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Djibouti vigorously deny arming the ICU: Only Humanitarian Aid

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According to Djibouti, only medicines and others humanitarian items have been sent to the Somali capital, following the recent deadly uprising in Muqdisho; both Djiboutian and Somali Red Crescents hired a Daalo Airlines plane with the financial help of the ICRC regional office in Nairobi.


Also, the plane landed in "Kilometer 50"

in Merca as Muqdisho's airport was closed at that time.

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What is wrong with Arming the ICU,they should be armed.Anyone who arms them,their donation will be counted as donation to Just cause.


I say thumbs up to Djabuti.

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Both Islamic courts and Djibouti, alongside Eritrea, Sudan, Egypt and Other Islamic countries,

have the same vital interests in checking Ethiopian expansionism which is detrimental to peace and equilibrium; hence these states have every right to assist their invaded Somali brothers and even more motivation to do so as their access to Nile's water or other strategic interests are in risk of jeopardy.


However, the only certitude and verifiable fact is the support provided by the CIA to the Warlords coalition as well as the thousands Ethiopian invaders now in Somalia, camped in Baidoa or fighting alongside Warlord Qeybdid.


Unfortunately, the evil coalition seems to have infiltrated the "Somali monitoring group" with their fallacious claim of an alleged ICU alliance with the Hizbullah or the Iranian uranium deal as noted by Reuters:


the report's authors may have been fed disinformation by intelligence agencies and others to promote their own agenda in one of Africa's most strategic and volatile regions


Such baseless lies were denunced by the international community, including even a top Israeli official; this is pure propaganda, a remake of Irak's nuclear weapons.


It is also particularly noteworthy that Iran already possess large deposits of Uranium while

Hizbullah policy is fundamentally anti-Sunnis...

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