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Article: Somalia at 50: bullets in the south, ballots in the north.

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I think I have proven your statements are not credible. I provide links to back up what I say and even use yours. You want your word to be taken.


Now you are saying that I wrote things that I never did. Well for the record I never said voting didn't took place in Sool and Sanaag, I said no evidence has ever been provided like in the triangle, because I believe that the majority of places did not hold elections or attendence was low. All photographs except some grainy ones from Erigavo, which for some reason are the poorest quality while the triangle is clear. I also said that the international observers were not credible because they either did not go to disputed area's outside of the triangle or they were made up of diaspora members. The international observers were heavily influenced by the NW Somalia diaspora. I even provided you with names of those who were part of the international election observer groups.


All I ever said was that, I do not believe that if long line ups of voters turned up, there would be no video or picture taken, like the triangle. If the line ups were big in the disputed area's, their would be evidence of this. But pics and vids were only shown from the triangle, and you want us to take the word of international observers and their fact sheets for the rest the enclave? ( observers who are made up of and are heavily influenced by NW Somalia Diaspora)


I believe that, if there was substantial voting taken in disputed area's we'd be flooded with pics and vids from it.


But anyways, I am done with proving my point, you can go ahead and produce the poll numbers when the NW Somalia diaspora comes out with it what happened in Sool and Sanaag!


I will give full credit to NW Somalia if they have a change in leadership which is done peacefully!

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^well said Thankful. You raised great points except your use of the term "disputed territory"

Technically a territory is disputed when a recognized government forcefully controls or occupies a territory against the wishes of its inhabitants. This term has been misused and applied to much of Sanaa g region without a reliable evidence to back up the claims.


Why would NATO hold a private crucial meeting with the elders along with governor of Sanaag on our coast? The fact is that NATO acknowledges another authority in the region and thus its hopes that it strikes a good relationship with that admin and authority as to work together and collectively confront an international security challenge are successfully accomplished.

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Originally posted by Thankful:

quote:Originally posted by Oodweyne:

Mr. Thankful,


Here is
Dr. Steve Kibble
and his
organisation, which was
as the official leader of the
"international observer mission"
to the recently concluded Somaliland's presidential election, and what they have to say about your silly argument:



A Press Release From Progressio


The three organisations were invited in January 2009 by Somaliland’s National Electoral Commission (NEC) to act as coordinators of the international observation mission for the election in the internationally-unrecognised republic.


In the event,
59 international observers visited polling stations in all six Somaliland regions
, working alongside a group of 19 observers from the US-based International Republican Institute.



You link shows that Dr. Steve Kibble and his Progressio worked with the 2 other Organisations which are the Development Planning Unit of University College London (UCL) and
Somaliland Focus (UK)
, the latter having a clear mission of promoting the secessionists agenda in Somalia.


As well



In the week since the team assembled in Hargeisa (comprising 59 individuals from 16 countries,
including diaspora Somalilanders
) much work has been done. The teams have met the incumbent president and the two opposition candidates to hear points of view on the progress towards polling day where all three candidates pledged to accept the result of the poll.

Well you fail to mention that, of those international observers that made up Progressio's, UCL and Somaliland Focus (UK) team. Diaspora NW Somalis are also included as international observers. So I wonder, is NW Somalis from European countries, and N.America being counted by the country they came from? Also, are they the international observers that allegedly went ot Sool and Sanaag?



As well the link you provided said that they worked along side a group of 19 observers from the International Republican Institute. (Which we know from your other link that IRI stated they did not have any international observers outside of the 4 cities.)


the event, 59 international observers visited polling stations in all six Somaliland regions, working alongside a group of 19 observers from the US-based International Republican Institute."

The IRI is the only observer group that clearly addresses where their international observers went, where as Progressio does not, they only say that their international observers included Diaspora NW Somalis.


So when you produce the reports from Progressio and the two other organizations that show high turnouts from Sool and Sanaag, remember that their international observers included NW Somalis!


Despite all this, still no photographs or video's from all the regions.
Why dont you call your family in Sanaag and ask them, instead of relying only on international oobservers.


People on the ground dont rely on int oobserver, they are their own observers. They know if there have been any elections and if these elections were reliable and justified.


These int observers are only there for the international community. so stop this bickering on articles written by people from abroad.

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Originally posted by Oodweyne:



You really are beyond belief, do you know that,
dear lad
. In other words, do you know the difference between
? Again, do you know, any wholly and completely Somalilanders-staffed-organisation, even if they are from abroad such as UK, can't be registered as a
"overseas observer mission"
for this sort of election. That means, that an international mission can employ the UK citizens of whatever background, as a
even if they are Somaliland's overseas-based individuals.


