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Somaliland Rejects to Participate in the Washington Hearing

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UDUB political gurus must have thaught real hard about this and they must have concluded the political costs are too great. Kulmiye must be disappointed that UDUB government refused to go under the same roof as the warring factions of Southern Somalia. Had that happened, it would have definitely been an election winner for Kulmiye. All the conspiracy theorists would let hell loose.


UDUB pulled it off big time.

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I don't think it has anything to do with Election. This was the right thing to do and I'm glad it was done.

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lool. They are still part of Somalia like Maryam Mursal is still reer Mudug. Nothing has changed, they just realised they were not as important as the Puntland delegation. :D

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^^^Yeah right, when did the secessionist delegation find out they were just part of Somalia, today? :D You saved yourself the embarrasment, "dear members of congress the Queen is our Mother" would not have washed in Washington. :D

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

Sorry for the disappointment lad .... i'm sure you were dying to sit in the same table with our government ,,,



Ask him why this briefing/meeting was camcelled.



M/weynaha Puntland oo ka hadlaya siyaasada Puntland, burcad badeeda, dhaqdhaqaada Islaamiyiinta Somaliya.


Washington, June 24 | M/weynaha Puntland Cabdiraxman Maxamed Maxamuud 'Faroole', oo booqasho ku jooga dalka Maraykanka ayaa ka hadli doona xarunta Wilson Center ee machadka Horn of Africa Policy Institute.


Dhacdada ayaa bilaaban doonta 10:00am - 11:30am EDT subaxnimo ee maanta, waqtiga bari ee Maraykanka (Eastern Time).


Halkan toos uga daawo khudbada iyo su'aal ... [Akhris ...]

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^^^lool. :D Poker adeer NW Somalia can not deal with the main issues at hand, its too isolated geographically, your loss is our again as I have said many times before.

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