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BBC Somali Section Head – Youssuf Garad Is The Remaining Warlord

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BBC Somali Section Head – Youssuf Garad Is The Remaining Warlord





BBC Somali Section, like everything else in our world, is constantly changing.

What was once strict ethic of the BBC may be considered as non ethic now.


It is unfortunate that the internationally accredited BBC is still accommodating a

Somali Warlord and permitted him to use the only source of information and news of

the Somali people, for his sinister and criminal advocating propaganda

internationally. Youssuf Garad is a Somali Warlord who is to be removed like all

others were disgracefully chased away from their strong forts.


Youssuf Garad is using a distant fort called BBC Bush House, where he devours

irrationally all news that doesn’t match his wishes. He immorally disregards all

information and news that does not serve his purpose, which is clannish in one

time, hate propagating and supporting certain factions against others on the other

hand. Last year during the time when the extremist Union of Islamic Courts (UIC)

controlled many regions of Somalia including the Mogadishu, the capital city;

Youssuf Garad blatantly sided with his uncle Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys who was the

Head of the Shura of UIC. He over publicized the UIC out of proportion.


Youssef Garad deliberately publicizes all negative propaganda against the

Transitional Federal Government (TFG) and its efforts to bring about a peaceful

reconciliation. The reason is simple and clannish; because Abdillahi Youssuf Ahmed

is from a different clan. Similarly, Youssuf Garad undermined and diluted almost

all the positive and reconcilable endeavors of the TFG. He shamefully calls and

holds international telephone conferences, by inviting, from around the world,

certain elements of the Somali society who share his morbid opinion and casts

through the BBC Somali service. He uses the BBC Somali service as a vehicle and

tool to proliferate his religious and political believes.


Moreover, Youssuf Garad has put a news embargo on Somaliland. Let alone to make

feature articles covering the success stories about the achievements of

Somaliland, he disregards main events to be broadcasted after BBC correspondents

relay. Events related to Somaliland are no longer news items that pass his

censorship with the exception of negative news items which he over publicizes.


According to the famous and widely respected Somali Journalist, Mr. Dahir Abdulle

Alasow, who is the editor of one of the most read Somali websites, Waaga Cusub (

The New Era), Youssuf Garad is using the BBC Somali service to promote something

he calls the “UNITY of SOMALIA”! And he requested Mr. Alasow to use his influence

and his journalistic talents against the Republic of Somaliland. Sadly, Mr. Alasow

knowing the fact that Youssuf Garad is from his same clan, refused to collaborate

with him. Instead, he urged Youssuf Garad to shun out abusing the privileges given

to him and be neutral and fair about measures in Somalia.


Mr. Dahir Abdulle Alasow is a man of integrity who preserves and builds up his

journalistic career in a widely acclaimed sincerity. No wonder that Mr. Alasow

turned down the weird requests of Youssuf Garad, and instead advised him to use

the BBC Somali Section in a fair way as it was supposed to be!


Youssuf Garad does not understand the growth of Internet do-it-yourself publishing

in the present era, especially the weblog or blog style of personal publication

that gave rise to disseminating and broadcasting news information and other

debates around the world. And therefore, whatever news information he disregards

and bars to be broadcasted are available in the internet straightly published by

countless others in the right way.


What's more, Youssuf Garad has recently started to hire young boys from his

sub-sub-clan who possess neither journalist education nor experience, after he

eliminated in one way or the other, most of the famous well known Somali

broadcasters and journalists least they may see and challenge his wrong doings. He

does not own the slightest journalistic attitude and morals. Somalis call Youssuf

Garad “The Remaining Warlord”


In short, a large portion of the audient population of the BBC Somali service are

wondering why shouldn’t the BBC authorities correct Youssef Garad and re-train

him, or stop this nastiest remaining Warlord from service.


Youssef Garad, Sidii Roon Eebe Haku Garansiiyo. Aamiin






Ahmed Egal

Beijing, PRC

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I don't think the B.B.C would function of every got their clan promoted. Even if you are a neutral reporter, waxaa la odhanaya wa "reer" hebel, you can never win with Somalis. I don't listen to the B.B.C, so i couldn't judge this fella.

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