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Its OFFICIAL: Ethiopia did the abduction in Galkacyo.

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Ciidamada Itoobiya oo dad ku dhaawacay Galkacyo, qaarna kaxaystay, iyo Puntland oo eedeysay Itoobiya.



Galkacyo, oct 08 - Dawladda Puntland ayaa sheegtay inay ciidamada Itoobiya xalay dad ganacsato ah kala baxeen magaalada Galkacyo, ayna dhaawaceen qaar kale.


Taliyaha ciidanka bileyska ee Puntland Axmed Xasan Cali Xaashi ayaa shir aan caadi aheyn oo madaxda dawladda Puntland isugu yimaadeen ka dib xasaafadda khadka telefonka kula hadlay isagoo jooga xarunta madaxtooyada ee magaalada Bossaso halkaasi oo ay joogeen madaxda sare ee Puntland oo ay ka mid yihiin madaxweynaha iyo ku xigeenkiisa.


Taliyaha oo uu su’aalo badan weydiiyey agaasimaha guud ee idaacadda Daljir Axmed Sheekh Maxamed Tallman oo wakiil ka ahaa dhinaca saxaafadda ayaa sheegey in ciidanka Itoobiya ay xalay 3:00 am habeenimo ay soo galeen magaalada ayna la bexeen dad ganacsato ah oo aan waxba galabsan ayna falkaasi aad uga xunyihiin.


Col,Axmed Xasan ayaa intaasi ku daray in dawladdu ay baareyso sababta Itoobiya ku kalliftay xad gudubka intaasi le’eg ayna Itoobiya u direen dhambaal deg deg ah oo looga codsanayo inay si dhakhso ah arrintaasi uga jawaabaan.


Dadka la kaxeystay ayaa u dhashay gobolka ismaamulka Somalida ee Itoobiya waxaana ku jira sida wararku sheegayaan qaar si weyn loo raadinayey.


Tirada dadka ayaa lagu sheegey 4 qof oo labo ka mid dhaawacooda la dhigay xarun caafimaad oo ku taalla Galkacyo halka labo qofna ay la tageen.


Axmed Nuur Ibraahim Somali

Idaacadda Daljir

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Reer adeerkay kol iyo labo ma aha inta ay falal xumada noocan oo kale ah kula kaceen dad rayid ah oo dhalosho iyaga ugu xiga waana ogsoonahay in shacabku ka so horjeedo xaqdarada lagu hayo dadka shacabka ah ee dagaalada ka soo cararay amaba halkaas u jooga hawlo ganacsi laakiin maamul ku sheega outland ayey u badantahay in ay arintan ka danbeeyaan si ula kac lehna u fuliya danaha guruxan ee looga danleeyahay in labada shacab la iskooga horkeeno.


Shaqsiyaadkii falkan ka danbeeyay waa in la keena maxakamada wayna aheyn maamul ku sheegu ha qaado masuuliyadeeda haddii kale jwxo waxay ku qasbantahay inay ka bixiso jawaabta mudan ,,,

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Libaax it is the puntland intelligence service that does these sorts of things. They were reformed recently and brought under the puntland government juristiction however yet they do this things.


It's not just this, they do this sort of stuff in bossaso also to the local people whom they suspect of terrorism.


This is not a problem with puntland government, but a problem with puntland intelligence services who takes its commands from the CIA.

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This is not a problem with puntland government, but a problem with puntland intelligence services
who takes its commands from the

If that is true, then it fair you substitute CIA with Ethiopia yaa Cowke!

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Nuune, actually this incident in galkacyo was ethiopian secret agents and not the PIS.


The PIS are not good themselves, however we must alo take into consideration the balance of security and stability.


We don't want to see another Bossaso bombing. However like i said the PIS really need to brought into line and regulated at the very least.

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Dawlada Puntland Oo Jawaab Ka Bixisay Dhacdadii Askar Sirdoonka Itoobiya Ka Tirsan Ay Ka Geysteen Gudaha Magaalada Gaalkacyo.


