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TFG stooges removed from kismaayo

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Ciidamada Ethiopia oo la wareegay amaanka Kismaayo


Kismaayo 20, Feb.07 ( Sh.M.Network) Ciidamada dowladda Ethiopia ayaa la wareegay Saldhigga Booliska ee magaalada Kismaayo, ka dib markii magaaladaasi laga saaray ciidamadii booliska iyo kuwii Militariga ee dowladda Somalia.


Ciidamadan Ethiopianka ah ayaa sidoo kale la wareegay meelo ay ka mid tahay xabsiga magaalada Kismaayo, iyadoo meesha ay ka baxeen dhaq dhaqaaqyadii ciidamada Somalida ay ku lahaayeen magaaladaasi.


Arintaan ayaa waxa ay ka dambeysay, ka dib markii ciidamadii Somalida loo kaxeeyay Xarunta tababarka Luglow oo waqooyi kaga beegan magaalada Kismaayo.


Shalayna kulan adag ayaa waxa uu ku dhex maray magaalada Kismaayo Saraakiisha ciidamada booliska iyo kuwa dowladda Ethiopia oo aaqirkii isku raacay in amaanka ay la wareegaan ciidamada Ethiopia inta tababarka uu ugu soo dhamaanayo magaalada Kismaayo.


Farxaan Lafoole

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well ever since that explosion that injured several made-to-believe colonels; two of the dominant clans that live in that accused began accusing Yeey's clan of being behind it.


the accusation and counter-accusation got to the point that they almost started fighting each other, especially Hiiraale's clan.


the soldiers stopped taking orders from each other and turned to tribal militias.


so to ethiopians told them to leave the city and rounded them to be "trained"

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^^LOL@rounded them to be trained.


Tigree good-doers never cease to astonish us eh!


So the Ethios are in direct control of the city after they couldn't trust thier subordinates.


What are the political ramifications of this yaa abu ansaar? Do you think this will hasten the fall of tfg as it threatens the adhoc tribal groupings he put together to fight against Courts men?

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^^^Saxib you are stuck in third gear, the days of the JVA in Kismayu is over, IndaCade and his group have no claim over the city, have no rights because they came with the gun and left by it.


As for Shabbele Radio its accepted they would take such a line..

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Ethiopian la wareegay amaanka Kismayo

20 Feb 20, 2007 - 12:28:09 PM





Magaalada Kismaayo ee xarunta gobolka Jubbada Hoose ayaa maanta waxaa ammaankeeda la wareegay ciidamo Ethiopian ah oo aad u hubeysan kuwaasoo baaritaano ka sameynayay xaafada magaaladaasi.


Dowlada Federaalka ayaa shalay galinkii dambe ilaa saakay magaalada ka saareysay ciidamada Soomaalida, iyadoo ciidamada Ethiopian-ka ay saakay la wareegeen goobo muhiim ah oo ku jirto Saldhiga iyo Xabsiga Kismaayo.


Dadweynaha ayay ciidamada Ethiopian-ka ku amreen in waxii ka bilowda 9 fiidnimo aysan socon karin isla markaana aysan jiri karin goob ganacsi oo furan xiligaasi.


Shalay ayaa la sheegay in kulan ay Kismaayo ku yeesheen Saraakiishaha Dowlada Federaalka ku go'aansadeen in ciidamada Dowlada laga bixiyo magaalada isla markaana magaalada ay la wareegaan gacan ku heynteeda ciidamada Ethiopian-ka.


Amaanka magaalada Kismayo ayaa u muuqdey maalmahan mid faraha ka sii baxayey kadib markii ay ka dhaceen qaraxyo iyo dilal kala duwan.



Cabdi Fatax Axmad, GO

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^^^Again that is just an absurd title and topic, the TFG is in control of Kismayu, saxib, no matter what some creative reporting might suggest..So much for the "insurgency"..

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you can believe what ever you want, no one was talking about who is control or not. for sure we know the ethiopians rule the country.


the story was about the stooges going at it.

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^^^The story came from Shabbale radio, which was a mouth piece for a wing of the JVA which became part of the clan courts and which was routed from Kismayu, thus out of anger people writte things.


Kismayu is ok alhamdulilah.

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