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My Personal Review Of The Recent Skermish In Galkacyo

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As most are aware their has been a clash between Puntland and Galmudug administration in Galkacyo. It was over small matters such as cleaning up the city market areas and making it more orderly.


Now My personal review will not look at what caused the skermish, but what these skermishes may mean for Galkacyo and Puntland in general.


I remember having this discussion with General Duke not long ago regarding the new admin that was elected for Galkacyo, he thought a new educated district council would solve the problem, I disagreed naturally and even told him just wait and see Galkacyo will still remain the same way.


As we all know this is what has occurred just yesterday.


Now My Suggestions to solve this issue is to disarm the civilians(which the local administration was starting to do) and make the city a 1 administration place.


Abdullahi Yusuf idea of sharing the city with two administration has been horrendous trial and proven to fail on many occasions. Some may argue that this latest skermish is an isolated issue, but I personally say it's not.


What Galkacyo needs is long-term solutions and not short-term, short-sighted solutions.


Mr.Farole can take two paths in order to achieve this long-term vision, which are the following.


1. Military Option

2. Political Option


The Military option is to exercise force to remove the militia of Galmudug from Galkacyo boundaries and sitting down with the clan-elders of baraxley and sign agreements to dis-arm their civilians and live as citizens of Galkacyo under a Puntland Admin. Or they can follow their Galmudug Admin into exile and find another zone to operate from.


This option may cause instability for the coming months or even years as reprisal attacks may follow for over a duration of time. This may and may not provide long-term benefits. I personally Don't advice this option.


The Second Option is a Political One(I personally advice this), This is where Mr. Farole can exercise the right to take the issue before the TFG and U.N to negiotate a deal between Galmudug and Puntland in relation to Galkacyo. Under this proposal Mr.Farole should put forth a deal along the lines of:


The boundaries of Galkacyo zone will all remain under Puntland with all civilian populations disarmed(Except Police and State Troopers) and those that choose to live there must adhere and may have the option to participate in the state or local politics. Political Participation is optional and not mandatory, however civilian disarmament is mandatory.


The Galmudug administration should be given an incentive to have a port constructed for them at Hobyo giving the incumbent administration ownership and a revenue raiser. This Port will service Mudug and Galguduud and Hiiran and will be an economic benefit for that Administration if they accept this draft proposal.


If the Galmudug patriots that reside within galkacyo do not like to live as civilians that are disarmed, they can relocate at will to their new base Hobyo with that added incentive of a port.


Now the Question remains where will the funds be sought from? The funds can be provided from the TFG Donor Funds, A fixed percentage of contribution should be made mandatory on the tfg to make this port at Hobyo become a reality.


The TFG has lots of spare funds sitting around such as U.N related ones and Brussel funds and many more. I don't suggest that the TFG Pay for all construction fees of the port however they should contribute a fixed rate percentage say something like 30-40% of the costs, whilst the remaining can be garnered through Galmudug diaspora community.



The Galmudug Admin has weaknesses and many of them I won't list them all, however one of them is their revenue capacity due to a lack of airport and port, due to these weaknesses Mr.Farole can table a proposal exploiting these weaknesses for the long-term goal of having a stable galkacyo.


I believe these incentives and political frameworks stand a chance to leading to a long-term solution in that fragile area where clan suspicion has been around since the early 90's. I personally believe the added bonus of a port will give the clan-elders of Galmudug a "think" about the benefits they may gain if they accept this draft proposal.


The remaining issues that will remain will be social related factors such as intermarriage between galdmudug and puntland citizens in galkacyo. These relations can be maintained under a civilian structure as I suggested in Galkacyo similiar to the case in Bossaso.


The last obstacle is to reunite Puntlanders under a Puntland Banner and not a clan banner in Galkacyo. This can be achieved by equally representing each section of the community within it's political process such as "district councils". It would not be a wise move to have say 80% of the district council dominated by 1 subclan. Sure That 1 sub-clan will feel important and special, but he will be walking in a city that is hostile to him and the general progress of the city will stagger behind because the whole city is not being supportive of the administration due to lack of representation of their clans-men in the political structure.


