Juje Posted October 28, 2007 The Geedi saga has reached a new level now. The spokesmen of bot Yeey and Geedi are pillow fightong in the news-portals. London: Ra`iisul wasaare Geeddi oo maanta laga sugayo warqada Iscasilaadda. 28. oktober 2007 APL London(AllPuntland)- Lataliyaha Madaxwaynaha dawladda Soomaaliya ee arrimaha dibadda Dibada C/risaaq Aadan (Durqun) ayaa sheegay in maanta la sugayo warqad istiqaalo ah oo uu soo gudbiyo ra`iisul wasaare Cali Maxamed Geeddi. C/risaaq Aadan oo waraysi gaar ah siiyay wargayska Al-sharq Al Awsad ayaa waxa uu cadeeyay in marka uu Mudane Geeddi soo gaaro magaalada Baydhabo uu kulamo la qaadan doono madaxwayne Yuusuf, uuna gudbin doono warqad qoraal ah oo uu kaga dagayo xilka uu hayo. Mudane Aadan ayaa waxa uu cadeeyay in arrintaasi ay ka dhalatay wada hadallo ay dhowaanahaan lahaayeen ra`iisul wasaraha wadanka Itoobiya iyo Proff. Cali Maxamed Geeddi. Arrintani ayaa wargayska Al-sharq Al-awsad waxa uu sheegay in uu isku dayay in la xiriiro xafiiska ra`iisul wasaraha ee wadanka Soomaaliya, balse aysan u suurto galin. Waa markii ugu horraysay oo warka arrintaasi ku aadan laga soo xigto mas`uul ka tirsan dawladda Soomaaliya, iyada oo horay uu mudane Geeddi u cadeeyay in uusan marna ka tanaasuli doonin xilkaasi. Idaacada BBC-da qaybta afka Carabiga oo warkaasi iyana baahisay ayaa waxa ay cadeysay in arrintani ay guul u tahay dawladda Soomaaliya oo dhibaato dhinaca siyaasadda ah baryahaan la kumnaysay. Warkaan ayaa wali si rasmi la xaqiijin ,ayadoo hore Raysalwasaaraha Soomaaliya Cali Maxamed Geedi usheegay in uusan xilka raysalwasaarino ka tageyn ,isla markaana ay yihiin wararkaasi kuwa ay faafinayaan dad ka soo horjeeda siijoogitaankiisa Xaafiiska Raysalwasaarnimada dalka Soomaaliya. Faarax C/qaadir Geylan AllPuntland Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Juje Posted October 28, 2007 Afhayeenka RW: " Waa been wararka sheegaya in Geedi uu is casilayo" Mogadishu 28, Oct. 07 ( Sh.M.Network)- Afhayeen u hadlay RW Geedi ayaa sheegay in wararka sheegaya in Ra'isulwasaaraha uu is casilayo ay yihiin kuwo been abuur ah, isagoo sheegay in haddiba ay jirto Mas'uul is casilay uu ugu dhow yahay Madaxweyne C/laahi Yuusuf sababo caafimaad owgeed. C/laahi Muxudiin codka oo ka tirsan xafiiska Ra'isulwasaaraha dowladda KMG ah ee Somalia, ayaa u sheegay idaacadda Shabelle in wararka ka soo yeeray Mas'uulka ka tirsan xafiiska Madaxweynaha ay yihiin kuwo been abuur ah isla markaana aanu waxba ka jirin. Afhayeenka waxa uu si kulul u eedeeyay C/risaaq Aadan oo ah La taliyaha madaxweynaha dowladda KMG ah oo uu ku tilmaamay in uu yahay Shaqsi ka been sheega xaqiiqda rasmiga ah ee ka jirta siyaasadda Madaxweynaha iyo Tan ra'isulwasaaraha. " Ma ahan RW Geedi shaqsi ku fududaanaya is casilaad, mana jiro awood sharciyadeed oo baneeyn karta in RW geedi uu xilka ka dago" Ayuu yiri Afhayeenka ra'isulwasaaraha. "Haddiiba ay jirto shaqsi is casilaya waxaa ugu dhow oo ay ku kalifeysaa xaaladdiisa caafimaad waa Madaxweyne C/laahi Yuusuf oo laga warqabo in ay tahay mid liidato" Ayuu yiri C/laahi Codka. Waxa uu sheegay in Ra'isulwasaare Geedi uu ku sugan yahay magaalada Adis ababa sidii loo badbaadin lahaa xukuumadda KMG ah. Xiriir Shabelle ay la sameysay La taliyaha Madaxweynaha C/rsiaaq Aadan oo ay wax ka weydiisay xaaladda Caafimaad ee Madaxweyne C/laahi Yuusuf ayaa waxa uu sheegay in xaaladda Madaxweynaha ay tahay mid wanaagsan oo aan waxba ka badalneyn sidii uu ahaa sanadkii hore. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Duke Posted October 28, 2007 You are sounding concerened adeer.. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Juje Posted October 28, 2007 ^^ Shouldn't I sxb, and if not tell me why? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Duke Posted October 28, 2007 ^^^ I think we have to wait and let the events play themselves out. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Juje Posted October 28, 2007 I wish it playes out soon, cause if Geedi is shown the door I want to lock him in a room with Togane and play this video for them over and over again. Geedi in DC Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Duke Posted October 28, 2007 ^^^Everything has its time, thats why I did not find this Sharqalawsat piece and nor did I find the response supposidely from the PM spokesmen unusual. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Juje Posted October 28, 2007 Everything has a time sxb, but that is everything beyond your control, not your tenet, Your principle should be intact and not change with the tide. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Duke Posted October 28, 2007 ^^^Indeed, thats why I was disapointed with Geedi turning to clanist politics after all this time. Though I was not suprised with his former enemies hailing him as a saint. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Juje Posted October 28, 2007 Originally posted by General Duke: Though I was not suprised with his former enemies hailing him as a saint. Dont be naive sxb. The trick there is to speed up the dissentegration of the puppet regime. With the ousting of Geedi the TFG will crmble. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Duke Posted October 28, 2007 ^^^Oh, clever of you. What if the ouster of Geedi strengthens the TFG? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Juje Posted October 28, 2007 Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Oh, clever of you. What if the ouster of Geedi strengthens the TFG? What sort of enclave are you living in sxb? I should be calling my sis and ask her to give more free time to go to the park near you so that you could interact with other humans. You call strenght with the Parliament divided into two and the formation of a party within it. The absence of coherent chain of command withing TFG puppet troops and scattered into different parties that they are fighting among themselves in Merca, etc.etc.etc, and you claim it will strenghten, or wait a minute...now I know...You believe that Gacmadhere will get the PM position and that makes you ecstatic... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Duke Posted October 28, 2007 ^^^Ahh, talk about bringing out deeply held feelings, park, sister, Minister Guled, I wonder what made you burst all those things that had nothing to do with the topic, why are you afraid? Next time stick to the topic and dont highlight your personal envy and fears. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Juje Posted October 28, 2007 Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Ahh, talk about bringing out deeply held feelings, park, sister, Minister Guled, I wonder what made you burst all those things that had nothing to do with the topic, why are you afraid? Next time stick to the topic and dont highlight your personal envy and fears. What is there to fear, except to point out where your loyalty lies,, . Besides there is nothing envy but despise in that circle sxb.. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Duke Posted October 28, 2007 ^^^Adeer, I do pity you, for you seem to be taking everything personal. My loyalties lies with my family, who are as diverese as any in Somalia.. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites