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General Duke

Another Sharif Hotel achievement: Somalia closes all embassies

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Lack of resources force Somalia to close foreign embassies

19 Jan 19, 2010 - 11:05:18 AM


A statement from Somalia's Foreign Affairs Ministry says that insufficiency funding has forced the fragile UN-backed government to recall most of its embassy employees in the world.


The embassies that will be affected by the decision, which was agreed by the cabinet and signed by president Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, include those in European and America.


The embassies include, Kenya, France, Belgium, Germany, Tanzania, Indonesia, Zambia, Djibouti, Ethiopia, USA, and many others which are regarded as full of activity.


“Lack of funds has forced Somalia to close all its embassies in the world and the workers are informed to return to the country,” said the statement that was sent to all the countries.


The decision will be ratified once the government is in capable of running the embassies.


“The Foreign Affairs Ministry will carry out work reform. The embassies will be reopened once the funding is available,” the statement added.


However, Dr. Abdi Mohammed Ulusow, the foreign ministry's director general claimed that he was officially informed about the decision.


“The embassies that will be closed are those undertaking a lot of work and the action will undermine the government's plans of spreading its wings through out the world,” he told reporters.


He accused Foreign Affairs Minister Ali Ahmed Jamaa Jangali of using the action in his inner war with the government.


The action comes as the Italian government promised to reopen its embassy in the war-torn country.


Critics say the rampant corruption and embezzlement of the funds is affecting the operations of most of the Somali embassies. The critics also cite the government working on under funding.



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The embassies include, Kenya, France, Belgium, Germany, Tanzania, Indonesia, Zambia, Djibouti, Ethiopia, USA, and many others which are regarded as full of activity.


“Lack of funds has forced Somalia to close all its embassies in the world and the workers are informed to return to the country,” said the statement that was sent to all the countries.

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^^^Now its my fault the man is incompetent?

Its my fault that he waged a fake religious Jihad and was the leader of those who introduced suicide bombers to Somalia in 2006, he was the leader of Al Shabaab that started assasinating Somali elders in Mogadishu in 2005.


Its my fault the man is a failure and a hypocrite?


Adeer I dont blame you for your words, you are not a Somali and dont have much insight into what this country is and what it could be.


I was right about him, but I wish I had been wrong and that he brought peace to my country.

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I don't have much insight? This from a man who said, "Shabaab never took a single major town when my uncle was in power".


Adeer please, you can rejoice in Somalia's tragedy all you want, but Shariif can start eating children and he still will never take your uncle's place as most reviled leader of post-91 Somalia.

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lol...kuwa badan oo aan anshax, aqoon iyo caqli diblomaasi waxba ka ogeyn oo warqadaha la wareegayey oo YEY u saxiixay maxaa haysta? :D

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Originally posted by Abwaan:

lol...kuwa badan oo aan anshax, aqoon iyo caqli diblomaasi waxba ka ogeyn oo warqadaha la wareegayey oo YEY u saxiixay maxaa haysta?


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Originally posted by Abwaan:

lol...kuwa badan oo aan anshax, aqoon iyo caqli diblomaasi waxba ka ogeyn oo warqadaha la wareegayey oo YEY u saxiixay maxaa haysta?

I believe that's what's really bothering Mr.Duke! A lot of exiles will have to go back to Canada and Europe and leave the old embassies (as well as let go of the $$$ proceeds from renewing passports and notarizing documents).


Isha'ayaad ka soo tuurtay, Haji Abwaan...

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DF oo sheegtey iney xireyso safaarado

19 Jan 19, 2010 - 10:23:36 AM


War qoraal ah oo kasoo baxay xafiiska wasiirka arimaha dibada ee Somalia Cali Axmed Jaamac [Jangeli] ayaa lagu sheegay in DF ay dhaqaale la'aan u xirayso safaaradaha ay ku leedahay calaamka.


Warbixintan ayaa lagu xusay in la xirayo dhamaan saxaafadaha Somalia ay ku leedahay dalalka dibada, kuwaasoo ay ku jiraan Yurub iyo Mareyankanka, mana jiraan wax kale oo la sheegay in xiridooda ay keentay.


"Dhaqaale la'aan awgeed ayaa sababay in safaaradaha Somalia ay ku leedahay calaamka albaabada la isugu dhufto, iyadoo shaqaalihiina lagu wargeliyay inay dib ugu soo laabtaan dalka" ayaa lagu yiri warqadan oo caalamka loo qaybiyay.


Golaha wasiirada DF ayaa la sheegay inay ansixiyeen go'aankan, isla markaana uu aqbalay Madaxweyne Sh. Shariif, iyadoo la sheegay in markii dhaqaale ku filan safaaradaha loo helo dib loo furi doono.


"Wasaarada arimaha dibadu waxay sameyn doonaan isbadal howleed, dib ayaana loo furi doonaa saxaafadaha la xiray markii loo helo dhaqaale ku filan" ayaa lagu yiri warqada oo uu ku saxiixan yahay wasiirka arimaha dibada ee Somalia Jangeli.


Safaaradaha la xirayo ayaa waxaa ku jira safaarada ay Somalia ku leedahay Italy, France, Belgium, Germany, Mareykanka, Kenya, Tanzania, Indonesia, Zambia, Jabuuti, Ethiopia iyo kuwo kale oo la sheegay inay yihiin kuwo shaqo badan qabta.