To cut a long-story short, if you want people to work with you, you need to represent those people? How can you represent those people, make them apart of the process in Galkacyo structure. Don't unevenly balance things towards any sub-clan, this will just lead to friction and not worth the head-ache.


The political bickering between certain members will then cease to exist and everyone will feel the local admin at Galkacyo has included them in the political process fairly, not un-evenly distributing or having personal favourites. Galkacyo will drop clan-card behaviour and pitch for the state-card banner.


That is my suggestions to fixing an array of issues in Galkacyo and I firmly stick by this 1 year ago, 6 months ago, or even a couple of months ago when i was debating the issue with General.Duke who wrongly thought the educated district government will completely solve everything. I however always knew it wasn't just that simple.

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A polite way of encouraging ethnic cleansing-it is like Marx's solution to Sanaag and Sool, we might as well ask the Palestinians to move to the east of Jordan river for their own good sake of course.


This insistence on segregation is on very dangerous precipices-word to the wise polarity in every Somali region is in everybody's best interest.

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Military Option:


The Military option is to exercise force to remove the militia of Galmudug from Galkacyo boundaries and sitting down with the clan-elders of baraxley and sign agreements to dis-arm their civilians and live as citizens of Galkacyo under a Puntland Admin.

Political Option:

The boundaries of Galkacyo zone will all remain under Puntland with all civilian populations disarmed


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Jacayl ma la yaabtay? :D:D




The first solution which you accidentally titled ‘military option’ sounds like a joke that went horribly wrong and after I read the second option, I’m going to have a hard time taking you seriously from now on.


I mean, We just witnessed a few Business men armed with pistols teaching the militia from 'yamayska' a lesson after the crooks tried to tress pass on commercial territory in central Galkacyo so tell me how realistic is your first option?


Cowke, Gaalkacyo has a solution but I’m afraid it's some 25 years away, so I’d kindly suggest you focus your energy on something you actually have a say in.


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Sabriye, In all honesty sir the clash that occurred was between local Galkacyo Municipality vs Galmudug/Ahlul Sunnah Militia.


It has nothing to do with even Puntland Troops. The state darawiish in mudug didn't even partake in it as their is no need to do. The local galkacyo admin police can handle it.


Lastly but not least, like i said Galmudug has many weaknesses, your fellow brothers are some in hizbi islam, ahlul-sunnah, and not to mention the new mamuul declared in cadaado. :D


If you think you don't have holes that can be exploited think again.


I just returned from my local cafe and having discussion with some of my people and their are suggestions that this maybe even an ethiopian hatched idea to get at Faroole who has been not working well with Ethiopia. After-all they even did a snatch in Galkacyo suggesting the relation has gone so bad they don't have Farole an inside man to rely upon anymore.


Their are suggestions this issue at xingalool and galkacyo is to send a message to faroole that he needs to come back under addis ababa like the rest of somalis or his other option is to go asmara like the islamist have. Hence that is why they maybe causing instability for him.


If that happens to be the case Farole should play the same card and arm onlf to do hits on ethiopian army to show addis ababa puntland can get down and play dirty with them.


And make an alliance with Kenya who is internationally respected and endorsed as a peacemaker in Somalia.

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Their are suggestions this issue at xingalool and galkacyo is to send a message to faroole that he needs to come back under addis ababa like the rest of somalis or his other option is to go asmara like the islamist have. Hence that is why they maybe causing instability for him.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ......

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According to reliable sources, the whole purpose of the attack was to cause needless drama in the city which would discourage the UN from getting too comfortable in Galkacyo and Galmudug as a whole which is deemed to be relatvily safe.


Fortunately by the time they reached central Galkacyo the local business men did the necessary job and the militia dispersed back to xaafada yamayska having lost 10 men and loss of two vehicles including one burnt while having killed 4 innocent stand byers (two women, one child, and an elderly shopper). There were a lot of injuries due to the heavy populace of central Galkacyo.


DaanDaansi = qasaaro.


If Ethipia articulated this then it just goes to show how much the north east is influenced by Addis Ababa.

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