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Warrior of Light

For the Reer Canada

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Asalaam aleykum


Dont know if your aware of a conference on Islam and humanity which will be held from the 31st of July to 1st of August in Missassauga.

Being organised by ICNA . Heard scholars like Dr. Jmal Badawi well also be there.


You can get the details from

Hope it will be of use to all Muslims who can find the time to go.

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Subhanallah Somali patriot, wondering what have you written?. Is it anger/frustration that you have missed the opportunity? Inshallah if you still have the intent (Niyah)inorder not to miss upcoming conferences just check the canadian Muslim links more frequently.

Wabillah Tawfiq

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Somali patriot, maxaa jiraa sxb? Reer maroonoo wax daran maa jiraan? maxaa saaxiib? Come on, if you want to write something go ahead, but what is this sxb?



Go figure

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