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U.S. considers diplomatic presence in Somalia

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U.S. considers diplomatic presence in Somalia


The United States said on Thursday that it is considering reestablishing diplomatic presence in Somalia after a break of 16 years.


"We're going to take a look, obviously, at what is appropriate, in terms of security, in terms of political presence, in terms of diplomatic presence in Somalia," State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said at a briefing.


"There aren't any final decisions in that regard. It's something that's being actively examined right now," McCormack said.


McCormack said the U.S. embassy in Kenya is now in charge of U. S. mission in Somalia.


The United Sates withdrew its diplomats from Somalia in 1991 following the anarchy after Somalia's strongman Mohammed Siad Barre was toppled.


The United States has voiced support for Ethiopia's recent military intervention in Somalia that led to the ouster of the Islamic Courts and the control of Mogadishu by Somalia's interim government.


Source: Xinhua

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Washington: Maraykanka oo xafiisyo ka furanaya Soomaaliya


Jimce, February 02, 2007


Washington(AllPuntland)- War kasoo baxay Maraykanka ayaa lagu sheegay in Maraykanku uu doonayo inuu dib u furo xafiisyadii diblomaasiyadeed ee dalka Soomaaliya.


Sean McCormark oo ah afhayeenka waaxda arimaha dibadda dalka Maraykanka ayaa sheegay in Maraykanku iminka baaraan dagayaan sidii ay xafiisyo uga furan lahaayeen Soomaaliya.


Mr: McCormark wuxuu sheegay in ay suurto gali karto in Maraykanku dib uga hawl galo Soomaaliya waase haddii dawladda federaalka Soomaaliya ay wax ka baddasho ammaanka dalka gaar ahaan caasimadda Soomaaliya.


Afhayeenka ayaa intaasi ku daray in Mareykanka ay fikradan ku dhalatay bishii hore ka dib markii dowlada Soomaaliya oo gacan ka helaysa ciidamada Ethiopia ay la wareegeen awooda casimadda dalka Soomaaliya ee Muqdishu iyo guud ahaan dalka.


Maraykanka ayaa 15kii sano ee ugu danbaysay hawlaha Soomaaliya ka waday magaalada Nairobi ee caasimadda dalka Kenya , oo badi hay'adaha caalamiga ahna ay ka hawl galaan.


Waa markii ugu horaysay oo Maraykanku soo hadal qaado inuu dalka Soomaaliya dib uga furanayo xafiisyadiisii ,waxaana ay timid kadib markii dawladdu ay gaartay caasimadda Soomaaliya ee Muqdisho.


CCC Farayaamo


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