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Breakingnews Ethiopian troops and Kenyan troops invade Somalia.

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Waraysi Maqal ah


>Casharadan ku saabsan yihiin siiradii rasuulkeena Muxammed(Nabadgalyo iyo Naxariis Korkiisa ha ahaatee







Ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah oo ku hubeysan in ka badan 80 gawaarida ay caanka ku yihiin ee Uralka ayaa lagu soo waramayaa inay soo buuxdhaafiyeen tuulooyinka ku heeran magaalada Beledweyn ee xarunta gobolkaasi Hiiraan saacado ka gadaal markii ay ka soo talaabeen soohdinta kala qeybisa Somalia iyo Itoobiya.



Dad goobjoogayaal ah oo ku sugan tuulada Bacaad oo qiyaastii 25Km ka yara durugsan magaaladaasi Beledweyn ayaa goor dhaweyd Idaacadda HornAfrik u sheegay in ay arkayeen ciidamada oo qaarkood dhulka ku socda oo u soo gudbaya Beledweyn.



Wararka qaarkoodna waxa ay sheegayaan in ciidamadu ay qarka u saaran yihiin Beledweyn xilli dadka ku dhaqan magaaladaasi Beledweyn ay cabsi ka muujinayaan ciidamada ku soo siqaya Beledweyn sadex maalin ka dib markii halkaasi qarax loogu laayey in ka badan 19 sarkaal, odayaal dhaqameedyo iyo mas’uuliyiin uu ka mid ahaa wasiirkii amniga qaranka dowladda Somalia Col Cumar Xaashi Aadan.



Imaashaha ciidamadaas shisheeye ayaa ku soo beegmeysa xilli uu ku dhawaaqay afhayeenka baarlamaanka Somalia Sheekh Aadan Maxamed Nuur Madoobe oo maanta shir jaraa’id ku qabtay xarunta madaxtooyada ee Villa-Somalia in wadamada beesha caalamka gaar ahaan kuwa dariska la ah Somalia inay ciidamo caawiya dowladda u diraan wadanka Somalia.



"Waxaan caalamka ugu baaqeynaa in ay dowladda ka soo gaaraan" ayuu yiri Aadan Madoobe.



Afhayeenka baarlamaanka Somalia ayaa ka codsaday madaxda wadamada Kenya, Jabuuti, Itoobiya iyo Yeman in ay ciidamo la soo gaaraan dowladda Somalia 24-ka saacka ee soo socota si buu yiri loo badbaadiyo xukuumadda taagta daran ee Somalia, lama oga in ciidamada Itoobiya ay noqon karaan kuwo dowladda ka shaafiya cabsidii faraha badneyd ee ay ka qabeen xoogaga Islaamiyiinta ee duulaanka ku haya in dowladooda ay meesha ka tuuraan



Dhanka kale dhaq dhaqaaq ciidan oo ka imaanaya dhinaca dowladda kenya ayaa waxaa siweyn looga dareemayaa degmooyinka ka tirsan gobolka Gedo gaar ahaan Magaalooyinka Balad Xaawo iyo Ceelwaaq oo labaduba ku yaala sowdinta u dhaxeysa Soomaaliya iyo Kenya.






Wararka naga soo gaaraya degmooyinkaasi ayaa sheegaya in dowladda kenya ay ciidamo fara badan ay soo buux dhaafisay xadka ay la wadaagto Soomaaliya,ilaa iyo iyo haatana lama oga sababta ka dambaysa ciidamadaani la soo dhoobay halkaasi,waxaan xirin gaadiid doonayay in ay gudaha Soomaaliya u soo gudbaan iyo kuwa kale oo doonayay in ay galaan Kenya.






Gudoomiyaha degmada Balad Xaawo Axmed Max’ed Barkuus oo shabelle ay wax ka weydiisay ciidamada dowladda kenay ay soo buux dhaafisay xaduuda ayaa sheegay in uusan garanayn xiligaani sababta ka dambaysa in dowladda Kenya ay halkaasi ciidamo soo dhigto.






Barkuus ayaa waxaa uu inataasi ku daray in arintaasi uu qadka taleefanka kula hadlay gudoomiyaha degmada Mandheere ayna ku balameen in ay maanta ku kulamaan Xaduuda si ay uga wada hadlaan xaaladaha ka soo cusboonaaday xuduuda u dhaxeysa labada dal.