Published on: October 9,2009 Garowe Time 9:08 am


Gaalkacyo(RBC): Wasiirka Amniga Dawlada Puntland ee Soomaaliyeed Gen. C/laahi Siciid Samatar ayaa sheegay in Golaha Wasiirada iyo Madaxweynaha Puntland ay kulan ka yeesheen arintii Ciidamo ka tirsan Sirdoonka Itoobiya ay ka sameeyeen gudaha magaalada Gaalkacyo ee Gobolka Mudug.


Wasiirka ayaa sheegay in kulankaasi kadib Dawlada Puntland ay soo saartey jawaab kulul oo ku aadan dhibaatadii ka dhacdey Gaalkacyo ee lagu dilay Labo qof oo Soomaali ah isla markaana ku noolaa xaafada Israac ee Magaalada Gaalkacyo.


Uma dulqaadan doono falkaasi oo kale, waxay waxyeeleynaysaa xiriirka labada Maamul, raalina ka noqon mayno in deegaanadeena lagu sameeyo waxyaabo amaanka wax u dhimaya ” sidaa waxaa yiri Wasiirka Amniga Puntland Gen. Samatar.


Gen, Samatar ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in ciidamadaasi ay ahaayeen kuwa ka tirsan Sirdoonka Itooobiya, isla mar ahaantaana Ciidamada Amaanka ee Puntland ay wadaan baaritaano ku aadan dilka loo geystay dad ku nool gudaha magaalada Gaalkacyo, wixii faah-faahin oo ka soo baxana ay soo bandhigi doonaan.


Wasiirka Amniga Puntland waxaa kale oo uu intaa raaciyay in deegaanada Puntland aysan hadda ka hor waxan oo kale aysan ka dhicin, oo ay tani tahay tii ugu horeysay, ayna noqon doonto tii ugu dambeysay .


Mar uu ka hadlayey Wasiirku qaabka ay wax u dhaceen ayaa sheegay in nimanka waxyeelada ciidamada Sirdoonka Itoobiya ay u geysteen ay ugu dhaceen xilli habeenimo ah gurigooda, iyaga oo mid ka mid ah ragii ay raadinayeen xabad ku dhiftey, halka mid ka kalena isaga oo dhaawac ah ay ku tuureen inta u dhaxeysa degmada Xarfo iyo Gaalkacyo, kaasoo hadda lagu dabiibayo xarunta Caafimaadka ee GMC ee magaalada Gaalkacyo.


Ugu dambeyntii Gen. C/laahi Siciid Samatar ayaa sheegay xilliga ay Askarta ka tirsan Sirdoonka Itoobiya ay soo galayeen gudaha magaalada Gaalkacyo ay ahayd waqti habeen ah isla markaana aan waxba laga ogaan karin arimahaasi oo kale, hase ahaatee ay laamaha amaanku ka warheleen subaxnimadii.


Cawil Maxamuud Cabdi


RBC Radio, Galkacyo

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Ethiopia secret agents committed this atrocious act and Puntland security minister has sent a letter and held a press-conference to demanad ethiopia not to violiate somalia's territorial integrity because this can be taken before international tribunal.


These sorts of issues are not acceptable Puntland, this is the first time it happened and it will be the last time it happens. Just like it was the first time PIS handed over onlf soldiers and it was the last time that incident ever occurred.


Puntland is a firm supporter of the onlf, the onlf people use Bossaso port till this day in puntland in relative peace except the occasional hiccup which is always quickly resolved.

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Puntland is a firm supporter of the onlf, the onlf people use Bossaso port till this day in puntland in relative peace except the occasional hiccup which is always quickly resolved.

Puntland would never admit they support the ONLF. They deny it everytime they are ask. But if what you say is true, then Puntland will need to show who's side their are on. Either cut ties with Ethiopia or the ONLF. The operation could never have been completed without the help of the Puntland government on the ground. In a tough city like Gaalkayo, the Ethiopians weren't alone.

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Originally posted by Cowke:

This is not a problem with puntland government, but a problem with puntland intelligence services who takes its commands from the CIA.

So u saying the "intelligence" does not belong to Bugland ???? ,,,

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Same shxt is happening in Northern kenya. CIA using local politicians/personnel to carry out secretive projects.


Soomaalidan guryahooda laga la baxayo Puntland oon juuq ka oranin waa wax aad looga calool xumaado.

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