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Somali FM Abdullahi Shiekh Ismael in Kuwait

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Warbixin ku saabsan safarkii wafdiga DFK ee uu hogaaminaayey Wasiirka Arr. Dibedda Somaliya ee ay ku tageen Kuwait


February 27, 2005





24kii bisha fabraayo 2005 Wafdi uu hogaaminayo Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibedda Mudane Cabdullaahi Sheikh Ismaaciil ayaa Dalka Kuwait ku yimmi booqasho, wafdigaas oo ay ka mid ahaayeen.



Mudane Maxamad Nuureeni Bakar Wasiirka Tamarta, Dr. Xussein Cali Axmad iyo Cabdulqadir Sheikh Maxamed, Saacado ka dib ee islaa malintaa Wasiirka iyo Wafdigiisa waxa ay La kulmeen Ra,iisul-wasaaraha Dalka Kuwait Sheikh Sabaax, iyo Wasiirro Kale, wuxuuna u gudbiyey labo Dhambaal oo ka kala socda Madaxweynaha Jaamhuuriyadda Federaaliga ee Soomaaliya Mudane Cabdullaahi Yuusuf Axmad, iyo Ra,iisul wasaaraha Mudane Prof. Cali Moxamed Geeddi, Dhambaaladaas oo u kala socday Amiirka wadanka Kuwait Sheikh Jaabir Al-Sabaax iyo Ra,iisul wasaare Sheikh Subaax, Kulamadaasi waxaa goob joog ka Danjire Cabdulqaadir Amiin Sheikh Abuu Danjiraha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya ee Kuwait, Wafdiga Qado sharaf waxaa loogu sameyey Burjiga ( Tawarka) Magaalada Kuwait.



Kadib booqashadii iyo shirarakii ay weftigu la lahaayeen madaxda Kuwait markii ay dhamaysteen waxay kala qayb galeen Jaaliyadda Soomaaliyeed ee reer Kuwait Xaflad dabaaldeg ah taas oo baryahan ay isu diyaarinayeen kuna soo beegan tay nasiib wanaag wakhtigii weftigu yimaadeen kuwait Xaflad soo dhaweyn ah oo ay ku taageerayeen dawlladda u dhalatay wadankooda hooyo ayaa dhacday habeenkii 25/2/2005 waxayna u dhacday sidaan.


Xafladaas oo si wanaagsan loo soo abaabulay waxaa aad uga soo qayb galay jaaliyadda kuwait oo u qaybsanaa dhawr qaybood oo kala ah


Fanaaniin ku soo bandhigtay heeso wadani ah oo qiiro badan ilmona ka keenay dad badan oo ka mid ah dadkii daawanaayey, iyadoo qaarkood ay gashanaayeen dharkii lagu yiqiin ciidankii Daraawsiihtii Qarankeena Soomaaliyeed, sidoo kale kooxo rag iyo dumar ah oo sitay dharkii hidaha iyo dhaqanka Soomaaliyeed oo ka muujiyey cayaarihii hiddaha iyo dhaqanka soomaaliyeed aadna loogu bogay, intaa kadib waxaa khudabad waxaa khudbado warbixin ah ka jeediyey gudoomiyaha jaaliyadda Sheekh Cumar kadibna Danjire C/qaadir Amiin hadal gaaban ka jeediyey isagoo ku soo dhaweeyey wasiirka Tamarta iyo Wasiirka arimaha Dibadda ee Soomaaliya.



Wasiiradda ayaa jaaliyadda kuwait ka siiyey warbixin dheer shirkii Kenya ee muddad dheer socday iyo guula ka soo baxay iyo waxyaabaha hadda looga baahan yahay inay shacabku qabtaan iyo sida ay uga go,antahay dawladda federaalka ah iyo baarlamaankaba inay guntiga u xidhaan sidii ay u sii dhamaystiri lahaayeen dibu heshiisiinta iyo taabagellinta dawladda iyo socodsiinta hawlaheedaba iyagoo kaashanaaya shacabkooda



Afhayeenka Xidhiidhka Jaaliyadda iyo Safaaradda


Axmed Raadsato Kuwait

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^^ :D:D That was his name huh?


I have been to the welcoming party on Wednesday night in "Kaifan theatre" to welcome our so called Foreign Minister and the new Somali Government in general! Wallahi that night was funny! It was Wednesday night as I said and we invited some Kuwaiti officials too, but our beloved Minster embarrassed us so badly to say nothing.


The dude was drunk he couldn't even talk that night let alone give a speech!! I think he was worse than Boris Yelsten, remember him!? icon_razz.gif What is more, I don't even think he met any high Kuwaiti officials let alone Kuwaiti FM.


PS : Duke I understand you are trying so hard to show that this uncle of yours government is working but the reality is some thing else icon_razz.gificon_razz.gif



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og girl do me a favour and show me yourself on these pictures. i want to see how you look like.







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^^Eeeeewwwwww thanks God! I am not there. Dammit you scared me for minute. try harder next time icon_razz.gificon_razz.gif


My uncle is in the pictures .



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:D:D Mr Duke, that is all what you could say dear?


But the guy was drunk and I saw him with my two eyes falling from the They need to change him, He got a bad reputation ;) . Also no Kuwaiti officials met him leave alone our FM Sheikh Sabaah!


Salam :cool:

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OG_Girl has a point here



I was told by friends that the guy couldn't even make proper speech, he embarrassed a whole community,many even left the premises, the reason many said, HE WAS DRUNK.


at first, I thought he felt down once because of he felt sorry for Somalia so he was too much patriotic, yacni wuu qiiroodey wadaninimo daraadeed, like u know what hapened to Gabyoow and Gaani(ilaahay ha u naxariisto labadooduba), both used to fell down on the ground when they used to make speech.



just ask enyone in kuwait who attended that party, and they will tell u the GUY was drunk.



but nice pictures though, I like the pictures, especially one lady in the picture, she is wearing VEIL so u can't c her face except me.

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Originally posted by Duke_Valantino:

OG-girl you starting to sound like Horn and Juma :mad: Haters


I think they helping you with the English

Typical Duke, cheap very cheap...

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^^Eeeeewwwwww thanks God! I am not there. Dammit you scared me for minute. try harder next time

Stop kidding Og, I see you in there icon_razz.gif


OG-girl you starting to sound like Horn and Juma Haters

Sxb I think you and Juma are in the same league at opposite polars ;)

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Originally posted by HornAfrique:

Sxb I think you and Juma are in the same league at opposite polars

Horn sxb, ninka si toos ah iskaga celi...! redface.gif

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Horn sxb, ninka si toos ah iskaga celi...!

War kir iyo kut baan ku idhi.. Dagaalka qaboow (Cold War :D ) oo adi iyo afhayeenka Cabdulahi Yusuf naiga daxeesa ku ma jidhi :D

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