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The TALIBANISATION of Somalia contineus.

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The Zack   

Liqaye, shaving the beard is harram and there is a consequence for a every harram thing. Of coure ilaahay bey u taalaa waxuu kasameyn adoomadiisa danbaaba lakin in dadka qaar ay dhaleeceeyaan faridda dadka la farayo iney fuliyaan awaamiirta ilaahay to score a political point which is what Moonlight AKA Mr.Suufi is doing is not good.

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It seems I am arguing with a parrot repeating the same santences all along, adeer good luck with your ideoligy, just one favour, if they recruit you to blow yourself up just let us know so we can avoid where you are.

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on this level, on earth what is the punishment for doing this haram thing? Or rather what would be acceptable for you/al shabaab?

And again how long is YOUR beard. smile.gif

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The Zack   

Originally posted by MoonLight1:

quote: One thing I notice from your posts is you are too suufi to see any good from non-suufi organization like al-shabaab. Adeer let your suufism emotions not blind you.



I really couldn't stop loughing, first I am not suufi, but hey I believe they are good ppl, who spread Islam to Africa, Alshabab? oops sorry my friend its the peacful suufis who safeguarded Islam and rose to its diffence when colonials came, take one example, your great grand father the mad mullah was a suufi saalixi, axmed Gurey was a suufi, sheikh cali suufi who brought CILMU TAJWIID to somalia was a sufi from Og-adenia, the list is endless, so don't make sufis as if they were dirt. And I can say that was a good shot to difflect the real arguiment which is "Is xasan Yacquub a lier or a sunnah protector" or are you saying he was adevil on the 19th of december and he is a saint 24hrs later.
Adeer stop beating around the bush and stay on the topic. Answer the questions I have asked.

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Since when did ordering something from Islam became defamation? I strongly disagree with this policy myself. But it is merely piece of itjihad from the governor of that area who decided it would be beneficial to order people in that area to adhere to the beard. It is not something which can be considered "defamation" of Islam or warrants emotionally regurgatating CNN words( "talibinisation").

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skinnys prefer to be Abd of old dirty goat

fuc-k-ing arab. this has been proven before. somalis Fought agains europian occupation . but welcomed the Arabs (Yemen) occupants. horta, why dont Somalis talk about this historical event? Yeman invaded and occupied Somalia.


the ¤¤¤´¤¤¤¤ of a country who was ones occupiated by our cushitic brothers ethiopian emperor.

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