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Shiekh Umar Farooq changes stance on foreign troops; its all about the CLAN

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Sheikh Cumar Faaruuq oo soo dhaweeyey Ciidamada Shisheeye, Taas oo ka duwan Mowqifkiisii 2007


... Sheikh Cumar Faaruuq oo (July 2010) u waramayey idaacaadda wararka u faafisa Madaxtooyada DFKMG ee Muqdisho ayaa muujiyey in uu ogolyahay in dalka Soomaaliya la keeno ciidamo shisheeye.

Sheikh Cumar Faaruuq (2010) Halkan ka dhegeyso



28kii Janaayo 2007 oo ahaa markii muqawamadu la dagaalamayeen ciidamadii Itoobiyaanka ee dalka soo galay, ayaa Sheikh Cumar Faaruuq waxaa waraysi la yeelatay shabakada oo weydiisey waxa ay sharciyan noqonayso xukunkooda kuwa soo duulay ee dalka xoogga ku qabsaday iyo muqaawamada ka soo horjeeda, waxaana Sheikha jawaabtiisa kamid ahaa: “Gaal wixii kaashada waa gaaloobayaan. Waana la kala baxay, qolo waa kuwa gaalada raacay, qololana waa kuwa Islaamnimada laga fujin la’yahay (oo ku dhegan / u dhimanaya.)”


Sheikh Cumar Faaruuq (2007) Halkan ka dhegeyso



Xoghaya Guud ee ururka IGAD Eng. Maxbuub Macallin oo ay waraysi la yeelatay idaacadda wararka u faafisa Maraykanka ee Codka Maraykanka ayaa muujiyey in ciidamada ugu horeeya ee la keenayo Soomaaliya ay u dhanyihiin IGAD. Markii la weydiiyey ciidankaas Itoobiya ma ku jiri doonaan hadaladiisii waxaa ka mid ahaa Shirka laguma sheegin ciidanka dalka bixin doona, lamana oga in Itoobiya ay ka mid noqonayso, laakiin mar haddii la yiri IGAD markaas waa ciidamada IGAD oo dhan, ayuu yiri xoghayah guud ee IGAD.. (Halkan ka dhegeyso).


Dhanka kale Sheikh Shariif oo (July 9, 2010) ay idaacadda codka maraykanku wax ka weydiisey ciidanka la keenayo Soomaaliya ayaa sheegay in aay ka imanayaan dalalka IGAD. Waxana uu intaas raaciyey “Ra’iisul wasaaraha itoobiya fadhigii IGAD ayuu uga hadlay in ciidamada Itoobiya aysan diyaar u ahayn in ay galaan Soomaaliya.” (Dhegeyso)


Isla maalintaas (July 9, 2010) waraysi kale oo idaacadda wararka u faafisa boqortooyada Ingriiska ee British broadcasting corporation ay la yeelatay madaxweynaha DFKMG ayaa la siiyey fursado badan oo uu ku caddeeyo in ciidamada Itoobiya aysan ka mid ahayd ciidamada ay dalbadeen, arrintaas oo uusaan caddayn, waxaana Shariif Axmed la xasuusiyey in uu kamid ahaan jirey ururkii DIB-U-XORAYNTA oo waxa xilligaas dalka laga xoraynayey ay ahaayeen ciidamada Itoobiya. Laakiin waxa uu sheegay in ciidamada hadda la keenayo ay ka imanayaan dalalka ku jira IGAD (ayadoo la ogyahay dalalka ku jira IGAD in ay ka mid tahay Itoobiya)… (Dhegeyso waraysiga Shariifka)

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^^^Yeah I made him contradict himself all the way from a tall building in MN. :D Stop the farts these men as shown by the example of Sharif Hotel are full of breeze.

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The Sheikh is consistent. Back then in 2006, Somalia was led by a clannish octagenerian who had a history of playing dirty skirt to Ethiopians and people were justified to fear his agenda. Now, there are reasonably nationalistic breed of leaders (although with severe lack of capacity)and there is no reason to fear they will sell the country out.

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Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax:

The Sheikh is consistent. Back then in 2006, Somalia was led by a clannish octagenerian who had a history of playing dirty skirt to Ethiopians and people were justified to fear his agenda. Now, there are reasonably nationalistic breed of leaders (although with severe lack of capacity)and there is no reason to fear they will sell the country out.

Indeed the Shiekh seems to hold a consistent view as you do. That Yusuf [his clan] are evil, while Sharif[his clan] are good.


Thus those who attempted to sell the sea to Kenya are good, those who wanted to bring about the state are evil. Those who used to defend Al Shabaab [are good] while those who fought Al Shabaab [were evil] untill Yusuf left. Then Al Shabaab became bad, and those who used to support them became [good] for fighting them. Confused? :D


Its a simple logic, and we have the Shiekh Umar Farooq to thank for clearing up things. :D

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Or maybe it is you who is making things clearer. Whoever oppossed Yusuf has opposed your clan; whoever supports Sharif is supporting the USC clan.

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Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax:

Or maybe it is you who is making things clearer. Whoever oppossed Yusuf has opposed your clan; whoever supports Sharif is supporting the USC clan.

No adeer listen to the Audio and re read your remarks, you made your point as the Shiekh did. Ethiopians were bad when Yusuf was around, fighting Al Shabaab was bad when Yusuf was around. Remember all the demo's and the wailing.


Now what has changed? Nothing just the clan of the President, and the fact that Sharif Hotel even tried to sell the sea and is weaker than Yusuf in every level of leadership. Yet he is Islamic according to the same man who called others Gaalo? :D


Its all so simple, its amazing.

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I doubt the senile Sheikh opposed the deployment of foreign troops out of clannish considerations. But to say he's consistent in his views is just sophmoric sophistry. Why Somalis assign any importance to the political opinions of a thoughtless theologian is beyond me.

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Duke has always been consistent in his support for Yeey and the reasoning behind that support.People condemned and even insulted him. Now those very people are supporting Sharif who is indulging in the very things Yeey was known for.


And whether you support Yeey or not, Yeey was also consistent but Sharif is hypocrite who declared war on Zenawi only to sit with him later looking all submissive.


Sharif then and now

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Waraa Duke ilaah baan kugu dhaarshay ma Cumar Faaruuq baad soo barbar dhigtay umadaan kale oo qurunka ahi? War waxaas waa laga roonyahay saaxiib....


Cumar Faaruuq waa ninka kili oo maanta Somali dhan ku jira!



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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