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My Personal Review Of The Recent Skermish In Galkacyo

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Originally posted by Sabriye & co.:




DaanDaansi = qasaaro.


Adeer you are living in cloud cuckoland, Galmudug presents no problem for us other than a as a crime issue. A clan war will only waste our energy. Galkacyu was not given to us adeer, it was taken as a right, now go off and day dream.

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Adeer, Galkacyu, Puntland city, the single area that you reside in is of no interest to the state. The shoot out yesterday was between a gang and local police nothing more. The militia suffered heavily.


Is it a political issue? No, and will be dealt with as with all police & criminal issues.


the fact that all of the cities organs, including the airport is Puntlands highlights your fallacy. :D

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I admire your affection for Yamayska but the Galkacyo i know of looks like this:




As for the motives of the most recent nuisance, whether it was to unsettle the UN's plans of funding the countless projects in Galkacyo and Galmudug as a whole or it was just a hungry militia up to no good either way peace, Social harmony as well as clan diversity will prevail in Galkacyo Galmudug state over the crooks in Yamayska.

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Originally posted by Sabriye & co.:



I admire your affection for Yamayska but the Galkacyo i know of looks like this:

13544_198032025930_516100930_4454728_926 Baraxlay




The Duke's Galkacyu









Galkacyu I know looks like the above Puntland State of Somalia, a bussy city lad :D


lool. The UN plans you can depdend on all you like :D , Puntland has control of the city of Galkacyu, its main cashcows. A few silly militia leaders from a sub clan village with two "presidents" wont change a thing. :D

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Sabriye, with all due respect I like how you refer to Galkacyo as (Galmudug State).


Galkacyo is quite similiar to Jerusalem, Israel. Jerusalem is under the control of Israel, however their do remains pockets that are designated east Jerusalem with a heavy arab populace and designed to be the capital of a future "palestinian" state.


This doesn't mean the Palestinian Authority (P.A) owns Jerusalem, they merely reside in a section of Jerusalem, which happens to be the future capital of their ambitious "Palestinian state".


The same scenario of Jerusalem is very applicable to Galkacyo and debunks the myth of "Galmudug State" owning Galkacyo, because they don't the key infrastructure areas of the airport nor down-town as is with the case of the east jerusalem population who neither own the down-town of jerusalem nor the airport and key infrastructure areas of that city.


A more applicable term is to say Sections of Galkacyo are ardent supporters of and are under their juristiction "Galmudug State". But don't say Galkacyo Galmudug State, because this will lead to misleading propaganda considering that admin doesn't own the key areas of the city to claim ownership.

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Well well, i guess I’ll have to go through this with you...


Let me see what you've got on Galkacyo buddy.....


Originally posted by General Duke:

Originally posted by Sabriye & co.:



I admire your affection for Yamayska but the
Galkacyo i know of looks like this:





The Duke's Galkacyu


lol at Suuqa Xaafada Yamayska



Let me first have you walk with some of the 'businessmen' i was refering to earlier on.




Note: the last Man being armed!


These are some of the guys who chased your "army" away and into Yamayska lol.


Enjoy the rest of the pictures taken from different sub urbs of the city.





..... :D


Dukey, I'll wait for you to come up with the hotels and skyscrapers and what not.. Hoping a building can suggest your "ownership" of the city.


Cowke, don't worry brother im sure Dukey will find you a spare "boos" when your in town, probably next to 'suuqa Yamayska' somewhere.

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galkayo002.jpgA standard Villa in Galkacyu Puntland





Adeer stop being a clown, Galkacyu is a Puntland city, while you was wasting time with roadblocks in Mogadishu, Puntland moved foreward and today its too late for your silly claims.


Duke's city has developed, like I said its not Baraxlay adeer this is Puntland. Also figure out who the President of the clan village of Galmudug is before you come with the crime wave. :D


Yamayska has the most abundent water source in all of Mudug, shame it aint in "Galmudug". ;)

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IMAG0064.jpgDont plagarise, this Pic is Galkacyu Puntland proper & not Baraxlay :D




Lets debunk a few issues.


Galkacyu proper is in the hands of the Puntland state, all revenues from the cities main cash cow’s including the old market, new markets and the airport go to Puntland.


The city has a single united admin led by Mayor Mohamoud Abdirahman Haji Hassan, who has more temporal power than the two clan “President “ of Galmudug.


