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Was Igal the best politician somalis had?

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To this day it amazes me how he managed to dismantle the SNM, pit them against one another and still remained as a head of the state and made them submit to his rule.


A rare feature was also that he was real politician who actually made a name for himself without the barrel of the gun. From the begining to the end, he influenced somalis politics and Somaliland in particular until his death Ilahay ha unaxariistee.


From: Xornimo doonkii-midnamadii, ilaa iyo dhalashadii Somaliland wuu joogay. ruug cadaa Siyaasi ah ayuu ahaa. Oo xaraan iyo xalaal wax kudoonyaabe wuu helay wixii uurabay.





What are your thoughts.

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Adan Ade was great man. He was the first President in africa to give up power at the end of his term PEACEFULLY AND QUITELY.


When you look at it the only ones that could be termed as politicians all came from early years.


1. Igal

2. Adan ade

3. Abdirsahiid Sharmarke.


The rest ruled by the barrel of the gun or seek things through it.

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Egal was a great politician. Ilaahay ha u naxariisto, dambigiisana ha dhaafo.


Originally posted by Red Sea:

made a name for himself without the barrel of the gun.

Oh no, you didn't say that Mujaahid. smile.gifsmile.gif


Egal's tenure was actually marred by much bloodshed. In Somaliland, Riyaale has a relatively peaceful record, and may soon surpass Egal as the most successful Somaliland politician.

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Heh. A subjective question that has one of two answers! But most people will only be allowed to give the first. If they dare give the second, the simpeltons here will tell them to respect the dead. :D


Err, he was,

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He was an able politician but to what rubric do we judge the "best politician Somalis ever had"?


I am of the opinion that there are many fine politicians who have been born amongst the Somali people; foremost among them being Cabrizaaq Xaaji Xussein, Cumar Carte Ghalib, and Maxamed Saciid Samatar Gacaliye.

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NGONGE, Fulay :D .


Lets wait till Siilaanyo takes the helm…


Egal was a great politician no doubt. He dominated Somaliland’s politics since 1960s. After the collapse of the Somali republic he returned and dominated again. He imposed his rule quite firmly, and as a result caused a lot of displacement and destruction to certain cities and communities. Some would say that Egal still rules from his grave through the proxy that’s the Riyaale today. He outmaneuvered the two men (Tuur and Siilanyo) who led the insurgency against Barre, and dominated the airwaves during the SNM years, while Egal comfortably chaired Barre’s Chamber of Commerce from Xamar. The irony is good Tuur died in exile, and Siilaanyo has yet to harvest the fruits of his struggle in terms of leading the region for whose sacrifice he so bravely gave up all the comforts he had in the West.


As an elder Somali who had the respect of many Somalis, Egal missed the opportunity of playing the type of role only an experienced politician like him could play, attempting to reconcile Somalis. It must be said that Geelle of Djibouti tried to fill that void in year 2000 and somewhat succeeded in it. Egal died and left a Somaliland that was more stable than it was when he found it.


Allow kuu naxariiso…

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Originally posted by HornAfrique:

He was an able politician but to what rubric do we judge the "best politician Somalis ever had"?


I am of the opinion that there are many fine politicians who have been born amongst the Somali people; foremost among them being Cabrizaaq Xaaji Xussein, Cumar Carte Ghalib, and Maxamed Saciid Samatar Gacaliye.

Adan Ade, Sharmarke, C/Risaaq X. Xuseen Cumar C. Ghalib were good politicians but non of them really compares the lenght of time that Igal served in Somalis political life. The man was around for a long long time. :D




He was on one side during the S/land civil wars in mid 90s, but at the end of the war, he was still chosen. He also made Riyaale what he is today by choosing him as VP for political reasons perhaps. :D

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Whatever he was, May Allah rest him in peace. I am glad to see that people are not so immature towards Egal and his past as they are/were towards other good leaders.

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