Ciidamada la soo dhoobay Xaduuda Kenya iyo Soomaaliya ayaa imaanaya markii maanta Dowladda KMG Soomaaliya ay ka codsatay wadamo ay ka mid yahay Kenya in ay Ciidamo si dhaqsi leh ay ugu soo diraan Soomaaliya



allsnaag .com

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Saraakiil Itoobiyaan ah oo Muqdisho soo gaadhay iyo ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah oo gudaha usoo galay Sooma

Written by Somalifans

Jun 20, 2009 at 12:44 PM



Saraakiil ka socota dowlada Ethiopia ayaa la soo sheegaya inay hada ka soo degteen garoonka magaalada moqdisho, Saraakiishan ayaa waxa la sheegay inay ku yimadeen sii degdeg ah kadib markii habeenimadii xalay u madaxweyne shariif sheekh axmed telfoon kula hadlay mas’uuliyiinta Ethiopia ugu sarsareysa, kuwas oo u ka codsaday inay Soo farageliyaan xaaladaha ka jira dalka Somaliya


Saraakiishan ayaa la soo sheegaya inay noqon doonan kuwa oddoros ku sameya xaaladaha ka jira magaalada moqdisho xiligan, iyada oo dhinaca kalena aay xiliga aay yimadeen saraakiishan magaalada moqdisho ku ka soco dagaal xoogan


Dowlada KMG ee somaliya ayaa saacado yar ka hor ku dhawaaqay inay burburi doonto hadii aan 24 saac gudahood lagu soo gaarin, waxana la dhahi kara dowlada Ethiopia ayaa noqotay dowlada ugu horreysay ee u soo gargaarta dowlada u madaxda ka yahay Shariif Sheekh Axmed




Dhinaca kale Wararka aan ka heleyno gobolada kala ah Hiiraan, Bakool, Galguduud Iyo Gedo ayaa soo sheegaya in ciidamo ka socda dowlada Ethiopia aay gudaha u soo galeen gobolada iyaga oo ku hubeysan hubka noocyadiisa kala duwan, waxana laga filaya magaalada baladweyne In ciidankaasi soo gaaro halkaasi waqtiyada soo socda sidaa u soo sheegayo Wariyaha Somalifans Online ee magaalada B/weyne


Ethiopia oo ka mid ah dowladah deriska la ah somaliya kuna jirta dowladaha aay dowlada KMG ee Somaliya baaqa u dirtay maanta inay soo fara geliyaan xaalada Somaliya





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Kenya oo Ciidamo keentay Xadka xili Dowladda KMG ay maanta codsatay in ciidamadeeda ay u soo dirto Soomaaliya.

Posted: 6/20/2009 9:49:00 PM

Shabelle: CEELWAAQ

Dhaq dhaqaaq ciidan oo ka imaanaya dhinaca dowladda kenya ayaa waxaa siweyn looga dareemayaa degmooyinka ka tirsan gobolka Gedo gaar ahaan Magaalooyinka Balad Xaawo iyo Ceelwaaq oo labaduba ku yaala sowdinta u dhaxeysa Soomaaliya iyo Kenya.




Wararka naga soo gaaraya degmooyinkaasi ayaa sheegaya in dowladda kenya ay ciidamo fara badan ay soo buux dhaafisay xadka ay la wadaagto Soomaaliya,ilaa iyo iyo haatana lama oga sababta ka dambaysa ciidamadaani la soo dhoobay halkaasi,waxaan xirin gaadiid doonayay in ay gudaha Soomaaliya u soo gudbaan iyo kuwa kale oo doonayay in ay galaan Kenya.




Gudoomiyaha degmada Balad Xaawo Axmed Max’ed Barkuus oo shabelle ay wax ka weydiisay ciidamada dowladda kenay ay soo buux dhaafisay xaduuda ayaa sheegay in uusan garanayn xiligaani sababta ka dambaysa in dowladda Kenya ay halkaasi ciidamo soo dhigto.




Barkuus ayaa waxaa uu inataasi ku daray in arintaasi uu qadka taleefanka kula hadlay gudoomiyaha degmada Mandheere ayna ku balameen in ay maanta ku kulamaan Xaduuda si ay uga wada hadlaan xaaladaha ka soo cusboonaaday xuduuda u dhaxeysa labada dal.




Ciidamada la soo dhoobay Xaduuda Kenya iyo Soomaaliya ayaa imaanaya markii maanta Dowladda KMG Soomaaliya ay ka codsatay wadamo ay ka mid yahay Kenya in ay Ciidamo si dhaqsi leh ay ugu soo diraan Soomaaliya.




Aqriso oo la soco Saacad Walba si aad u hesho wararkii ugu dambeeyay ee Soomaaliya.