Dr. Cabdi Max'ed Culusow oo ah agaasimaha guud ee wasaarada arimaha dibada DF oo saxaafada la hadlay ayaa sheegay in qorshahan aanay ka wasaarad ahaan wax ka ogeyn, balse lasoo gaarsiiyay qoraalkan.


"Safaaradaha la xirayo waa kuwii ugu shaqada badnaa, waxaana lagu soo beegay xili ay DF doonaysay inay Calanka Somalia gaarsiiso Dunida oo dhan, tanina dhabar-jab ayay ku tahay" ayuu yiri Dowlada uu horkacayo Sh. Shariif.


Mas'uulkan u hadlay wasaarada ayaa sheegay in wasiirku uu qaatay go'aan isaga u gaar ah, balse uu isagu u arko inay tahay mid uu kula dagaalamayo DF kuna doonayo inuu ku dumiyo.


Wararka soo gaaraya Garowe Online ayaa sheegaya in safaaradaha la xirayo ay madax ka yihiin dad uu magacaabey Madaxweynihii hore ee Somalia Cabdulahi Yusuf.


Diblomasi diidey magaciisa ayaa Garowe online u sheegey in xariga xafiisyadaan tahay in laga takhaluso madaxda qunsuliyadaha iyo safaradaha si dowladda Sheekh Shariif uga gacan banaanato magacaabista dad cusub.


Xirida safaaradaha Somalia ay ku leedahay calaamka ayaa imaanaysa xili ay Italy oo horay u gumeysan jirtay Somalia ay sheegtay inay furanayso safaaradeedii Somalia, iyadoo Somalia safaarado ku leeyihiin dalalka Ethiopia, Yemen iyo Uganda.



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ABWAN & Juje, as always give meaningful insight to their clan hatred and bias. After a year, is Sharif still working hard on replacing “Yey appointees” , it takes all this time to do this?


Also if we are talking about Puntlanders and qualifications. Lets do a simple comparison shall we..


Compare Faroole education to Sharif’s.

Gen Abdullahi Ilkajiir’s to Abdulkadir Ali Omar.

Dr Farah Ali [finance chief of Puntland] to illiterate Sharif Xasan, & Yarisow.


The most educated members of Sharif Hotels government, Sharmarke, Jurile, Jengeli all happen to be Puntlanders and close to Yey ;)


PS: To the southern folks, embassies are symbols of statehood, shutting them down completely brings joy to the secessionists like Mintid Farayar, but we have Juje, laughing at the dismantling of the state.


Hey Juje, how many districts does Sharif Hotel control, Now what was Mr Hotel's response?


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The funny thing here or it is more tragedy really the likes of Duke, Abwaan , and Juje could have had it all if it is not for un-necessary mucaraadnimo, their lack of duty to their country, and unholy dedication to one man.


The closings of Somali embassies (source of shame) and dispersing of the embassy's staff (another source of shame)is turned into political score-points. N one wonders why the TFG (an entity they supported one time or another) is failing.


Learn to share the pie, maybe then you wouldn't wrestling or swimming in your excrements in front of the entire world.

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Che, as usual you add very little to the argument and let me correct you before you ride out on your high horse. The embassy debacle, the sea scandal, the failure to curb the crazy insurgents [who you support] are all the failures of this administration. It is the failure of Sharif Hotel and his supporters; it is the failure of the silly Djibouti caravan and the clanistic folks like the gentlemen in here who fought and demonstrated and funded an insurgency just to get us to this wonderful stage. Also Mr Che, let me remind you that you support the bizarre Al Shabaab outfit who’s nationalist tendencies is to replace the Somali flag, behead Somali’s and let us be led by simpletons from Alabama & Chechnya who are wanted criminals in their homelands.


Now lets go back to the topic, I will not accept the failure of this adminstartion as my own or that of the previous ones.

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And here , similar to the motives of a ***, the 'great' Duke and 'trusted' Garowonline are quoting and basing their stories on

However, Dr. Abdi Mohammed Ulusow, the foreign ministry's director general claimed that he was officially informed about the decision.

have they ever considered whether the guy is actually Diector General let alone whether his story is true or not. Duke sxb keep on nagging this 'dowlaad' is light years ahead of your thinking and capacity to comprehend.


[ January 21, 2010, 10:24 AM: Message edited by: Admin ]

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Duke sxb keep on nagging this 'dowlaad' is light years ahead of your thinking and capacity to comprehend.

Adeer, one wishes that there was basic common sense in the minds of memebrs this “government” which seems to be a money making outfit for a few individuals, led by the illiterate Sharif Xasan. Aside from that, what has it achived, how many districts does it run? I am asking you since your “president” does not know.

Also if this is false, where is the rebuke, the clarification and the correction from this “advanced light years” ahead entity?


Its amusing you are still talking, but hey blame the Duke, and garoweonline and the BBC, because they are making you react and close the national embassies, keep quite while Somali’s are beaten and unlawfully imprisones and sell the sea for a few bucks. Yes the Duke is making you do this.

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Duke...It is simple sxb. You refuse to work with this government cuz Yeey is no longer at the helm. Those who hamstringed him did so cuz their man wasn't at the helm (I have to agree with you, they weren't really opposed to Ethiopian occupation. And now, you are paying them back in kind for being un-neccesary obstacle to Yeey.


A vicious cycle!

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