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Why every southern dude I see calls him self reer xamar when he never spent a day in Banaadir?


Most of you’re from the villages. It shows in your attitudes!


Magaalao joog xumadu aad bay idiinku badan tahay saaxiib…maxaa aritaa ka jira?

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^lol@jaylaani, waan garta sxb.Kadaa duqu, wuxuu ka mid yay raga ugu fadhiga fiican meesha eh.


Sxb. Che, haa sax, kaftan uu weeye laqabsoo, mararka qaar wa la'iskagaa qabsanayaaye.


runtii ma ogayn in aad Buuhoodleh aad waqti joogtay, waan gartay sxb.Laakin waa kaftan, minaku minakaagii waaye, markaa ama Buuhoodle ahow ama iska daaye waan ku fahmi karaa, siiba dee Xamari aan kasii helaa, sida Mr. tuujiye oo kale.Waa funny saxib in good way.


thanks for letting me know though.

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Nimankaas walaahi gacanbaan u taagay. Hadaa waa mid reer shalanbooda oo aan waligii meel LIGHT ka baxaya arag ayaa ku odhanayaa anigoo bakaaraha maraayaaa Dabka caasi hka raacay Jasiirana ka casheeyay. Waar heedhe saaxiib anigaaba Xamar kaa badsadayee goormaa Dabka Bakaaraha loo raray ma intii Siyad Bare ka dambaysay...Hada waligii muu arag laakiin magacyaduunbuu meelaha ka maqlay!

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Dear Jaylaani & Mr. Red Sea,


would it not be better if we spent our time having conversations or debates that matter?


This kind of name callings and 'joking' around is irrelivant.


Either discuss the issues that have been raised or simply shut up. Thank you.


Che, please let these people go. They grow on name-callings, engage them at your own terms and them drop them when you feel like it. Thats the best way in dealing with them.


Never let themderail any of your topics. Thank you.

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Che, please let these people go. They grow on name-callings, engage them at your own terms and them drop them when you feel like it. Thats the best way in dealing with them.


Never let themderail any of your topics. Thank you. [/QB]

Isn't that what we're doing to you here. Engage you when we want to and diss you and ignore you when we feel like it.


BTW, Adigu saaxiib reer DAAMI baad tahay oo waynu is naqaanaaye… let me have this conversation with the real southerner people in here...Step aside please. Thanks

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^sorry, what was the topic again Mr.Me? remind me, or wasnt' you my friend that jumped in to a topic which had absulately nothing do with which you brought and found a way to drag Siyad Barre this and Barre that into it, I think it would be wise if you checked with the title of the thread first before you just drop in with such comments then later claim you are the good guy, needless to say, you have lost any sort of debate you had brought forth and intended to make,both here and in "snm was beaten"fiasco.


Af far as Che goes, well he is man enough to discuss, joke, have a good time, all that is his call, no one insulted him and I am sure he knows that.But do realize one thing,not all men are created equal, if you think what we have said above is name calling,then I dont' know what really to make of you, since ay fartuba ku gaadhayso.



So brother would I be asking too much if I asked you as well, to simply zip it yourself when we aren't discussing some issues such the Barre regime and not bring that into thread such this one intended to inform audience of back home.This wasn't a debateabl issue to begin with not until you came in with your usual two cents which carried uknown intentions to this point.

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War he dhe me dhageyso what does it matter the former goverment is gone i dont belive they build hargeysa airport and i dont belive somalia goverment where russians soo now tell me if they build a paredise in somaliland


the bomb it at the end soo every thing was destroyed so whats the use

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Originally posted by Jaylaani:



Why every southern dude I see calls him self reer xamar when he never spent a day in Banaadir?


Most of you’re from the villages. It shows in your attitudes!


Magaalao joog xumadu aad bay idiinku badan tahay saaxiib…maxaa aritaa ka jira?

LooooL....Saaxib, I personally like village life, and Reer koonfer for most part are farmers that live in small villages. So, maba diidanin inaan badankaynu naha reer tuulo oo beerahooda iska fasha. laakin saaxib waxaa naga sii daran xoolo dhaqato. In the human evolutionary ladder, beeralay waaka ilbax santay geeljire. Marka Saaxib, adoo hada Hawd ka yimid oo logahaaga boorkii wali ku yaalo inaad wax iga sheegtid gardaro ma ahow. Bal reer magaalinimo idinkaa idiin dayne, waxaad ka hishiin wax ha nagasiinina. In meantime ma ahow, tuuladeena iska joognaa while we wait geeljire to deliver their livestocks to Bososo, and XamarCadeey.


Redsea...Saaxib, Ima fahmin, I didn't mean to bother you with my family tree, laakin reer waqooyi waxaad nooga dhigtay dad qalaad, the point of my post was to convey Soomaali waa istaqaan, way isla dhashayn, waa isdhaleen, and waana is dhex dagaan.Unless ninyahow aa Soomaali ka baxdeen

claiming to be reer Haashim as our friend Sharif seylac like to remind us every time, in which case waaxaa indinka codsaneynaa inaad macamus, bakoorada, afar jeeblaha, and koofida abtidoon soo celisiin, hadii kale ma ahow, lets continue with our little chatter but without Redsea's crush course on reer waqooyi kaftan and ways.


ME...Walaal, Lets leave history to historians, and as for who won and lost, well the four of us here are all in some foriegn with no prospect returning to our country or countries, that alone should tell us something.

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some history of the hashimite that when into the horn basicaly story of sh isxaaq the last 2 records that has bin signd bye the sharifs back in the days


I have a holl kitaab about it his life in iraq his jounry his couzins brothers mother story about that how he was from sudden iraq

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It basically explains the migration of Banu Hashim (Alawis in particular, sons of Ali binu abi Talib) outside the Arabian Peninsula due to fear of prosecutions by the Umayyads (Sufyanids), the Fatimids and the Abbasids (their banu Hashim cousins).

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lol, what happened here then?


I was having a little tongue in cheek banter with ME then all this.


ME, your intention of hi-jacking the topic was clear from the start mate.


those infustructures were built by combination of chines russian and English, and the money was from Aid given to somalia by international community in which over 70% of that money was used by aabo siyad to buy weapons

No need to pay the money back, we are onto a winner :D


You guys are the ones crying about Somaliland this Somaliland that…. if you think we have nothing to offer than shouldn’t you just shut up and let us be?



ME says:


Never let themderail any of your topics

Now thats a classic line!


Somalia Debt Repayment Programme, . I wonder who will pay this? :confused: here


Somalia Debt $3b Est.!!!!!!!!


The question is, are you willing to take on that debt?


The Kuwait Fund

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Burco, Berbera and Hargeia house 20% of Somalia! Me, waxay ilatahay wadanka makala taqaanid walaale. May be 33% might be closer to the mark as many here will agree right?

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