Dhageyso wararka 7:00-Fiidnimo Habeen walba adigoo raacaya tilmaamaha Wabseydka.


Qalad iyo Sax wixii aad aragto Fadlan Nala Soo xariir ( .

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Saturday, June 20, 2009



Ethiopian troops previously entered Soamlia in 2006 to drive out the Islamic Courts Union [File: EPA]

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Ethiopian troops have reportedly crossed into neighbouring Somalia after it made a plea for foreign troops to help it battle opposition fighters seeking to overthrow the government.


Somalia's parliamentary speaker made the request on Saturday after several days of heavy fighting in the north of the capital, Mogadishu.


"The government is weakened by the rebel forces. We ask neighbouring countries - including Kenya, Djibouti, Ethiopia and Yemen - to send troops to Somalia within 24 hours," Sheikh Aden Mohamed Nur, the Somali parliamentary speaker, said.


Ethiopian troops last entered Somalia in late 2006 to support the then-government and drive out Islamic Courts Union fighters led by Sharif Ahmed, the current president.



Ahmed later joined the government after signing a UN-brokered peace deal and is now battling former allies from the al-Shabab and Hizbul Islam groups, which have vowed to topple his government.


Border security


Al Jazeera's Mohammed Adow, reporting from Nairobi in Kenya, said that it remained to be seen what action Ethiopian forces would take.


"Ethiopia has got a big stake in what is going on in Somalia because it believes that its security would be threatened if the Islamist militais, such as al-Shabab, take over Somalia," he said.


"But I doubt it is sending its forces into Somalia, unless it gets its actions sanctioned by the United Nations, which would take weeks, if not months.


"Ethiopia's return to Somalia might be about securing its borders rather than heading to Mogadishu."


Nur said that it had been forced to call for help after the opposition fighters had been bolstered by hundreds of foreigners.


"We have a state of emergency in this country today because foreign fighters from all over the world are fighting the government," he said.


Nur also said that an al-Qaeda operative from Pakistan was directing the fighting and was based in the Sanna neighbourhood of Mogadishu, close to the presidential palace.


He did not provide any evidence for his claims.



The United States has previously said that the al-Shabab movement, which has vowed to topple the government of Sharif Ahmed, the president, is supported by al-Qaeda.


Mohamed Sheikh Nor, a journalist in Mogadishu, told Al Jazeera that there was likely to be heavy fighting if the Ethiopian troops reached the central and southern areas controlled by the armed opposition groups.


"There will be confrontations and clashes," he said.


"Some of the politicians in the government say, however, that the Ethiopian troops can help set up the institutions of the government."


Al-Shabab and Hizbul Islam launched an offensive against government forces on May 7 and more than 300 civilians are believed to have been killed in the resulting fighting.


Heavy fighting


There were reports of heavy fighting on Saturday in Hamarweh, another suburb near the presidential palace, after clashes in the northern Karan district overnight.


"I saw heavily armed Islamist fighters advancing onto Hamarweh area. They are firing mortar shells and government forces are retaliating," Warsameh Ahmed, a Mogadishu resident, told the AFP news agency.


"Kenya had been saying that it will attack the mujahidin of al-Shabab for the last four months. If it tries to, we will attack Kenya and destroy the tall buildings of Nairobi"


Sheikh Hasan Yacqub,

al-Shabab spokesman



"It seems they are to close to taking control of the area."


Three high-profile government officials - the security minister, an MP and a senior police officer - have been killed in recent days.


More than 4,300 Ugandan and Burundian soldiers are already deployed in Somalia as part of an African Union (AU) force and are charged with protecting strategic sites such as the presidency, the port and the airport.


But the troops are not allowed to fight alongside government forces and are only authorised to retaliate if they come under direct attack.


Kenya said on Friday that it would not sit by and allow the situation in its neighbour to deteriorate further as it would destabilise the rest of the region.


It said that the AU was committed to increasing its commitment, but al-Shabab had warned against any foreign intervention.


Sheikh Hasan Yacqub, an al-Shabab spokesman, said in the southern port city of Kismayo: "Kenya had been saying that it will attack the mujahidin of al-Shabab for the last four months.


"If it tries to, we will attack Kenya and destroy the tall buildings of Nairobi."


Thousands of residents fled Mogadishu on Saturday, many of them joining the estimated 400,000 people who are living rough along the Afgooye corridor, about 20km south of the capital.


400,000 people who are living rough along the Afgooye corridor, about 20km south of the capital.


Source: Al Jazeera and agencies

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