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General Duke

TFG troops take over more government areas in Mogadishu..

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^Saxib, I do not answer to a sad secesionist who's dreams of recognition has coem to naught and who's entity could not even control the ares it claims. Saxib Somalia is back, under Yusuf Yey, you have to live with that...

You don't answer alwright. You copy,paste and collaborate. You change the topic too.

Also was there not more deaths this past week between your cubclans in some village than in the streets of Mogadishu?

By my "sub-clans" do you mean my uncles in Kilinka 5aad? Well I don't know the exact numbers of people who died in the Kilinka 6aad to answer that question. Do you copy? smile.gif

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^^^LOL. If the TFG is weak then what do you call those who's reps get turned away from every meeting even in Adis?


Saxib with guns comes problems, the situation of Mogadishu is a security problem and not a milliotary one...

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According to UNDP, the population of the North-Eastern Somali regions is estimated to be 1.1 million. Compare to Mogadishu alone which is estimated to be 2.5 million to 3 million.


"UNDP currently has a portfolio of around 4 million USD in Puntland which is supposed to increase over the next years. Puntland has around 1.1 million inhabitants. The Head of Sub Office will supervise around 5 project staff, the monitoring and evaluation national officer and operations manager but this is expected to increase subject to portfolio development."

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Garowe: kulan sadex geedoos ah oo looga arinsanayo barnaamijka GNA oo ka socda puntland....


Muran ka taagan tirada dadka Puntland oo hay'ado ku sheegeen 1.1 million, Halka ay DGPL dadka reer Puntland ku sheegtay 2.5 million....


Haayadda deeqaha, dawladaha deeqaha bixiya iyo DGPL ayaa ka arinsanaya sidii barnaamijyo horumarineed oo cad cad looga hirgalinlahaa puntland sanadaha soosocda.


Kulanka oo socon doona muddo laba maal mood ah ayaa waxaa looga wada xaajoondoonaa sidii la iskula meel dhigilahaa mashaariic horumarineed ay iskula lafa guri lahaayeen puntland, Haayaddaha iyo dawladaha deeqaha bixiya.


Madaxwayne kuxigeenka puntland Xasan daahir afqurac ayaa ka dooday isagu war ay sheegtay GNA kaasi oo sheegaya in tirada dadka reer puntland ay tahay oo kaliya 1,100,000 balse sida uu dhabta ahna ay tahay buuyiri tirada shacabka reer puntland ay ay ka badanyihiin 2,500,000 ayna tahay tiradaasi mid khaldan oo aan loo dulqaadan karin, sidoo kale waxaa iyana laga dooday qaar ka mid ah gobalada puntland oo lagu daray somaliland sida gobalada Sool, Sanaag, iyo Cayn halkasi oo isna uu muran wayn ka yimid.


Hay'addaha ayaa iyagu sheegay in aysan ahayn siyaasiyiin meeshan aysan u imaan arimo siyaasadeed ayna u taalo arimahani dadka somaliyeed sidii laga yeeli lahaa balse ay iyaku yihiin kuwo ka wakiil ah Haayaddaha ayna uga wakiil yihiin arrimaha mashaariicda balse wixii siyaasad ah ay u taalo siyaasiyiinta waa sida ay hadalka u dhigeene.


Maamulka puntland ayaa wax laga xumaado ku tilmaamay in la yareeyo tirada dadka puntland isla markaana la xaqiro xuduuda dhulka puntland oo la raacsho deegaano kale oo soomaaliyeed taasi oo ay shegen in ay tahay arin aan suurta gal ahayn lana qaadan karin waasida ay hadalka u dhigeene.


A/rizak koronto

Garowe puntland

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^^^Saxib you are deluiding yourself and the UNDP estimate was rubisehd by the state as well as many who live there, they have accepted this mistake and will review it, there have been other estimate by the UN that place Puntlands population at between 2.5-2.8.. It is a vast state with many cities and nomadfolks.


Puntland State of Somalia in the northeast was formed or founded in1998 and comprises 5 regions namely: Nugal, Mudug, Bari, Sool, and Sanaag with an estimated population of over 2.8 million people (as reported by the state administration).


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You should change the title of the thread to "Ethiopian occupation army and their Somali[daba-dhilif]collaborators got lucky by finding one more hiding place in our capital.

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^^^Saxib is accuare and tells the truth, the TFG troops are taking over the city district by district and the few bombs which happen to terrorise the civilian population wont stop this fact. You can feel the ever growing strength of the Somali governemnt..

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Saxib with guns comes problems, the situation of Mogadishu is a security problem and not a milliotary one...

Seen! More foreign troops from Uganda will bring you "security", right?

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^^^Indeed, it will a great deal will change with the AU troop arrival as well the completion of training in the coming weeks of a our troops in Balidoogle..Saxib much has changed in the past few months..

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