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Xaaji Xunjuf

Somaliland vice president seylici visits awdal borama + pictures.

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

^^ He's probably a member of the "SL Committe For The President's Visit Of Awdal".

"SL committee" lol, sorry I wouldn't be part of a committee that that use's a name colonialists termed.


Anyways, I gave you my own opinion on why I think the President of NW Somalia hasn't visit outside the triangle. Also my reasoning on why I believe the Vice President of the enclave went to his community first.


What is your guess?

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I have noticed from recent pics Faroole has changed the uniform of his personal security guards,,,,from tuute with AK47 to Suit and Ookiyaalo miraayad haad u ek!!! what could be the reason ?

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I noticed that to! Lets be honest soldiers with uniforms are intimidating. They give out so many bad messages - most importantly that there is no security.


Like look at the Vice President of NW Somalia in Borama, his militia are dressed as if they are ready to go to war.



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Originally posted by Wiil Cusub:

and what is the message



This is a sad pic! When Somalia was really a country.


Now that's how soldiers should look...the dress and confidence!

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This is a sad pic! When Somalia was really a country.


Now that's how soldiers should look...the dress and confidence!

Thankfull this pic shows me iron faces with no mercy, it call all my hate on that regime.


Wax nin amaantiya ayaa ku kalena caydiiya! but also I'm not happy VP with all that ingression around him.

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The Zack   

Originally posted by Wiil Cusub:

and what is the message



This shows well dressed and confident security personnel. On the other hand the pic of the SL vp shows a frightened militia in a war zone :D:D .

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The Zack   

^Its where you get your qaad from too :D:D . 200,000 tons of qaad comes to you from Gunagado and $2M of your money goes to Gunagado each month LOL.

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