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General Duke

Dubai: meeting in support of TFG..

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loooooooool@ the right section....sxb ive seen videos of welcoming odayga no suprise wit the cheers! good food ma tirdi....we were in dubai for 2 weeks walaalhi couldnt find any good food other then hotel is terriable......since u in middle east sxb walaahi check out jordon, syria, the best place in the world! baitul sham

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Khalafow, i dont belive you for one minute! You couldnt find a decent restaurant in Dubai? Didnt you spot a Labanese? Iranian? Yemeni?


Duke, there were more Northerners present but like most of the people in there i think they got suited and booted just to check out the ladies (and vise versa). I think i was the only guy not wearing a suit. My khamis had a subliminal message for the TFG fans ;)

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^ LOOOL at the sublimimal message.


Anyhow Boqor Buurmadoow believes in Somaliweyn and the future of Somalia as a whole and not no clan state.


He is well respected all over Somalia and in puntland particularily were he was a markhaati for Abdullahi yusuf and Cadde muuse a few years back.



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