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Originally posted by me:

The British did NOTHING for the North of Somalia, they killed, they oppressed and they plundered our land.

Who said they did something for us,or are you believing the comments made by some saying that folks in that region missed the British occupation.That is just rubbish if you ask me,if we missed them, we wouldn't be refering them as 'guumaystihii',because that is what they were there for.So tell us something that we don't know saxib,instead of trying to raise a point in which no one is arguing against.


Siyaad Barre's government on the other hand, invested heavily in the North. Yes the roads that are today a source of pride for the secessionist mafia have been build by Siad Barre's government. Berbera Port was build by Siyaad Barre with Somali taxpayer’s money and so was Hargeysa Airport.

Let us be realistic now, offcourse when you are President of a region, you should do that and even more.During the first days of his rule, the country was striving towards the right dirction,roads were built,schools,farms,and people were united and rallying behind their president.Until he messed it up,until he got big headed and started to think tribally rather than as a President of the whole region.To say Siyad Barre did all that is just plain shallow,because if he couldn't do even that what else would have done for the place? think rationally buddy,because you are not addressing insane people,we know how things were.


Furthermore, the Hargeysa airport is in far better condition than it has ever been, and yes I am talking about during the days of aabihii Afweynimada.The Berbera port was built by foreigners, so even during the days in which Somalia was in its highs,things weren't going all that great compare to other nations that were "developing",thus most of these developments you speak of where genously done for us by the outside world, not to mention the fascist instituations in which Barre worshiped,like Russia etc.



Tell us please what the secessionist mafia has done for the people of the North West, except create hate and division between the brotherly Somali people.

Well well, hate and division? what does one who praises anarguably the worst creature of all the somali race has seen, know about love and unity.Siyad Barre contributed in large and should be directly blamed for hatred,amnosity, that exists between the people.He should be blamed squarly for what went wrong which lead to 16 years of chaos in the South, and under developments in other region.He should be blamed for miscalculating the disastarous war against Ethiopia,puting our young nation and our young men and women in uniform in harms way by mistakenly going on offensive at the wrong time.He was responsible for crushing the morale and the goodwill determination of the Somali people at the time.Another point of the evil regime that is worth noting is his famous bashing of our Holy verses of the Quran, saying he would cut off any verse in the Quran that said the duties of men and women aren't the same.He said he would marked it off with a red pen with his own hand.


The public excutions of more than 10 wadaads is also another example of the many evil doings of that regime.


His forces continously commited inhumane acts against their own people under his orders,they have commited and were responsible countless damagining acts which have wounded a nation and people on the rise,if you can't seem to see that,then I am sorry.



Tell us what they have achieved except:

92 % unemployment,

Khat epidemic,

HIV epidemic,

Uncontrolled immigration of Ethiopians

The 92% unemployment rate you speakm of,addiction of Khat you mentioned, and the HIV epedemic you have ranted,exists everywhere on Somali peninsula, and even during the days of Barre regime's glory, the unemployment rate was very high,thus Somalia was considered extremely poor nation with high unemployment rate,the Khat epedemic you speak existed back then,so I don't see what is new there,not to mention Vodka imported from Russia.The HIV epedemic wasn't controlled by Barre ciidanka asluubta(lol), they werent' for Asluubta,more like to keep an eye of those who would dare speak against Barre.However, the uncontrolled immigration of Ethiopians that you speak of is something I don't know where you have gathered from,or is it just to lenghting your list? there are no uncontrolled Ethiopian immigration,few have left their country to look for work,but not nearly enough to say uncontrolled amount,mislead yourself,we are aware of the happenings of back home.



Let’s judge people on their achievements.

That is exactly what we judge people by,their actions,if not what else are we judging him by his tribe,no,he was of minority tribe,his looks, well you know him there---his nick was great discription of his looks.We are merely judging him of what he did.Excluding of few things that he has done over 10 year period,is overshodowed by what he and his forces commited in the last 20 years of his regime.


The secessionist mafia has ruled the area for 16 years. What have they done?

