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Wareysi Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Somaliland

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Baashe take a break….You already have shown the world the mendacious inanities of the SNM gang mouthpieces who find refuge here on SOL engaging futile indoctrination to sell a rotten product that does have market value in any where on the planet. They do not want to see the fallacy of their logic. Let me give them some other medication that will still show their ugly face to whoever have interest in Somali tragedy…relax. Bunkaaga hal fandhaal oo sonkor ah ku darso , qaadna ka fagow ...hererigu maskaxduu ku ciyaaraa smile.gif

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jaylaani ma xa ya waan baa tahay adoon qof caayin miyaadan ra'yigaaga dhiiban karin!!!

Xaqiiqdii haday kaaga dhagtay waxaan jirin ah jabhad qabiil (somaliland;ex snm) oo ku doodasa mustacmarad gaallo xaqdarro ku guumeesanjirtay, ingriis ma soo noqonoyo wax fahan

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^^^Waxaad ahayd uunbaan sheegay saaxiib.


Qofkii wax caqli gal ah ku hadlayaa lala murmaa markaa inaan waxaad tahay runta ka sheegaa waa waajib.


Wali lama arag adiga mooyee nin been ka sheega dadka dhintay si uu magac ugu yeelo waxaan meesha qaban.



Exhibit one (the poem below)




...Allow yaa darwiishkii fariin dabacsan gaarsiiya,Allow yaa damaashaad farxad leh kala dul eedaama,Allow yaa dalkaagii ku dhaha dowlad nimo qaaday,Allow yaa af lama daaliyeeh daacad ugu sheega.â€Abdullaahi "Timacade"


Every time you post that BS lie, Tima cade(RIP) turns over in his grave adigana dambiba kuugi jraa. Maxaanse kaa la hadlayaa WAJIGA ILAAHAY iyo WAJIGA USTAADKA (mad mullah) yaa kuu siman ood si ugu wada dhaarataa.


Let me school you a little. AHMED ISMAACIIL QAASIN who was bribed with his freedom by Afwayne wrote this poem you obsess with.


TIMA CADE (RIP) never mentioned the mad mullah in his poem. never in history.


Get it right and get it straight.... .


P.S. Don't PM me...I don't know you like that.

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Saan si ma'aha. Dad cimrooda raagay la kala reeb reebaayo. Eeboow na kala qabo.


Baliis, baliis, aflagaadada, afmiinshaarnimada, afxumeynta iyo afuufka joojiya hadaa rabtiin in wax la tir tirin or if you don't want threadkaan la xirin.

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