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Wareysi Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Somaliland

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Having said there is another dimension to Somalia's problems and that's the foreign hand that is all over the political lanscape of the country. This is a fact. It has its impact and one of its consequence is arming the warlords and thus prolonging their staying power not to mention the funding and political platform it gives them by elevating their status to regional level.

Would you give your life for Somalia fighting these foreign powers and their puppet warlords?


Who here would?

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NO. I ran away with my tail btw my legs remember :D . I didn't even had the balls to defend my property sxb. Me no geesi awoowe.

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I see. Well if you don't, who will? And what is a geesi?


P.S. I think we scared away all the regulars here with all this "giving life" talk. :D

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^ You're hilarious today. Of course I know what geesi means, but what does it mean to you?


Unfortunately, Che was killed at around the same age that I am now. And I'm not even 1% the man that he was.

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I'm glad u are having fun in politics section. A man who makes his mom weep is what geesi means to me awoowe :D


Now you remember al qaatil wal maqtuul kuluhum fi naar and I'm paraphrasing the xadiith. Geesi u xiniinya weyn dagaal ahli waa doqon awoowe.


If you are less than 1% of the man Che was in his hayday why the call u "da" man in SOL crib sxb :D . And what that does say about Somali men in general?


Adduunyo :D


Awoowe G'nite :D

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Now you remember al qaatil wal maqtuul kuluhum fi naar and I'm paraphrasing the xadiith. Geesi u xiniinya weyn dagaal ahli waa doqon awoowe.

Yes, but you can't also sit around and watch injustice prevail.


Originally posted by Baashi:

If you are less than 1% of the man Che was in his hayday why the call u "da" man in SOL crib sxb
. And what that does say about Somali men in general?

I dunno who calls me that other than you so what does that say about you awoowe? There's no Somali alive today that is 100% of Che. Not even 10%. If you disagree, name one.

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Suldaan, "From Magnificent earth" comment as my location should have been written as "from Menace" or literally "From the medieval war club" :D


Okay, I see what you are saying, in your final conviction a minority must not hinder the progress of the majority and they should be ignored. Fine. Only problem with that is people who are interested to remain with the rest are no minorities for two reasons: A- They own and manage their towns and cities. And should they decide to remain with Somalia proper, what the brittish coined as Brittish Somaliland will be reduced to much smaller geographical area(will you accept that?), B- The rest of Somalis will stand by them morally and by any other means necessary although these somalis can not be intimidated and in fact can stand on their own. So Suldaan, for these two indomitable facts, Brittish Somaliland to be reborn as it was designed by the brittish is difficult. You will either negotiate a new deal(and take what is only yours landwise) or remain with the rest, either way, the Majority(the rest of Somalis) decides the future. This is actually if people will listen to your case to secede to begin with. If not, then stagnation will be the order of the day for you. I can say in no uncertain terms that no outsider can decide whether brittish Somaliland becomes independent or not. Somalis only will and can decide that. the world has laregerly abandoned this as somali issue and it shall remain so for the forseeable future.




Thanks for playing the devil's advocate. You interpretted my post correctly. Bashi replied to the question you asked me.



Btw, Suldaan, I didn't participate in this discussion out of animosity. I wanted to point out to you the impossibilities already in your way which will prevent you from anything you hope to achieve in terms of independence based on colonial history.

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Yes you Castro do sit around and watch injustice prevail everyday.


I dunno who calls me that other than you so what does that say about you awoowe?

If memory serves me right you called urself "da" man in another threat. Nevertheless I was simply making a tongue-in-cheek remark when I said "da" man. Btw anythinng I write in SOL screen say nada about me.

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Brother Xoogsade, I couldn’t agree with you anymore, you are absolutely right

Qabiil dowlad ma noqdo. That is what the entire world knows. Sharafta la iskama qaado.

Xikmad oo dhan 3 eray bey ku dhantahay – Qabiil dowlad/qaran manoqdo, hadey dadi sida dad kale fahmi lahaayaan xikmadaas 16 iskamay lumen laheen

The rest of Somalis will stand by them morally and by any other means necessary although these somalis can not be intimidated and in fact can stand on their own. So Suldaan, for these two indomitable facts, Brittish Somaliland to be reborn as it was designed by the brittish is difficult. You will either negotiate a new deal(and take what is only yours landwise) or remain with the rest, either way, the Majority(the rest of Somalis) decides the future.