There is a violent militia that are housed in a quarter of the old city called, Baraxlay, they have two clan president militia as well as a Sufi group.





Puntland State University

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Galkacyu has outstanding media outlets, serving the huge population of the city


Led By Radio Galkacyu & Radio Daljir these outlets have put the city on the map.






Forget little clan enclave "Galmudug" the media in Galkacyu is now better than anything offered in Mogadishu. :D

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Originally posted by General Duke:


Duke's city has developed, like I said its not Baraxlay adeer this is Puntland. Also figure out who the President of the clan village of Galmudug is before you come with the crime wave.

Faan badanaa, Nacalaa shaydaan ku yaale.




We both know the village accidently named ‘Tar City' is not Galkacyo but a village way outside the city.






Using your tricks I could bring you pictures from Mogadishu University and the Latest of African village in dayniile district of Mogadishu.


I’m glad you resorted to foul play because it goes to show exactly how much water your claims hold.


In the coming few days, we’ll hear some unfortunate news as more blood will be shed, due to the bandits calling for back up.


The businessmen will protect them selves as they did very professionally and in the event of future clashes, Galmudug forces will have to get their hands dirty in which case this issue of Galkacyo will be the last thing you’d ever want to discuss on here again.




Originally posted by General Duke:

Yamayska has the most abundent water source in all of Mudug, shame it aint in "Galmudug".

You seem to be under the belief that mudug has no sea? either way What good is bitter water of Yamayska? or do you have the hindu belief were water is always clean even if a half billion dips them selves in it anually.


I'm not about to give you geography lessons on SOL, so for the next time, sharpen up.


Good night buddy, caawo dhan faan ayaa nagu dishaye.

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^^^ Juje Adeer go drink sea water saxib. Also every picture provided by the Duke was of the city of Galkayu Puntland state. While you plagarise and then live in denail. Good night buddy make sure you stop hating and work out a way to bring peace between the village ****** I mean farts who lead the Galmudug nonsense, the village should have one elder let alone two Presidents.


Adeer the city criminal underground will be crushed in an easy way, the little village militia will not spoil anything they have enough issues with Cadaado clan and with their loss and defeat in the south to contemplate taking us on. Now go be a little boy and build something you won't get anything out of reer Mudug.


In the coming days if you even stare in the wrong direction your militias and the whole Galmudug nonsense will be dealt with.


Now take a good luck at those pics, is it not a wonder how reer Galkacyu built all that while you was drinking Gen Aydeed's Koop aid? Thus while you talk and cry and hold on to fake village Galmudug crap. The world and it's media recognize our state as 1/3 of Somalia. While you could not even compromise on a village admin we have our fourth elected President. Adeer go put your head down in shame. The men who build Puntland will not waste on roadblock workers and scrap merchants.

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LOL @ "roadblock workers and scrap merchants"


Firstly Duke, this guy isn't as smart as Juje and seems to me, his ONLY intent is to foment a confrontation between the two brotherly communities of Galkacyo. 10 bucks says, he aint even from Galkacyo nor anywhere near its environs: I hate to break his hermetically sealed bubble, but ALL the citizens of Galkacyo are united when it comes to their common interest, which is peace and prosperity for ALL.


Secondly, the unrest that took place in the city market was not orchestrated by the non-puntland(baraxley) residents of the city, but by IDPs, who illegally set up make-shift shops and kiosks on all the roads leading up to the central market of Galkacyo. The municipal authorities of the city undertook an operation to clean up the mess and were caught off guard by a few agitators whose only aim was to cause mischief amongst the residents of Galkacyo. These violent rioters must be dealt with resolutely. And the Mayor's plan to clean up the City must be supported!

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Nicely put, as for this dude, he will learn a great deal in SOL the first lesson is not to come here with this village of Galmudug crap as if we are children and I'll informed.

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Now now, easy with the insults. * pats dukey on the back*


I see , your still bitter from the comments of Juje thus him being constantly on your mind and your partner is right, I’m not as clever as him for I would have known not to converse with the three masketeers , Cowke, Dukey & the always late but not least Mr Somalia.


I’ll leave you to ponder on the howler of 'Taar city', (faan aan waxba ka jirin) .


Taar is not Galkacyo and not a city, anyone from Galkacyo knows it.


In the coming few days how ever things will change, famished culprits from Yamayska won’t be tolerated.


So far job well done, now go ahead and entertain each other. :D

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