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Hogaanka SSC Saleban Isse Ahmed (Waraysi)

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Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf:

xaglajifiye nin hadalka ku fiican maha ninka saaxafada ka ilaaliya

He spoke well and conveyed his message. Too bad for you if his message hurts your dreams.

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Si aad u fiican oo wacan buu u hadlay, waa cod kar, sidoo kale hadalo qiimo iyo xidmad leh , waxa uu soo jeediyey in soomaalidu nabad kuwada noolaantu, oo la joojiyo in shacab soomaaliyeed la khasbo, iyo in midnimada somalia laga shaqeeyo, oo laga waantoobo kala qeybinta, iyo googeynta qaranka soomaaliyeed



Ugu danbeyn waxa Hogaamiye Sulayman Xaqlotoosiye sheegay in Hogaanka iyo Shacabka SSC taageersanyihiin Dowlada Federalka ee Somalia iyo Madaxweyna Sheikh Shariif

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Are you sure you support the tfg I am sure the tfg doesn’t support you it was just a few weeks back when cumar buur accused the khusuusi of being linked to terrorism

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