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Ethiopian Military loot, burn over 45 villages

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Caabudwaaq 03, August 07 ( Sh.M.Network) Ciidamada Ethiopia ayaa lagu eedeeyay in ay xoolo ku laayeen dabna ay qabad siiyeen ku dhowaad 20 tuulo oo ku yaala kalinka 5aad ee dhulka ismaamulka Somalida Ethiopia.


Tuulooyinkaan ay gubeen ciidamada Ethiopia ayaa waxa ay hoosyimaadaan deegaanada Shilaabo iyo Wardheer, iyadoo halkaasi ay ku barakaceen boqolaal qoys sida uu shabelle u sheegay Cabdi Ibraahim oo ka mid ah qoysaskii laga gubay tuulooyinkaasi.


Waxa uu sheegay in ilaa 45 tuulo oo ku yaala halkaasi ay gubeen, isla markaana ay laayeen dhamaan xoolihii dadka ay ku dhaqanayeen.


Inta badan ciidamada Ethiopia ayaa waxa ay gaboodfaladaan ay geystaan marka ay dagaal kula jiraan jabhadaha ONLF iyo OLF ee Mucaaradka ku ah dowladda Ethiopia.


Ma ahan markii ugu horreysay oo ciidamada Ethiopia lagu eedeeyo falal la xiriira dhac iyo waliba dab ay qabadsiiyaan tuulooyin.

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It looks Melez's regime is meting out collective punishment, which if I'm not mistaken fits the definition of Crimes against Humanity and/or WC. Going by the scale and nature of the reported atrocities, one would assume more coverage of this story by international media. Instead there's little coverage, bulk of it comprising of passing references here and there.


I read somewhere that some US senators have openly expressed 'concern' over this issue, which I suppose is a welcome development. But more needs to be done to bring the blight of Somalis in this region, hitherto remarkably suppressed, to the world's attention. Even though a lot of 'em are purposefully turning a blind eye while making hue and cry over Darfur. Every Somali should write to their elected representatives about the situation in Somalia.

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Every Somali should write to their elected representatives about the situation in Somalia.


^^Good call yaa Socodka!


Allaah ha u sahlo, dulmigana ha ka dulqaado!

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Originally posted by me:

Where are those that are claiming that ethiopians are 'OUR' allies?

Didnt you Somali ppl were lied to for over 500 years?It seems we were wrongly told that Habesha were our enemies.I think we must be the only ppl in the world who fought against their own dear brothers and allies.

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Originally posted by me:

Where are those that are claiming that ethiopians are 'OUR' allies?

Where else ? They are hiding in their pus-festering infamy.


No, the question you should ask is: Where are those who always want to 'intellectualise' the Ethiopian occupation of Somalia.


Baashi & Sophist, would you like to discuss these latest 'developments' over koob shaah and on a dirin. Everything can be done over the pleasant dirin reconcilliation process, right ? While the Xabashi's keep on killing, burning, looting, raping, among other horrors, let us sit down and talk, eh ? Let us accept the 'political reality'(most transparent euphemism, if there ever was one) and legitimise this occupation and try to change the 'political reality' by the ballot, not the bullet, sometime in the year 2020 ? Or so goes the rationalisations of our wise men.


Word to the wise: F the 'political reality'


So sad when grown men have to use rosy words and logic-speak to gloss over stark naked reality staring them smack-dab in the face.

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Why was she not in there I wonder! Last I checked she was courting Somali votes very hard!

Good of you yaa Ladif I you already wrote to her. Norman is a smart politician. That much I admit.

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This act of evil and pure and down right aggression and violation against human race cannot and should not be tolerated by the world community as well as by any decent human being. We call upon the civilized world to act immediately to this act of aggression by the dictatorship regime in Ethiopia.


Ethiopian military has not only gone on continues strikes both air and land against civilians and their livelyhoods but has also cut food, supplies, and daily need which people would survive and placed a blockage things incoming from other somali regions. This is human violation at its worst. we urgently call on those who fight for human rights to act now and fast before it's too late.


This ruthless and unmerciful regime is doing this in attempt to silence the cries of innocent civilians and wants to make sure that the world does not hear about the crimes which they are comiting. This the information age and the news of their evil doings will spread throughout the civilized world. They can oppress for now, but they will pay in hefty price later.


The AU, EU and the U.S need to warn Ethiopia urgently. If this persists, tough sunctions must be proposed including cutting off all aid which poor Ethiopia survies. Since they have no other source of income and depend mostly on world donations.



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^You'd be waiting to hear back from the civilized world for a very long time.


Another starvation campaign by Meles regime. Another systematic human atrocity and political oppression in the largest state of that region.

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dont expect any one to do your fights. it starts with u. if u dont do nothing, then do blame others for watching u sufer.


I guess our generation needs to take the blame for being heartless. :(

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