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General Duke

Washington: Recognition support for Stable Puntland Somaliland [No secession]..

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QUESTION: So what does the greater engagement –



ASSISTANT SECRETARY CARSON: The greater engagement can be defined as meeting on a periodic basis with government officials from these two political entities, talking to them about development issues, including a range of health, education, agriculture, water projects that they might want to develop, looking for ways to strengthen their capacity both to govern and to deliver services to their people.
In the past, we have not engaged these areas and political entities aggressively. We will now start to do so.

Now the shift to the North has started and the peace we crave for is closer than ever... :confused:

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Originally posted by AfricaOwn:

[A reminder: Read through the U.N. Monitoring Group on Somalia.

You're not working hard enough dukey.

Are you comparing a UN report to the comments of the rep of the worlds only super power? :D


I think you need to undertsand whats going on and the gravity of these comments. this is a shift, a small one but never the less a positive one and expected after the failure of Sharif Ahmed.

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Originally posted by AfricaOwn:

quote:Originally posted by General Duke:

Puntland gets recognition
for our hard work, stability and also a single Somali state which is a corner stone of its viison.


A reminder: Read through the U.N. Monitoring Group on Somalia. UN cites reports of puntland govt links to Somalia pirates


You're not working hard enough dukey.
doesnt matter, the US & UN engages politically speaking with many corrupt or criminal govts. If there are shady parts of one govt it doesnt mean you color them all bad and ignore them.


You fail AfricaOwn....try again.

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The U.S is basically reiterating their long held policy that just because they will work with other regions in Somalia directly it does not mean they are going to recognize them as independent nations.


I think we both know they see no value in recognizing any independent enclaves whether it is the Puntland or NW Somalia admin in Hargeysa. They dont need another poor african nation that they will have to support, now if we had something of wealth to offer them it would be a different story.


This article though is great news and I hope the Puntland government takes full advantage of all the aid and resources the U.S can provide. I hope the focus is on education and making many area's more self-sufficient.


Great news!

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^^^Indeed great news, we have always faced many obsticles to get projects under way because the US does not allow its field officers to go directly to Somalia.


Also the emphasis on education, and most importantly water projects is new and great..


Its good news, and Puntland's political strategy is paying dividend.

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US Boosts Ties with Breakaway Somali Regions

Friday, September 24th, 2010 at 8:35 pmPosted 25 minutes ago


The United States says it plans to strengthen ties with two breakaway regions in Somalia to try to undercut a growing threat from Islamist extremists.


The top U.S. diplomat for Africa, Johnnie Carson, said Friday the United States will begin what he called an aggressive engagement with the semi-autonomous regions of Puntland and Somaliland.


Carson said the United States does not plan to recognize either government as an independent state, but would help them with agriculture, water, health and education projects.


He said the increased cooperation could prevent the spread of extremism and radicalism espoused by the al-Qaida linked al-Shabab militia.


Carson said the United States would also reach out to groups in south-central Somalia that are opposed to al-Shabab but are also not aligned with the transitional government in Mogadishu.


Somalia has not had a stable central government since 1991.


Somalia’s transitional government only controls small sections of Mogadishu, with the help of AU peacekeepers.


Islamist militants control most of the capital and large parts of southern and central Somalia. They have been trying to topple the government to set up a strict Islamic state.


Some information in this story was provided by AP, AFP and Reuters.

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Originally posted by Thankful:



The U.S is basically reiterating their long held policy that just because they will work with other regions in Somalia directly it does not mean they are going to recognize them as independent nations.


I think we both know they see no value in recognizing any independent enclaves whether it is the Puntland or NW Somalia admin in Hargeysa. They dont need another poor african nation that they will have to support, now if we had something of wealth to offer them it would be a different story.


This article though is great news and I hope the Puntland government takes full advantage of all the aid and resources the U.S can provide. I hope the focus is on education and making many area's more self-sufficient.


Great news!

You're a secessionist, enough said. You want me to prove that you're one? I can provide you some articles :D

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^^^ Not sure if you understand the term secessionist, that's what the Mugged ones are. They want to break away from Somalia. Puntland is a State in Somalia. Thus again come with better arguments my lad.


I am happy Somaliland regional State in NW Somalia will get developmental & security assitance like Puntland.

I am also glad that the State department of US has made it clear that there is a single Somali policy.


It warms the heart that.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^ Not sure if you understand the term secessionist, that's what the Mugged ones are. They want to break away from Somalia. Puntland is a State in Somalia. Thus again come with better arguments my lad.


Better argument? Are you even reading the articles you have been posting? :D



"The breakway republic of puntland "

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