Although, in reality the people of North-Central Somalia (The SSC region) can unitarily defend themselves against the aggression of northwest, as waajib the rest of Somali people are obliged to help defender (the madluum brother) against the aggressor (tha daalim brother) as Allah the Almaighty says


“9. If two parties among the Believers fall into a quarrel, make ye peace between them: but if one of them transgresses beyond bounds against the other then fight ye (all) against the one that transgresses until it complies with the command of Allah; but if it complies then make peace between them with justice and be fair: for Allah loves those who are fair (and just).

10. The Believers are but a single Brotherhood: So make peace and reconciliation between your two (contending) brothers; and fear Allah, that ye may receive Mercy. â€

In Surah Al-Hujaraat -The Private Apartments, The Inner Apartments

Xaq maaha in qof muslim ah lagu qabsadu dhulkiisa waayo gaalla xaduudbeenaad eys samaysay dardeet, Galllo saa tidhi Ilaahay aakhiro idinkama akhrisanayo


Somaalidu waxay horey tidhi ninka daalim ka ah ayeey geeridu dhibasaa



I can say in no uncertain terms that no outsider can decide whether brittish Somaliland becomes independent or not. Somalis only will and can decide that. the world has laregerly abandoned this as somali issue and it shall remain so for the forseeable future.

You are right Xoogsade, Somalis only will and can decide the destiny of any part of Somalia; no foreign country can interfere with Somalia’s internal affairs at least in public, its Russia that recognized the former soviet republics, its Indonesia that recognized east timor, its Ethiopia that recognized Eritrea, its Russia only can recognize Chechneya, Its India only can recognize Kashmir, Its China only can recognize Taiwan, Its only Somalia can recognize northwest (Somaliland).




tell me a single country on this "Magnificent Earth" (refer to your location) who are in agreement 100% of everything?? I personally do not know if such country ever existed or will ever exist.

Yet few maps show anywhere called Somaliland, instead indicating a larger country called Somalia, to the east of Ethiopia and Kenya.


In real world, we know there only one country called Somalia (and there no country called Somaliland, other than the one-clan faction based in Hergeysa). Therefore Suldaan you are hypocritical and you shoot yourself in the foot, Somalia is country like any other with people who have diverse opinions, but what matters is the will of the majority of people (of Somalia). The huge majority of Somali people want united Somalia, and whole world stands beside Somali people and supports the territorial integrity of Somalia. The former British colony is past history and no one can return the dark colonial history no matter the cry the weep of the orphans – history is like a dead body.


No region/clan can oppress and colonize another, it’s against the norm of 21 century, there is something called democracy, freewill, North-Central Somalia will stay free and glorious and will not accept colonization from the one-tribe—faction based in Hergeysa of northwest Somalia.


First, Somali people never recognized the former British Somali colony, no one consulted with Somali people when European colonizers draw the invented the illicit border. In Contaryry, Somalia was created by Somali people themselves (made in Somalia) thus Somalia is legitimate state


Second, Former british colony ceased to exist 1960, former British colony is not anymore an entity, therefore Somalia is a country with 18 region, and not two regions (british colony & Italian colony)


Third, if truth be told Somali civil war (tribal feud) was between clan-lords ( and was not between british colony vs Italian colony), SNM(now Somaliland administration) is one-clan faction fought Siad Barrre In the name X against Y clan, NOT in the name of north or British colony. As result SNM is hostile and anti of some regions/clans of former british somaliland


Fourth, the current clannish faction based in Hergeysa (a result of the civil and one-clan faction), doesn’t represent in no-way the former British colony,



I really did not understand as to what you meant by when you said "Lastly, are you aware that if you insist on this secession and the rest of Somalis decide they don't want any war on this issue, Dhulka in taako taako loo cabbiri doono? Oo aa keli laga yaabo inaa noqotaan hadhoow? Care to expand more?

