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The President of Somaliland receives Yemeni Diplomats Pics

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Madaxweynaha Oo Xafiiskiisa Ku Qaabilay Wefdi Ka Socda Dalka Yeman, Daawo

Written by Qaran News

Mar 20, 2010 at 08:17 AM

Hargeysa,(Qarannews)-Warsaxaafadeed uu soo saaray Afhayeenka Madaxtooyada JSL, Mudane, Siciid Cadaani Mooge, ayaa waxa uu u qornaa sida tan "Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland, Mudane Daahir Rayaale Kaahin, Waxaa uu Maanta Xafiiskiisa kulan kula yeeshay Wafti ka socda jamhuuriyadda Yemen.



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SOMALILAND: President Meets Yemeni Delegation


HARGEISA, 20 March 2010 (Somalilandpress) – President Dahir Rayale Kahin met a Yemeni delegation in his office today. According to a press release made my the government spokesman, Mr. Saeed Adani Moge, the meeting took place at the president’s office to discuss several issues concerning the two countries.


Mohamed Rawishani, the leader of the delegation said he is delighted to visit Somaliland and observe the stability in the country. They said they will open a trade office before the end of their visit which will start operating as soon as possible.


The President welcomed the delegation and said Somailland is ready to build a strong bilateral relationship with the Yemeni government. Mr. Kahin talked about the background of the relationship between Somaliland and Yemen which was mainly based on trade and business between the two countries. He mentioned the meeting he had with the Yemeni President, Ali Abdalla Salah in 2007 where the two agreed on resuming the trade relationship between Hargeisa and San’a.



“There are Yemeni family who always lived in Somaliland and there are Somaillanders who lived in Yemen throughout the history” Said the President. “This is the proof that the two countries shared a long history of good relationship” he concluded.


The Yemeni delegation arrived Somaliland few days ago and during their stay they had meetings with a senior government officials including ministers, politicians and others.


Yemen’s intention to open a new office in Somaliland will strengthen the relationship between the two countries in terms of trade, politics and fight against terrorism.

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Madaxwayne Riyaale oo Qabilay wafdi ka socda dalka Yemen


Waftigaasi oo muddo dhoor cisho ah booqosho ku joogay Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland waxay Madaxweynaha u sheegeen in ay aad ugu faraxsan yihiin sidii fiicnayd ee loogu soo dhaweeyay


Warsaxaafadeed uu soo saaray Afhayeenka Madaxtooyada JSL, Mudane, Siciid Cadaani Mooge, ayaa waxa uu u qornaa sida tan "Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland, Mudane Daahir Rayaale Kaahin, Waxaa uu Maanta Xafiiskiisa kulan kula yeeshay Wafti ka socda jamhuuriyadda Yemen.



Waftigaasi oo muddo dhoor cisho ah booqosho ku joogay Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland waxay Madaxweynaha u sheegeen in ay aad ugu faraxsan yihiin sidii fiicnayd ee loogu soo dhaweeyay mudadii koobnayd ee ay dalka joogeen.


Madaxweynuhu waxa uu Waftiga ka socda Dawlada yemen uga waramay xidhiidhkii soo jiraynka ahaa ee ka dhexeeyay labada dal Somaliland iyo Yemen, kaas oo ku qotomay xidhiidh ganacsi iyo iskaashi muddo dheer oo taariikhiya u dhaxeeyey labada shacbi.


Mudane Daahir Rayaale Kaahin, isagoo arintaasi sii faah-faahinayaa waxa uu xussay kulankii dhex maray isaga iyo Madaxweynaha Dalka yaman Cali Cabdale Saalax, Sanadkii 2007-dii taas oo ay ka wadda hadleen sidii loo soo celinlahaa xidhiidhkii taariikhda lahaa ee labada wadan Somaliland iyo Yemen, gaar ahaan Ganacsigii wax ku oolka ahaa ee labada dal ka dhexeeyay.



Madaxweynuhu waxa kale oo carabaabay in somaliland ay ku noolaayeen dad farabadan oo reer Yemen ah, sidoo kalena in dad iyana reer somaliland ahi ay daganaan jireen dalka Yemen sidaa awgeedna ay tahay mid marag madoon ah Xidhiidhkii iskaashiga taariikhiga ahaa ee u dhexeeyay labada shacbi kaas oo u baahan in boodhka laga tumo lana sii xoojiyo.


Waftigaasi ka socday dalka yemen oo uu hogaaminaayo Mudane Maxamed Rawiishaani, waxa ay sheegeen in ay ka furanayaan hada Magalada Hargeysa Caasimadda Somaliland Xafiiska Hay''adda dhaqaalaha ee Dalka Yemen kaas oo si dhekhso ah u hawl geli doonaan.


Waftigu intii ay marayeen Somaliland waxay kulamo kala duwan la yeesheen dhawr Wasiir oo ka tirsan Somaliland oo ay ka mid yihiin Wasiirka Ganacsiga, Arrimaha Gudaha, Hidaha iyo Dhaqanka , iyo Hay''addo kale oo ka tirsan Somaliland".


Siciid Cadaani

Afhayeenka Madaxtooyada

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