouver the people it oppresses in its interior and the countries it greatly fears on its border, if it weren't the West's support and direct meddling. .


Time to open our eyes that our survival and the many dimensions of human progress in our land hinges on our unity and solidarity.

True say. As long as Somalis keep pointing fingers at one another-- our arch nemesis, will take advantage of the chaotic situation in our country.


This will be a prime test for the regional president of Puntland. Faroole must condemn these terrorist activities in Galkacyo and work hard to strengthen the state's security apparatus to prevent a repeat of this Galkacyo incident.

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Originally posted by Juje:

quote:Originally posted by Ismahaan:

This is really ridiculous ! Who give ethiopian permission to pass through our territory in the first place?

Abdullahi Yusuf

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I think the P/land security minister make his point very clear by sending clear message to de Ethopian Govm and asking for clerification wy this happenned.


Sadly we all know Meles sends his troups wenever he needs to deep into somali towns like Hiiran, Borame Buhodle and now Galkacayo.


but the 1 million dollar Q is that who do we blame this territorial violation and humilations doneby the Amxaris to our pple and land. I guess the ans is very clear. its us all somalis. Remember the somali saying: LAX KASTA SHILALKAY ISDHIGTAAA LAGU QALLAA

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