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Why are people pissed of at Shabaab destroying a church?

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Because it clearly displays their narrow-mindedness, narrow-sightedness and absolute foolishness. People that have no compunction with destroying places of worship are probably the same people that dig up graves or drag corpses around the streets. Such an impression does not encourage confidence in them and only increases the unease around them. Why at all do they have a need to publicise their intention to destroy that church? For it is not the destroying of an empty and hardly used church that matters here (though it still remains distasteful) but, rather, it is the fact that they are making a great song and dance about such action. These nincompoops probably believe they are doing god's bidding!


As for building a mosque in the site of that church. Well, that is good and well, for now. But history will still record that a church stood where this mosque is. Who knows what the future will bring to this proposed mosque! I mean look at a place like India and the countless disputed places of worship there. Would I get it wrong if I guessed where you would stand in the case of Babri Masjid ?


There is a similar problem in Kashmir and other places.


Do you now understand why some people are uncomfortable with the idea of destroying a church or shall I go on some more?

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That church was build by the Italians when they were there (and they are Christians innit, so they were using it) Who is using it now? No one (not for worship that is) just like the Church in Mogadishu. Believe me I know, my Clan lives in Kismaayo. Yes there can be church in a Muslim country as long as the Christians pay taxes. This is from Islaam but if there are no Christians there, and nobody is using it then ofcourse you can take it down to build a Masjid in the same place.

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Do you now understand why some people are uncomfortable with the idea of destroying a church or shall I go on some more?


The Quran says:


(They are) those who have been expelled from their homes in defiance of right,- (for no cause) except that they say, "our Lord is Allah". Did not Allah check one set of people by means of another, there would surely have been pulled down monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques, in which the name of Allah is commemorated in abundant measure. Allah will certainly aid those who aid his (cause);- for verily Allah is full of Strength, Exalted in Might, (able to enforce His Will).



Those who have been driven from their homes unjustly only because they said: Our Lord is Allah - For had it not been for Allah's repelling some men by means of others, cloisters and churches and oratories and mosques, wherein the name of Allah is oft mentioned, would assuredly have been pulled down. Verily Allah helpeth one who helpeth Him. Lo! Allah is Strong, Almighty -

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This is non-issue. We are facing some greater issues that much concerns us Soomaalis than this, should I say, fiddling one. Sar la dumiye tan ma ugu horeynin, and I am sure tana uguma dambeyneyso. Our worries, I am sure, are much greater than this trivial, non-issue issue. Masaajidadii dadka ku tukanaaye ayaaba fakan la', wax kale sheegeysiin.


Kuwaan Shabaab la leeyahay waa kuwii u diiday inay dadka kale ciiddaan another day. Iyagoo salaatada ciidda ku jiro qorigooga la galay masaajidada, kana soo kaxeeye dadkii tukanaaye iyagoo waliba qadaanqadinaayo iyo karbaashaayo. Marka dad waxaas ku sameynaayo kuwii Muslimiinta la ahaa ayaa waxaa noo sheegeysiin idinkana waxaas kale ee sameyeen.

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This is not right and these extremists should be dealt with and I wouldn't mind their destruction and elimination. They are extreme and their actions of destroying places of worship is not wrong but un-islamic

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So building a mosque in the place of a church in a city in which no Christian lives is wrong? You're just as Jaahil in Islaam as you are in Somali politics.

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Originally posted by al-Hashimi:

That church was build by the Italians when they were there (and they are Christians innit, so they were using it)
Who is using it now



I beg to differ with your simple mindedness ina-adeer. That church was occupied by poor internally displaced families. But as usual, the munaafiqiin who destroyed that old church did not give a flying fcuk about no poor innocent people.


dhulQarnayn :cool:

Republic Of California

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