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Originally posted by The Useful Demagogue:

Awdalites were not part of the SNM. Big lie. It is not by happenstance that the only man who joined (and maybe few others) was named Abdirahman TOL-WAA.


Awdalities are not pro-session. Where are SOL Awdal contingent. Even Riyaale is acting a movie.


By the way, I am only speculating when I say that even the 'I' clan wants secssion.
Without a fair process where believers in the alternative arrangements such as Jama M. Qaalib and many others are not allowed to freely campaign for union,
and in an atmosphere of hysteria and to'laayey ma nimakii shalay baan ku laabana (oo haweenka lagaga oohinayo), thiniking even that clan is for secsion is a difficult proposition.

I find the highlighted part very interesting. If the South were to stabilize and a viable all-inclusive government started to function do you think Somaliland would oppose or allow such surveys taking place that could determine wether the claim of ''all people in the region of Somaliland being anti-union'' was true or not?.


Refusing such tests would be very devastating to Somaliland's credibility as a so-called 'democracy' and bid for recognition in the eyes of the International community. These surveys would enable us to get a glimpse of the region in a non-biased way(no offense) and see wether Xidigo & 'me' really are a minority there(they are dismissed as such on SOL).

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The last time I asked if that process will be allowed, the response I got was "that process has been followed in 1991 and there is no need to link it to stability in Somalia. People like Jama M. Qaalib and others who follow his ideals are traitors and therefore according to the Somaliland constitution (my foot!!) They cannot come and lobby for union. That is 'treason'".


You must know a Lander is a lander if he beleives in Secession, according to this school of thought. Actually, Xidigo, me and others are called names by the 'genuine' landers. Iyagu waa biyo-raacis.

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^^ Said it before and I say it again. If someone opposes something so much they usually rise up and change it. Isn't that how it all started, saaxib? Isn't that what your ONLF boys are doing?


One or two lone voices never matter. Dee naga daaya the pointless talk.

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As to the diverse clans in Somaligalbeed, its my belief they differ on what to call the region and who to join, but they all agree that they cannot live with Ethiopia. In any case, we can settle for a refrendum and will accept the result. An internationally sponssored Sponser.


PEOPLE in Gaashamo and Harrtisheik are not REFUGEES. It is their land. They may not be fans of ONLF, but believe me they are not for union with Ethiopia. According to my vision, there will be no problem once we seceed from Ethiopia. For what I forsee is joining of Somalia, not to form another tiny 'republic'. That will solve the divergent clan intersts. WE ARE ALL GOING TO BE CALLED SOMALIANS. The only question will be which province Gashamo will go under, and which province Dollo Addo will fall under.

Explain yourself saxiib. Are you saying there will be more than one referenda? If so how many? What referendum stage is Somaliland at if we're to follow this crackpot idea of yours?


PS My question was concerning all Somaliland clans (Awdal to Sool ) living in Killil5. If we follow your Clannish 4.5 in Somaliland, I want to know how you'll implement it in the future KILLIL5. Similar questions could be asked regarding NFD, Somalia and Djibouti clans living there.

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There will be no Future Kilil5. It will join Somalia. Xaguu hadalku kaa marayaa Mujaahid.


Only one referendum. What you had in Burco was not a refrendum. The SNM was a player in the issue at hand, and a referendum done by it alone is not legally valid. Even if we talk legalistically, if you want to end the marraiage the other partner has to be there.


I am not even going that far. I am only making the point that it is a mystery why whoever is from the North and I meet in other parts of the world is not telling me he is "a lander". So far, only those from a certain triangle tell me they are. Guys from Las Caanood, badhan, Awdal, and etc tell me they are Somali's from Somalia. Not Landers.

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

^^ Said it before and I say it again. If someone opposes something so much they usually rise up and change it.

Well Somaliland is not a recognized entity so the unrest you are wishing for that relatively peacefull region could still become a reality if it indeed was recognized. I can't believe your making a comparison with Somaligalbeed where a non Somali-ethnic group is abusing the local population on a daily basis, is this happening in places such as Awdal? alhamdulilah no! but does this rule out the possibility of a non-biased survey revealing something very different from what your pushing here?. big fat NO

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^^ I am wishing for nothing, saaxib. Keep hold of your emotions there. I am telling you that if you oppose something so much you WILL show this opposition. If not in your deeds (since you panic when that is mentioned) then at least in your words. There are not many of you and Xidigo swamping the net with their complaints (and I am using the net here as just one safe example). At least the other group that is claimed to dispute this have their NSPU (or whatever that mouthpiece was called). But that other group also has people from its side willingly joining Somaliland.