Of course greedy daalim would not understand to hold accountable



Waxaa xaqiiqi, in riyo been ah iyo hanjabeed af uun ah inay daraawiish - the people of north-central Somalia (the scc regions) waxba ka qaadeen. Nimankii daraawiishta ee casharka lama ilaawaana siiyey super-power (british empire) kii wagaas rag ey dhaleen ayaa maanta ayguna u diyaar ah inay la dgaalamaan guumeestaha africaanka ah ee rabo inuu ku xaq ******u jaarkiisa.




Waa labo wajiile always playing the devil’s card

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^ If you don't stop acting a fool in public, I'll publish your psycho private messages you sent me. And as a bonus, I will hunt you down on these forums like the Somaliweyn wacko that you are. :D


Originally posted by Baashi:

Yes you Castro do sit around and watch injustice prevail everyday.

Awoowe, hoos hoos baad ii caashaqsantahay dee. :D


If memory serves me right you called urself "da" man in another threat. Nevertheless I was simply making a tongue-in-cheek remark when I said "da" man. Btw anythinng I write in SOL screen say nada about me.

I called my self many things awoowe. I'm surprised anyone pays any attention.

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Iska jir Fidelow, Awoowe Baashi dadkii ajaanibka ahaa ayaa ka magan galiwaaye, yaanu daalac kuu raacin. Word of advice ;)






Funny how the man who was shunning clanism just then degenerated into being one now. :D


Sxb, for start I do not believe that the status-quo will remain as it is. I believe that sooner or later things will have to change. I also believe that SL and Somalia issue will be settled peacefully in a legal and internationally recognised process. But hadii ay Somalia giniiginii iyo gunuugunuu keento, then sxb there are ways to handle such giniiginii and gunuugunuu, and one of them is through the barrel of the gun.


Coming back to your overt assertion that the clans that you have in mind all united in their opposition to SL, sxb sorry to tell you but you are wrong. There are good number of people including prominent politicians from those clans that you have in mind that openly support SL.


My friend, this is not the first of such issue in this world in fact there were hundreds of similar ones of which the current Kosovo and South Sudan are just few that I can mention. The case of Kosovo - which is a current case - is very similar to SL's case, but unlike SL's case the Serbs in Kosovo are all united in their opposition to Kosovo's independence. Although, their views are respected, yet no one is curving out the Serb inhabited portions of Kosovo out of Kosovo's territory. Instead there are other provisions that are being used to satisfy their concerns. SL is no different, its territory is not up for question, since territories are not defined by clan/ethnic lines as you are insisting instead by recognised International Law.



Good Castro,

God forbid but if that is where it comes down to then awalba Afrikaan ayaanu iska ahayne, let the chip fall where it may.


On a side note, why doesn't Somaliland (who seems to have understood the whole democratic process) provide consulting and guidance to the TFG? Does Somaliland have an honorary delegation at the TFG coming out party in Baydhaba?

A Mogadishu based government that has the support of its people and does not lay bogus claims on SL soil, definitely we would like to establish a strong ties with such a government. But I don't see a government like that any time soon.


Old man Baashi


Awoowe Baashow as of late, you are reminding me of that funny BBC-Somali actor Mr. Qar-iska tuur. I don't know what but I think you have a lot in common with that funny character.


Awoowe, I don't know why you want to run around while you are blindfolded, you surely know you will fall flat on your face and in the process break some old rips. Isku daranidaa Qar iska tuurow? :D


Awoowe, are you talking about the Somalia that Mr. Kofi Anan described it as "a black hole of anarchy" where mafia like gangs and warlords call the shots? Awoowe sorry to wake you up but that country ceased to exist long ago.


Ninka Dawladdisii

Duhur geed ka seexdee

Dibjirtee Habeenkii

Bahaladuu durduurteen

Markuu daydaygeedii

Ka dul dhacay raqdeedii

Runta magan is diidsi

Indhahana dib ula noqay

Oo ruuxdeedi doon doon

Dad kaleeto weydii... Hadraawi


Awoowe, I am sure you are looking for its "ruux", but you are asking the wrong people. :D

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