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Islam Online LIfe dialogue with political analyst and a supporter of the ICU

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What After Somali's Courts-Government Deal?

Date Monday,Jun 26 ,2006

Time Makkah

From... 08:00...To... 14:00


From... 05:00...To...11:00


Name Amad - Ethiopia

Profession student



I have very reliable sources indicating that Ethiopia will do anything, literally anything to defeat the possibility of Islamic Administration taking roots in Somalia because it fears the same might happen in its Oromia and ****** regions. What is the Union of the Shari'a Courts doing to resist Ethiopia's attack? Are they prepared for that?




what we are ready is for good neighbourhood, but when it comes for an attack the whole Somali society is ready to defend both its faith and country.




Name Muhammed fadhl allah - Italy



Could you mention the outcome of the deal signed by the Islamic Courts and the government in Khartoum? and what will be the power's division for each side ?




Thank you for your question, and your interest of Somali affairs.

the agreement was just a beginning one

the details will start later in July 15th.

There are four basic rules agreed:

1.To recognise one another, the government and the Islamic courts

that they are two powers existing in the country.

2.To stop radio propoganda.

3.To start negotiations without conditions.

4.To meet again on July 15th in Khartoom, to reach final agreement.

Power share will be discussed later in the next meeting.





Name Ali Idrissy - Austria



Are there communications between US and Somali's Islamic courts regarding handing over what Americans say Al- Qaeda suspects?






Thank you for your question and it's very important question.

Americans have used to claim that there are some Alqa'da suspects in Somalia and there are no proof about that yet.

It was just before Khartoam meeting that the Amerca's deputy of foreign ministry for Africa miss Freizer mentioned the names of three individuals. I'm prooving that those individuals are not known in Somalia and not hiding. We invited The Americans to come and investigate freely. We believe that is just like Iraqi nuclear allegations.




Name Zahra - United States

Profession Student

Question Assalamu aleykum Sheikh,


I think that Islam in government is a great thing, but what is your opinion on the islamic leaders that are coming to power in Somalia? How do you think their leadership will change Somalia?





Islamic leaders to come to power to somalia is the best way because they have idealogies. It will bring peace and stability becauce we are muslim society and muslim people.





Name salamy muhammed -



Did Arab League succeed to bring unity in Somalia after sponsoring the agreement between Somali factions? and do you rule out a further US intervention in Somalia after failing to put its foot there ?





If you mean Khartoom conference between the goverment and the Islamic unions,that is just a beginiing and we cannot say it has succeeded we will know that later in July conference. But we thank the Arab league whom we are a member of.


If we talk about American intervention:

It is possible to intefer politicaly but I don't think that Americans will send any other troops after 1993 failure.





Name Maulay Muhammed - Ethiopia




How does Islamic Courts in Somalia ensure that it is moderate and eill not act like Taliban?





We are ensuring to the international community that Islamic courts in Magadishu are not like Taliban and will not behave the same as fomer Taliban for many reasons:

Somali islamic courts are composed of different sectors of the society,like doctors,teachers and returnees from the Diaspora. A good example of that is the the delegation they sent to Khartoam consisting all corners of the civil society.





Name Abdulrasheed Abubakr - Bahrain



Which side will rule Somalia.. the interim government or Islamic Courts Union?






Now the islamic courts countrols south somalia except Biodopa. but, they will control the somalia both the government and the Islamic courts after july agreement if Allah wills.





Name Ejaz Khan - South Africa

Profession Producer - Radio Station



We would like to interview an english speaking member of Islamic courts on our Radio Station, Channel Islam International, is it possible ?




Thank you we would like to give an interview with radio. when you become ready give us the notice through Islamonline. And also we have your E-mail. thank you




Name Musadiq - Chad



Do you expect that Islamic Court's militia will join the army with the Government militia ?





It depends on after the agreement on 15th july in khartoum.

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