Actually,Somaliland declared their independance in 1991,but right after that, they went into civil war lasting two years,so it wasn't until 1997 that they got their act together, so it can be argued that Somaliland is one year older than their neighbors to the east,Puntland.But if we count when Somaliland anounced their seccession,then yes you would say that it has been 16 years,but as far as I know,majority of Hargeysa,Burco,Berbera inhabitants,were in refugee camps as recent as 1995,so does that count as having stable region,I think not.


The people of the North West have done all the positive achievements themselves. Everyman rebuilt his house. The people have shown tremendous resilience. All the achievements of the North West are without the help of the secessionist mafia.

Offcourse,the people is what is all about,as I have made clear many times before,no one gives rat of what few politicians do as long as they leave each other alone,which is what they have done.As far the corruption of the ruling party of Somaliland,well that is the critism they face from the main population,so nothing new there.They state exactly what you have stated there.So that is valid critism which can be made by the Somalilanders towards Udub party.


The secessionist mafia tax the people with out returning anything. They are constantly on war footing with neighbouring areas; they are always professing hate and preaching clan chauvinism. Let’s not confuse with what the people of the North West have done for themselves with what the secessionist mafia has done for the people.

The people of the North West would have done even better with the cooperation of its brothers and sisters in other regions.


Let us not completely fail to mention during the 30 years of Siyad Barre rule,the region hasn't seen as much as college graduates from different instituions such Camoud,Hargeysa,and now Buroc University.The university of Hargeysa in it's second graduation ceremony has had more 1000 graduates in its first years of existance, and in Amoud University in Borame the success there is equall if not greater than Hargeysa, and Burco U is now on the rise.All these are positive developments which wasn't had in the Barre days.


The people of the North West deserve better government.

yes they do, but Barre like creature won't provide that as you wish yaa Kacaanka ahaa.So spare me and others the love bro.

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Originally posted by Caamir:

providing a sense of security to the general North West Somalis and safety to the Aid organizations should be commended. I don't think they can build roads or other economic infrastructure without a sizable loan from probably IMF--that helps member countries overcome their BOP problems or probably the International Bank for Reconstruction and Redevelopment--designed to build infrastructure. Even its sub-agency, IDA, which provides a soft loan of long-term debt, no interest or strings attached except small adminstration fees, can't come to the rescue of their vogue notions and wild claims.


The above things could happen if a country is an existing entity that is recognized by the world, but that dream is far-fetched and won't come, trust me. It is better that SL adminstration realize the reality and contribute to the cross-fertilization of knowledge with its brethrens in that they can help their regions prosper and integrate faster with the rest of the world.

Once again your suggestions folks are well noted.Those are the main goals and plan of the future,if Riyale and his Udub pary failed to do that,well the biggest critism he faces are as result of his corruption.By electing better and more suitable leader in the near future might answer some of that,and perhaps bring some of the things you mentioned into practice.


as far as everything else goes,well I have to say, no can be too sure of anything.What if somaliland was recongnised today, then what? so I wouldn't make predictions that could well fail to happen.I am saying you just wouldn't know enough to make predictions.


However,what is sad is,that one can't seem to pick his/her village from the rubles and yet they continue to try to critise another's while shamefully not realizing the bigger problems that are existing else where.

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Red Sea, your comments seem to be coming from someone sitting on a perch with no attachments to Somalia or as though you have a different country. Brother, Somalia, whether Hargeisa or Mogadisho, is the same to me. i agree Mogaidho and surroundings were reduced to rubbles but they are picking up through grassroots movement.

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From daanta eidangalle or dunbuluq






Hargeysa shacabkii hargeysiyo shan habeen

shaykh madder iyo duushesiyo






Somaliland officals my uncle on the left

Ismacil ******





his grandpa the founder of city hargeysa sh mader





The somaliland pyramids lol

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^^So your uncle is a minister. Is that why you are so passionate about SL dreams?


BTw, you reposting the same long road over and over in different dimensions, of course.

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^^So your uncle is a minister. Is that why you are so passionate about SL dream?"


He is not alone. Its unfortunate we still have hard time erasing the legacy of late dictator Siyaad.


^ Shariif Saylici, is that the house of your uncle?? Looks like your uncle has more to show as a minister than the former warlord/minister Muuse Suudi during his time with the dowlad beeleedka YEEY. ;)

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