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General Duke

Asmara: Aferwarki recognise Puntland Somaliland before Sharif

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Muqdisho:"In la aqoonsado dawlada Somalia waxaa aad uga muhimsan in la aqoonsado Puntland iyo Somaliland" madaxweynaha Eritrea Efwerk

7. maj 2009


Muqdisho(AllPuntland )-Madaxweynaha Dalka Eritrea Afwerk ayaa wareysi uu siiyey idaacada VOD-da ee codka mareykanka waxaa uu ku sheegay in aqoonsi la siyo dawlada somalia ay ka muhimsantahay in la aqoonsado Puntland iyo Somaliland.


Afwerki ayaa iska fogeyeye in dawladiisa ay aqoonsantahay dawlada Somalia , waxaana uu ku tilmaamay mid ay dhoodhoben dawladaha Jabuti , Ethopia , iyo Mareykanka.


Mar wax laga weydiiyey sababaha uu u aqoonsan la' yahay Dowladda Somalia, waxa uu carrabka ku dhuftay inaysan wax faa'ido lahayn haddii ay Dowladaha Caalamka aqoonsadaan Dowladda lagu soo dhisay Jabuuti, waxaana uu sheegay in loo baahan yahay in marka hore aqoonsi Dowladnimo lasiiyo Somaliland iyo Puntland.


Madaxweyne Afwerk ayaa beeniyey dhinaca kale in uu hub iyo saad milatari siiyey mucaaradka ku kacsan dawlada madaxweyne Shariif.


"shariif anaa shalay Asmara ku dhisay isagoo leh dalkeygaan xureynaa laakin waxa uu noqday xukun doon been ka sheegay rabitaankisa" ayu yiri Afwerk


dhawaan ayaa wasiiro dawlada ka tirsan waxaa ay si isku mid ah u weerareen siyaasadaha Eritrea ee ku aadan Somalai , waxaana ugu horeeyyey wasiirada Cumar Xaashi wasiirka amaanka qaranka oo ku eedeyey in ay hub ka soo dajisay garoonka balidoogle ee G/Sh/hoose.


Xafiiska wararka Muqdisho AllPuntland

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So Aferwerki wants to divide Somalia and entertain the idea of recognizing the secessionist entity ''Somaliland'' and regionalist entity ''Puntland''?


Aferwerki will become the new hero of JB lol

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General Duke is right he is just against sharif and his government maha wanaag oo qabo Dalka somaliland iyo mamuul gobeleedka Puntiland.

Its all politics since sharif left asmara for Djibouti isiyas afarwerki meel ba cun cunaysa. Meesha cuncunaysa na odaygii xassan daahir aweys uma xoqiii karo.


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As other SOL members stated I don't think inuu Afewerki Soomaaliya kala jecel yahay ee he is just frustrated, then wuxuu is leeyahay ka xanaaji dowladda. Afewerki wax weyn kama bedelayo arrinta Soomaaliya haddii Soomaalidu danteeda garato!

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Muqdisho:"In la aqoonsado dawlada Somalia waxaa aad uga muhimsan in la aqoonsado Puntland iyo Somaliland" madaxweynaha Eritrea Efwerk

7. maj 2009


Muqdisho(AllPuntland )-Madaxweynaha Dalka Eritrea Afwerk ayaa wareysi uu siiyey idaacada VOD-da ee codka mareykanka waxaa uu ku sheegay in aqoonsi la siyo dawlada somalia ay ka muhimsantahay in la aqoonsado Puntland iyo Somaliland.


Afwerki ayaa iska fogeyeye in dawladiisa ay aqoonsantahay dawlada Somalia , waxaana uu ku tilmaamay mid ay dhoodhoben dawladaha Jabuti , Ethopia , iyo Mareykanka.


Mar wax laga weydiiyey sababaha uu u aqoonsan la' yahay Dowladda Somalia, waxa uu carrabka ku dhuftay inaysan wax faa'ido lahayn haddii ay Dowladaha Caalamka aqoonsadaan Dowladda lagu soo dhisay Jabuuti, waxaana uu sheegay in loo baahan yahay in marka hore aqoonsi Dowladnimo lasiiyo Somaliland iyo Puntland.


Madaxweyne Afwerk ayaa beeniyey dhinaca kale in uu hub iyo saad milatari siiyey mucaaradka ku kacsan dawlada madaxweyne Shariif.


"shariif anaa shalay Asmara ku dhisay isagoo leh dalkeygaan xureynaa laakin waxa uu noqday xukun doon been ka sheegay rabitaankisa" ayu yiri Afwerk


dhawaan ayaa wasiiro dawlada ka tirsan waxaa ay si isku mid ah u weerareen siyaasadaha Eritrea ee ku aadan Somalai , waxaana ugu horeeyyey wasiirada Cumar Xaashi wasiirka amaanka qaranka oo ku eedeyey in ay hub ka soo dajisay garoonka balidoogle ee G/Sh/hoose.


Xafiiska wararka Muqdisho AllPuntland

Another example of why Duke's clan websites should not be trusted. Here's a more objective website (not 100% more objective, but definitely more objective than reporting on the same story.


It shows that the Eritrean President does not support Somaliland or Puntland, but rather negatively states that Sharif's government is as legitimate as Somaliland or Puntland (which he considers illegitimate!).


Let's keep it real, gentlemen. Below is the story...



Eritrea Says It Does Not Want to Intervene

7 May 2009

06:10 AM

All Africa


© 2009 AllAfrica, All Rights Reserved


Somalia, May 07, 2009 (Shabelle Media Network/All Africa Global Media via COMTEX) -- Eritrea's President Issayas Afeworki said Wednesday that it was not his policy to intervene Somali internal affairs and added that the current Somali government is not deferent from the previous governments.


Speaking to the reporters in Asmara, Issayas Afeworki said it was not his policy and civilization to meddle in Somalia's affairs.


The Somali government accused Eritrea of sending arms shipments to Somali rebels and called for the International community to stop "the meddling of Eritrea."


"This government is not different from the Transitional National Government led by Abdikasim Salad Hassan and the federal government led by Abdulahi Yusuf Ahmed, they all collapsed because of Ethiopia's intervention," Afeworki said.


He said that his government did not recognize the Somali government and added that the current government is the same as the administrations of Somaliland and Puntland.

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