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Ralph Nader is in the race -- pressure is on Dems

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Nader is in. Bloomberg/Hagel ticket -- if there was ever one -- has been effectively preempted.


It is a three way race now. Independents are up for grabs.


Rumor has it that the comsumer advocate gaint is -- unknowingly -- doing a favor for GOP. San Francisco Chronicle is running a story to that effect.


TV talking heads and pundits are all fired up. Political junkies are glued to the screen.



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I don't know if its you or huckabee talking@at your title thread.


The delusional old man is still at the mercy of a miracle and he has the nerve to say this is bad for the democrats than the republicans, thats a load of crab.


Ralph Nader isn't running the 2000 elections, those days are behind us.


The man is given too much credit, with the news of sunday that he will be running, so what?


Let him run, if anything the heat is on Mccain and the republicans with this announcement.


A man who is at odds with his on party, too many accusations flying, even thought the white house would like to play big bro on affairs that aren't their own, when it comes to NY times story.


On the other hand, Huckabee is convinced this won't be problematic for his party,one who still thinks that "through miracle, he can infact gain the votes needed to secure the republican nomination"

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Yaa waaye, laxda post-keyga delete kusameyse.


MMA, you better inaad cyber faataxo sameyso, don't let me find out you were behind that, bitter old soul.


Baashi, afdheeridaada too much ayeye noqotay.,


Incase you didnt get a chance to read my early post, I said you need to grow up and keep your afdheerkaaka to yourself, unless you want inaan mouth wash kugu qubeeyo.

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The Nader This Time

By John Ridley

February 26, 2008

*Visible Man -- At the intersection of Politics and pop culture


What do you do when those pesky peaceniks come around to your house long after dark, ringing the doorbell, wanting you to sign a petition to save the spotted salamander or something? If you're anything like me, you dial up your private security company, grab a bowl of cheddar cheese popcorn and wait for the fun that only independent contractors with badges can deliver.


Alex Wong/Getty Images for Meet the Press I kinda felt that way — the desire to call private security to escort away a late-arriving interloping do-gooder — when Ralph Nader declared he was going to run for president once again. Ralph — 0.38 percent of the popular vote in '04 — Nader.


Even Mike Huckabee must be like: Dude, you don't have a chance.


Be it as a write-in, a Green Party candidate or an independent, there's something very "hit the panic button" about the cocktail of Ralph Nader seeking the "Highest Office in the Land." I can feel my internal early warning system going off, cautioning that we're about to get hit with a tsunami of self-indulgence. How else to describe his candidacy?


Yeah, in his lifetime Nader has done good work. But he's also done little to get involved in the political process except to hit the scene once every four years and try to take the top prize. There are other offices, other positions, other ways to engage and guide the system. Nader's shown zero desire to do anything but show up to the big dance and try to score the hottest chick.


This would be, by the way, his fourth or fifth try for the White House, depending on how you score a run. But with four or five runs and no wins, it's pretty much like the Buffalo Bills' Super Bowl record. It therefore makes for interesting conversation when trading stories at the Baccarat table, but is otherwise unimpressive.


Nader, who turns 74 this week — even John McCain must be like: dude, you're too old — has devolved into trivia. A throwback to the Pat Paulsen sideshow candidate era. Not to be confused with the Ron Paul sideshow candidate era. The only thing new Nader's added to the process this quadrennial is the miraculous ability to unite the ire of Senators Obama and Clinton. Obama saying of Nader: "My sense is that Mr. Nader is somebody who, if you don't listen and adopt all of his policies, thinks you're not substantive." Clinton weighing in by saying: "I remember when he ran before. It didn't turn out very well for anybody — especially our country."


Hey, Mr. Nader. You got the two of them together. Chalk that up as your moment, and then go away. In case you need any assistance, I got my finger on speed dial.



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Dem Debate 2night.


Obama vs. Clinton


On MSNBC Cable Channel moderated by one of the best in the biz Tim Russert.


8pm EST.


This is for political junkies and other likeminded folks.

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What is your take on the debate? Seems Obama has improved a lot since the first debate. The conventional wisdom is that it was a tie and hence an advantage for the fortrunner.

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No KO and hence niether Obama nor Hillary carried the night.


Obvious Obama weakness is this "Hillary and I" have the "same" plans thing. Instead of differentiating his plans from hers he kept emphasising the fact that his game plan is similar to hers. Not a good move. There is no reason for Hillary supporters to switch sides.




He conceded a point. Maa shaa Allah. That shows class. When she went for the kill (over the Jewish, Farakhan/Nation of Islam thing) he, with unparalleled calm and signature smile, told her that he denounces AND REJECT (her diction preference) the guy and his views -- that solicted a loud laughter and clapping (against the rules - they just couldn't help).


Cool, collected, polite, and classy -- that's how he came across on the TV box.


She was strong, in command of details, and quick on the tongue.


My heart went boom boom when big time sneaky Tim Russert asked him about Iraq! The question was what would you do if Iraqi gov asks you to get out. Followed with follow-up questions (killer one) which went like if you get out and the state becames the stronghold of reactionary forces (al-qeada) how would u ensure US interest in the energy rich region w/o goin back in (implication repaeting Bush's blunder).


Oh boy with intellect he smoothed his way out of that one.


I'm proud of Obama. He is inflicting a dent on racist perception of blacks in America and their capacity to lead.


Historic, that it is.

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