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Dabo-Geed: “waxaa wax lala yaabo leh in Itoobiyanka inta ciidayda iigu yimaadeen....

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In early 1970s, Doobyaaye- a 'mentally retarded' man who lived in the small town of Aware, in Degahbour zone, summed up the behaviour of the Xabashi's. Back then, my father tells me, no one took him seriously and people saw his admonisions as the baloney of a crazy man. This was his Dhaanto.


Itoobiya waa wax loo bogayoo

Ninkii u dadaala way dili


Yusuf Dabageed of Hirran, the notorious warlord, has this to say after nearly four decades!


Dabo-geed: “waxaa wax lala yaabo leh in Itoobiyaanka inta ciideyda iigu yimaadaan ay iigu hanjabaan in aan isaga baxo


“waxaa wax lala yaabo leh in Itoobiyaanka inta ciideyda iigu yimaadaan ay iigu hanjabaan in aan isaga baxo” sidaasi waxaa yiri Yuusuf Axmed Hagar (Dabo-geed), gudoomiyihii gobolka Hiiraan.

‘Nafta Ilaah ayaa haya, aniga nin diin leh ayaan ahayn, waana ogahay inhal mar aan dhimanayo, laakiin haddii leys leeyahay ha loo caga jugleeyo, hana ka baxo gobolkaasi, taasi ma dhaceyso” ayuu hadalkiisa sii raaciyay.

“Hubkeyga iyo baabuurteyda oo aan aniga xoolaheyga kala baxay, qaarna ay beesheyda leedahay ayaa si xaq darro ah markii hore leygala wareegay, Hadana afartii qori ee la igu waardiyeynayay ayaa la iga qaatay, markaas ayaa hankabaad la iila yimid” ayuu mar kale yiri Dabo Geed.

Wuxuu sheegay in taliyaha ciidamada Itoobiyaanka ee jooga Jante Kuundishe uu amar ku siiyay in uu ka guuro goobtii uu degenaa, haddii uu doonayana uu ku biro kooxaha dowlada ka horjeeda.

Wuxuu sheegay Dabo-Geed in uu iminka ku sugan yahay gudaha Baladweyne oo uu sheegay in uusan marnaba ka baxayn.

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Xaguu u bixi hee ,,, xagaana Al-Shabaab baa kaga horeeya halkana xabashi baa ugu hanjabaya.


Someone tell him to committ a suicide ,,,,,,, :D

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^They did that already by putting Yeey in a jail when they finished with him in late 80s.


Dabo-Geed's a**s on fire!

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taliyaha ciidamada Itoobiyaanka ee jooga
Jante Kuundishe

:D , is that new Somali town? mise cento quindicie ay ka wadaan. Uff Somali iyo broken Italian isku nacay!

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the man could not do his job and was chased out of beledwein by those rag tag religious mooryan of hiiraan way too many times. I don't care who tells him to go but someone should.

BTW, why is your aviator so violent JB?

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