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Shabab Whipping Women For Wearing Bra's. LOL

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Somali Islamists whip women for wearing bras

By Abdi Sheikh


Somalia's hardline Islamist group al Shabaab has publicly whipped women for wearing bras they say violate Islam by constituting a deception, north Mogadishu residents said Friday.


The insurgent group, which seeks to impose a strict form of sharia Islamic law throughout Somalia, amputated a foot and a hand each from two young men accused of robbery earlier this month. They have also banned movies, musical ringtones, dancing at wedding ceremonies and playing or watching soccer.


Residents said gunmen had been rounding up any woman seen with a firm bust and then had them publicly whipped by masked men. The women were then told to remove their bras and shake their breasts.


"Al shabaab forced us to wear their type of veil and now they order us to shake our breasts," a resident, Halima, told Reuters, adding that her daughters had been whipped Thursday.


"They first banned the former veil and introduced a hard fabric which stands stiffly on women's chests. They are now saying that breasts should be firm naturally, or just flat."


Officials of Al Shabaab, which Washington says is al Qaeda's proxy in the failed Horn of Africa state, declined to comment.


The group's hardline interpretation of Islamic law has shocked many Somalis, who are traditionally moderate Muslims. Some residents, however, give the insurgents credit for restoring order to the regions under their control.


Al Shabaab, which means "youth" in Arabic, control large swathes of south and central Somalia.


Abdullahi Hussein, a student in north Mogadishu, said his elder brother was thrown behind bars when he fought back a man who humiliated their sister by asking her to remove her bra.


"My brother was jailed after he wrestled with a man that had beaten my sister and forced her to remove her bra. He could not stand it," Hussein said.


Men were not spared the' moral cleansing'. Any man caught without a beard was been publicly whipped.


"I was beaten and my hair was cut off with a pair of scissors in the street," Hussein said.


"My trouser was also cut up to the knee. They accused me of shaving my beard but I am only 18. They have arrested dozens of men and women. You just find yourself being whipped by a masked man as soon as leave your house."


(Editing by Helen Nyambura-Mwaura)



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hatu, these guys are hopeless. Why don't they build a road, hospital, school, etc and provide a decent administration that serves it's constituents.


They can't do any of these things because their red-listed as terrorist group and no-one in the international world does business with terrorists. That is why their reduced to this at looking at women breasts.

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lol...these thugs wixii ay ayaantii ICU ku jabeen bay haddana la yimaadeen. Mid walba waxa uu neceb yahay shakhsiyan buu la dagaalayaa oo dembi ka dhigayaa!

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LMFAO the Shabaab clowns have at last been unmasked?


Do the warriors of God ask women to take off their bras and shake their boobs.


Btw, maybe its BS, but Reuters is 99% credible.


And even if it's BS, the mere fact that people can invent stuff like this and pass it off as news gives you an idea as to how ridiculous and "fringe" Shabaab have become. A disgrace to the Somali nation.

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Since this story is from Reuters, there's a very good chance it is true notwithstanding how unbelievable it sounds.


But this story gives us another vivid illustration of why we should oppose Sharia Law (or any other religious law for that matter) for Somalia. Wherever Sharia goes is followed by controversy, injustices and the usual bizarre punishments similar to this one.

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Guys I don't post fake news. This is stuff is reality and like one of the board members stated 99% of what comes out of reuters is credible. After-all they won't run a news-piece that is fake and jepordize their standing among the international media community.


You can verify the authenticity of the news at reuters website if you want.




Ps: Guys rather then arguing is it true or not or even denying as propaganda and making excuses for this barbaric thugs. Maybe it's time we wake up and realize these people are not really "wadaad" nor do they have any care for islam. Hey they even have women shaking their breasts for goodness sake, even when shariah didn't exist you wouldn't be seeing men saying that to women and especiall "in-front of their brothers or family members in public day-light"


All the shabab supporters revise your position the evidence is overwhelming against shabab. Are you going to just turn a blind eye to it and make excuses for them? or are you going to deny it as propaganda? or will you wake up and realize these shabab are pimps.

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This is Somalia and the writer is in Mogadishu by the name Abdi Shaikh. Tell me who will corroborate this story? I will tell you no one can do it.


All the women in Mogadishu wear "Jilbaab" that covers them pretty well. It is illogical that some religious person will remove the "Jilbaab" and look whether a particular lady is wearing bra or not. This story is pure fabrication.

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Miskiin. If people are denying reuters to defend shabab, then you know their is serious problem in the somali community!!! i am not in the mood to argue about it's authenticity, a reputable organization like reuters not to cross-check it's sources and in this case abdi sheikh is very unlikely.


They won't risk their international standing as reliable news media over "shabab" I mean would you? Of course not. Wax macquul ah maba ku hadlan shabab supporters like geel jire.


Geel jire, wake up and attack the issue and not deny it like that it is fake. These people are humiliating residents and in particular women by making them "shake their breasts" and they are doing this infront their family members and brothers.


Totally disgraceful actions by this click, who not long ago was "checking people's teeth" what sort of people are this any reasonable person will ask?


Shabab should prove to the people their good alternative administration and they should be doing this by opening health clinics not sending bomb threats to medina hospital which they recently did.


They don't even like the good things like hospitals working for the people, which really makes anyone wonder "dan maa nagu jirto" shabab.


I must say no. They are not building roads, schools, hospitals, enhancing trade, creating job opportunities. These are the things any mamul should be focussing on not focusing on "checking women breasts" not only is it totally unacceptable behaviour but it's inappropriate especially doing this in public to humiliate women and their respective families.


Somalis need to make a tough choice, nimankani dan maa nagu jirto? this is why i posted this. And this is what i was intended the topic be about not about reuters authenticity. subhanallah way washteen shabab supporters.

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