Since, they will be under their authority, and they will not be as a free lance employees of these organisations, with their own political agenda, that is separate from the organisation they work for, who are then let loose into the country; whereby at the end of the day those organisations without being conscious of it are willing to be party to whatever their employees produced in that manner in turn.


Unless you want to argue that, those organisations, such as
, are all
in here, particularly, if they so much employ overseas Somalilanders as members of their team. Consequently, if that is not the case in here, then it follows to reason that the
are the ones in whose their credibility and political neutrality will be at stake in here, for whatever final report they signed off to, regardless of who they employ as a members of their team and whatnot.


So, you see,
dear lad
, a wholly Somalilanders-based organisation, even, if it is from abroad such as UK, can't be
as a international observer mission, since, their
may be suspect in the eyes of others.


But, on the other hand, the likes of
, and
as well as
are within their legal right to be thought of as international community mission observers, even, if they employ Somalilanders who are based in UK, during their mission to Somaliland, as a international observers.


And, finally, the peculiar thing is that, you started to argue that the election did not happen in all of six regions of Somaliland. And, when that was proven to be false, you once again started to clutching the straws that says: but the observer mission were from the local ones hired by the international ones.


And, once that was proven to be false yet again, in the sense that all of the international observers were from overseas, even if some of them have employed some Somali members from abroad, as a members of those organisation. You then, again, resort to your last desperate line of defence, by way of alluding and hinting that since some of those members of the overseas observers that came for this election as an international observers are also Somalilanders from abroad, who work for those organisation, then you begin to say:
, there is your
"smoking gun"
, indeed.


In the sense that these international observer missions has been hoodwinked by few of their employees. To the point that you believe that they will release a
that is so riddled with false facts that they are willing to
their whole reputation of
on the account of not
what those who they employ as their members and as a part of their team are saying to them, indeed.


Now, you see how silly your ever so breathtakingly ducking and weaving nonsense in here is,
dear lad


One really does not know whether one should laugh at you, or really pity you in here. Since your whole line of argument is to keep desperately moving the
every time you are caught, yet again, in a red-handed manner with another flimsy line of argument, indeed...


Poor lad, and I thought I was dealing with someone who was at least willing to see the line the separates the reality of what took place there, if it's proven to him so decisively, on one hand; and what he wishes that reality to be otherwise, indeed.


Well, as they say, you learn as you go along in life, indeed. And, hence there is no lost in here, other than a good lesson that one will be well advised to keep in mind. Particularly next time one sees the likes of you running wild with yet another bogus argument in here of
; and how, most crucially of all, one must deal with you at that time, indeed... :cool:




Odayga, adna ha is daalinin. ragan waligoon waxba kuma rumeysaniyaan. toodo ayaa umuqata.

runta yadaa soo bixisa.

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Chief Aaqil, if you are not a masked entertainer or imposter intent on soiling the reputation of reer Maakhir, tell us why a failed project to dismember our country serves best the interests of reer Sanaag?


Btw, where did you get the "sultan of Somaliland" quote? Point us to the sources, if you don't mind?

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Originally posted by Che -Guevara:

Xiin...You need change in strategy and tactics.The current political situation is unsustainable. Plus the
war is lost.

Isn't that what I have been telling him all of yesterday? War Xiin iska dhaaf. He is lost for words and has started to feel happier with the childish and pointless finger wagging of "you are Maddeey" and "you are Oodweyne's monkey", etc.



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^^Adigu haad you should be able to stand on your own two feet, guru iyo waxan aad sheegitiid iska daaf. You have been pro-SL for 1full year now, start running dhee.


Xiin has a lot on his mind, things wey isla qasan yiheen, ha ku diiganini, all this partying is getting him down, so he is lashing out.

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^^ The guru is another term of endearment and is neither here nor there. Do I look to you like someone that can't stand on his feet? Stop insulting me, you 'term of endearment'. :D

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Dhee I am just saying, I can understand when you use to sit on the fence you needed a little push from him, but haada sometimes adgi isaak afar mile ka hooreya baan arka, so uu biix another term of endearment, hehe like Dearest inatheer icon_razz.gif

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^^Dhee wa waxan sheegay, maxaad uu foogeynsa? and you both share your support for the man in the big palace on his way out. icon_razz.gif

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^^ He's not out until he's out. But it does not matter really. The mature way the election went, I really don't mind who finally wins. :D

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