Until you cause a commotion (of any sort) the idea of a survey would only remain a foolish indulgance in the part of Somaliland. Ma af hindi ban ku hadlna dee?

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^Your not processing my point, i think your in the present while i'm talking about the future( i personally do not see the I.C recognizing Somaliland in the future when they didn't do it in the past while the exact opposite happened with Eritrea). If you want a stable Somaliland to remain then calling an important survey such as the one i'm referring to 'foolish' is very myopic, considering i said in my original post that when those tests are done we would be in a era where a strong alternative has risen for potential unionists in Northern Somalia with the establishment of a viable all-inclusive Somali government.


If in these circumstances no commotion(preferable of the peacefull kind) has happened only then will i stand corrected but as of now with no real alternative for us to speak off(i really would like to have seen the effects of the former ICU on Northern Somalia, the burning of newspapers in Burco criticizing the ICU looked promising) with the land infested with warlords and crooks it's no wonder that those who are against secession rather stay put since the status quo remains no international recognition therefore no real loss.

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Originally posted by

There will be no Future Kilil5. It will join Somalia. Xaguu hadalku kaa marayaa Mujaahid. Only one referendum.

You're not making sense to me that's all. Are you saying if all the clans - including the ones living that live in Djibouti, Somaliland and NFD as well - will want to join Somalia or are you saying the MAJORITY of people in KILLIL5 will want to join Somalia if there's a referendum? Two completely different things. I believe majority of people ( consisting of different clans ) want an independent Somaliland. That's what matters. Reer hebel and 4.5 does not matter. I also support whatever the MAJORITY of the people in KILLIL5 decide. You can't be a Shabaab in Somalia, Democratic in Killil5 and 4.5 in Somaliland. Think about what you're saying and get back to me.

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How does the 4.5 formula constituted? I know it's based on qabiil. Is it only those within the Somali proper borders or Somaliland and others such as NFD, Kilil5 and Djibouti are also included?

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Unless you are an out and out knave, which I think you are not, you don't need to over-philosiphy the debate here. The nature of the issue at hand in Kilil5 is fundamentally different than that in SL. You know that. According to public choice thoery, there is no single social ordering of preferences that satifies all. or so says Kenneth Arrows "impossibility theorem". But, the least imperfect is that one allows the majority preference to reign. So, the majority in Kilil5 do not want to be with Ethiopia. But that will only be true when a free and independent referendum is conducted. The same may be the case in Somaliland. The majority (but predominantely from one clan) do not want union. But, that is a proposition, not yet a fact. The minority in here will unleash violence to stop their lands being labelled what it isn't, unlike the case in kilil5. The analogy will make sense if, for instance, ONLF wants to call Jigjiga and Dire Dawa Oga.deni.a. The problem that SL faces now will come then.


Curiously what you throw as an inconsistency at me ( that I am shabab in mogdishu, Democratic in kilil5, and 4.5 in SL) points to the firm vision I have for Somali's. I want them to re-unite and form the biggest economy and the most flourishing cultural civilization in East Africa. CAll it a daydream, if you wish. But don't call it inconsistency.

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Stuff and nonsense. You, Xiin and Adam saying something will happen WILL not make it happen, saaxib. Give me POINTERS as to why you think it will happen. Show me dissent. You tell me that if the clans you talk about were against this they would have kept their mouths shut? You're all the way from Harar and you couldn't keep yours shut, saaxib. Bal ka waran ku meesha eska leh? Come on, Xaaji. UP YOUR GAME.

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Adigu wax badan ma ogid on these issues. Waa lagu cabbeyey uun. By the way, do you know where Dharwanaje, Harawo are? Do you know where tuulada Mohamed Ahmed is? or Ina-guuxaa?


No, you know Al-bustaani, Fallujah, Ajman. Can you stomach how it will make you angry if I were to debate you about where those areas are?

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^^ Heh. :D

Are you feeling cornered, saaxib? What I know or don't does not matter here. Answer my questions.


But, if it makes you feel any better, I can write my replies in PM to 'qof wax og' and let him ask you verbitim.


UP YOUR GAME, adeer. ;)

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