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President Rayaale Arrives in Burao

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

Coming from Burco doesn't mean you are originally from there ....... we have hundreds of Oromos in Burco. You could be one of them. ,,,

Are you saying the dude is LOOMA OOYAAN?



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So did he make any speechs or did he hide in the hotel for the night and run for cover the next morning??


Can't believe reer Burco, they must have been too busy working :D

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^He did a speech at a half empty hall at the University whilst prior to that his motorcade baa la shiiday (bunch of kids :D )


It was an in and out job ala Ngonge :D

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^Fuulayo waaxid. redface.gif


LOool Good to hear the kids still have the old fire in them :D Don't know what happened to the adults. They probably only noticed when he left and got mad that they missed the shiiding fun! HAHAH

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Madaxweynaha iyo weftigiisa oo maanta waxay soo mareen Magaalooyinka Qoryaale,Balidhiig,W ar cimraan,Qorulugud,Sh ashancade ,kuwaasoo dhamaantood hadalo kooban u jeediyay.

Madaxweyne Rayaale oo maalintii seddexaad safar ku maraya Gobolka Togdheer ayaa caawa fiidkii gaadhay magaalada


Dhoqoshay ee ka tirsan gobolka Togdheer,halkaasoo uu caawa u hoyday.

So what do u want ??,,, he is sleeping in Dhoqoshay tonight, he went all those villages and gave a speech.


he was awarded by Burao University and gave a speech there.

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Madaxweynaha iyo weftigiisa oo maanta waxay soo mareen Magaalooyinka Qoryaale,Balidhiig,W ar cimraan,Qorulugud,Sh ashancade ,kuwaasoo dhamaantood hadalo kooban u jeediyay.



Waxa Md.Rayaale iyo waftigiisa qado loogu sameeyey magaalada Qorulugud,ee ka tirsan degaanka Buuhoodle, halkaasu joogay wakhtigii ugu badnaa ,ka dibna uga ambabaxay dhinaca Balidhiig oo uu makhribkii gaadhay,kuna hakaday wakhti yar,waxuuna u dhaafay magalaada dhoqoshay oo caawa ku sugan yahay.


Waftiga Madaxweynaha ayaa sida wararku sheegayaan si weyn loogu soo dhaweeyay degaamadaas uu marayay,haseyeeshee waxa la sheegay in Magaalada dhoqoshay ahayd goobta ugu soo dhaweynta balaadhnayd,ka dib marii raxan fardo ahi ay kaga hortageen duleedka iyo dadweyne badani.



Degaamadaas uu marayay Madaxweynuhu ayaa la sheegay in loogu gudbiyay Baahiyaha iyo dhibaatada ka jirta,waxaanu midkasta u sameeyay sida dhaqanka u hayd balanqaadyo.



Waftiga Madaxweynaha ayaa berito waxa uu qadada loogu sii diyaariyay Magaalada X.saalax ee ka tirsan Burco,isagoo marka hore sii maridoona magaalada Waraabeeyo.



Waa markii u horeysay ee Md.Rayaale socdaal kan oo kale ah ku maro degaanka gobolka togdheer,tan iyo intii uu ku fadhiistay kursiga Madaxweynaha.


Goobaha uu socdalka ku sii maridoono ee uu hada ku sii jeedo ayaa waxa ka socda diyaargarow badan oo loogu sii gogol xaadhay.


Hadaba isweydiintu waxay tahay Socdaalka Madaxweynuha ee xilgani ma ogaanshaha xaalada dadweynaha uu madaxda u yahay mise waa ololihii doorashada,oo hada uun madaxweyne Rayaale isu diyaariyay tartankii doorashada Madaxtooyada,ee mudada badan lagu sheegi jiray inuu ka cago jiidayo qabashada doorashada.

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Is he going to Ceergaabo or what?


I heard he's also going to Awdal after words.


I know some of reer Burco(the east side at most) are die hard Kulmiye supporters but c'mon guys, it's NOT the election time YET were you can take sides. like him or not, he's the president of SOMALILAND, our president and that should be the focus of this thread.



Reer Somaliland dumuquraadiyadii bay qalad ka fahmin.

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Originally posted by Poker:

Is he going to Ceergaabo or what?


I heard he's also going to Awdal after words.


I know some of reer Burco(the east side at most) are die hard Kulmiye supporters but c'mon guys, it's NOT the election time YET were you can take sides. like him or not, he's the president of SOMALILAND, our president and that should be the focus of this thread.



Reer Somaliland dumuquraadiyadii bay qalad ka fahmin.

If he was welcomed in Hargeisa, Berbera and all the lil towns he visited; why can he not get the same hospitality in East Burco? What's their beef? They're in the same boat as everyone else. Showing a die hard support of any party is just foolishness.


I hope Siilanyo is able to go to all over Somaliland if he wins the chair.

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