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Faroole is right, Sharif must sign the Galkacyo Accord

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Sheekh Shariif oo difaac ka galey khilaafka Puntland

20 Nov 20, 2009 - 4:53:47 AM




Madaxweyne Shariif oo shir jaraa'íd ku qabtey magaalada Muqdisho maanta 20 Nov,2009 ayaa ka hadley mowqifka dowladda FKMG ah ee ku wajahan Somaliland islamarkana xusey xiriirka Puntland ay la leeyihiin.


Sheekh Shariif oo ka hadley khilaafka Puntland ayaa sheegey in nasiib daro tahay in si ka duwan loo fasiro natiijadaii kulankaan, waa sida uu hadlka u dhigaye.


Madaxweyne Shariif ayaa xusey in Xukuumadiisu ka go'an tahay fulinta heshiiska Galkacayo.


Shariif ayaa sheegey in wax walba ku saleysan yihiin Axdi Qarameedka islamarkana ku tilmaamey in arinka Federaalka aysan eheyn in dalka la kala gooyo waa sida uu hadalka u dhigeye.


Madaxweyne Shariif oo Puntland ku eedeeyey iney ka hadashay wixii la isku qabtey ayaa tilmaamey in Hurumarka goboladaas jecel yihiin xili madaxda Puntland sheegtey buu yiri in dowladda dhexe tahay mid diidan arinkaas.


Hadalka Madaxweynaha DFKMG ah ayaa yimid xili dowladda Puntland ee Somalia ka biyo diidey in dowladda Sheekh Shariif is-hortaagtey hirgalinta

qodobkii ugu muhiimsanaa heshiiska Galkacayo kaas oo ahaa in mashaariicda hurumarka laga fuliyo degaanada nabadda ah sida Puntland.


Dhinaca kale Sheekh Shariif oo ka hadley eedeeyn uga timid dowladda Somaliland ayaa sheegey in midnimadda Somalia xoog aysan ku raadineyn balse wadahadal lagu dhameyn doono.


Sh.Shariif ayaa sidoo kale difaac ka galey hadal dhowaan ay dhibsatey Ahlu Sunah Waljamaca isaga oo sheegey in weli rumeysan in kooxdaas tahay Janhad.


Eedeymaha uga yimid Dowladda Sheekh Shariif maamulada iskood isu maamula iyo urukaas hubeysan ee Ahlu-Sunaha ayaa timid xili Xumuumadiisu ka taliso inta u dhexeysa Garoonka diyaardaha ee Muqdisho iyo Villa Somalia iyadaoo ku tiirsan difaaca ciidamada urur goboleedka Africa ee AMISOM.



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Madaxweyne Shariif ayaa xusey in Xukuumadiisu ka go'an tahay fulinta heshiiska Galkacayo.


a needed affirmation, the implementation shall follow

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Abtigiis, xiin sides with principles, and does not support political figures for personal reasons or for clan leanage.


The Galkacyo Accord is important because it symbolizes political maturity. It signifies the start of cooperative work between the said entities. Despite the nuisance of usual saboteurs in both sides of the fence, the implementation of agreement will go through IA.


Listen to the tfg PM talk about the 'nuxur' of the heshiis

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I since saw on Wardheernews. Some of the demands are not acceptable, such as to be sitting in international meetings along with the TFG. The demands are one-sided. What will Puntland offer in return?

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^^^Apparently you are novice in the art of negotiation. There is nothing unacceptable for PL wanting to sit on in international meetings where funds intended for Somalia are allocated. But the tfg rejected (if I remember it correctly) that proposal for obvious reasons, and was not part of the final Galkacyo Accord.


What does PL offer for TFG? That is clearly a rhetorical question.

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It is not. Faroole must accpet he is a the President of a consitutent region of Somalia, not a head of state of an independent state. His rethoric is far from such acceptance.

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^Apart from sitting alongside the TFG at the international venues, I think the rest is reasonable. It must be noted this is only till the final constitution is penned and a federal framework is adopted.

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